57 episodi

From advice on planning the perfect wedding to eating an artichoke correctly, Emily Post offers instruction on how to live a well-mannered life circa 1922. With a sometimes gentle, sometimes sharp wit, she maintains that true ladies and gentlemen are characterized not by wealth but by their behavior toward others. (Summary by Laurie Anne Walden)

Etiquette in Society, in Business, in Politics and at Home by Emily Post (1872 - 1960‪)‬ LibriVox

    • Arte

From advice on planning the perfect wedding to eating an artichoke correctly, Emily Post offers instruction on how to live a well-mannered life circa 1922. With a sometimes gentle, sometimes sharp wit, she maintains that true ladies and gentlemen are characterized not by wealth but by their behavior toward others. (Summary by Laurie Anne Walden)

    Ch. 1: What is Best Society?

    Ch. 1: What is Best Society?

    • 6 min
    Ch. 2: Introductions

    Ch. 2: Introductions

    • 30 min
    Ch. 3: Greetings 10 min

    Ch. 3: Greetings 10 min

    • 7 min
    Ch. 4: Salutations of Courtesy

    Ch. 4: Salutations of Courtesy

    • 10 min
    Ch. 5: On the Street and in Public

    Ch. 5: On the Street and in Public

    • 16 min
    Ch. 6: At Public Gatherings

    Ch. 6: At Public Gatherings

    • 25 min

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