Danae Shell - Remote Work Discrimination and the Urgency of Employer Flexibility

Podcast: #techlondon

In this episode we welcome back Danae Shell, Co-founder and CEO of Valla, as she talks about remote work discrimination and the importance of employer flexibility.

Danae shares an incident where a woman requested flexible working arrangements but her employer denied them, leading to her resignation. The employment tribunal found the employer engaged in indirect sex discrimination, resulting in discrimination and unlawful consequences.

Compensation for past and future losses and injury to feelings may be awarded. The consequences of discrimination can include compensation for past and future losses and an award for injury to feelings.

Danae also touches on the ongoing debate regarding remote work and the push to return to the office. Employers must understand employment law and seek external advice when addressing requests for flexible working or reasonable adjustments, particularly for disabled individuals.

The platform "Valla" helps individuals document workplace issues and guide them through the process of taking action, including raising grievances or going to a tribunal.

Where to reach them:

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/danaeyshell/

Website: https://www.valla.uk/

Join 1000’s London-centred founders, creators, freelancers, and makers in the #techlondon slack channel at https://techlondon.io/

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