Great Events

Podcast: Great Events

What are the latest industry trends? What are people doing well? What's the next "Big Thing" on the horizon? How can you adapt to new industry rules and regulations? Great events create great brands, but pulling off an event that engages, excited, and connects audiences? Well, that takes a village...and we're that village! Meet your village: Alyssa Peltier, Paulina Giusti, Rachel Andrews, and Felicia Asiedu. They’re part of the team behind Cvent, and your hosts for the Great Events podcast. With each episode, you'll get access to content, tools, and resources to help you grow in your career, leaving you prepared to tackle the next big event that aligns with your company's marketing and events strategy—big or small, whatever they may be.

  1. 1 G FA

    Host Takeover: Balancing Execution, Data Prioritization and Innovation

    Wondering how data is reshaping event strategy and where this industry is headed? This week on #GreatEvents, hosts Alyssa Peltier, Rachel Andrews, and Felicia Asiedu discuss maximizing business impact through effective event management. They explain how to adapt messaging to resonate better with your target audience, streamline support for specific industries, and harness the power of data to drive results. From pulling off senior leadership retreats to the latest buzz on hybrid events and Cvent’s acquisition of Splash, this episode is full of insights that will leave you feeling informed and empowered. In this episode, you’ll learn: How to adapt technology for industry-specific needs: And why tailoring support and solutions to fit the unique needs of different industries makes the technology more impactful for customers.Why internal leadership events drive alignment: Cvent's senior leadership retreats play a key role in driving business strategy, with hybrid events serving as a linchpin for building company-wide alignment.Balancing event execution and data analytics: Event planners are increasingly expected to manage both event execution and data-driven insights, requiring new tools, tech, and approaches to handle the demands.What’s next for Cvent: Cvent recently acquired Splash, which will open new doors for event marketing and bring fresh innovation into Cvent's tech ecosystem. Things to Listen For: (00:00) Introduction to the episode (01:00) Catching up: Rachel, Felicia, and Alyssa on the latest at Cvent (02:00) Recap of Cvent’s senior leadership retreat and the importance of face-to-face events (05:00) Challenges of balancing execution with data analytics in event planning (07:00) Transitioning into data-driven event management: A new skill set for planners (11:00) Cvent’s acquisition of Splash and what it means for event marketing (13:00) Reflecting on Cvent’s evolution into a more specialized, customer-focused company (16:00) Felicia’s excitement about working with Cvent’s team in India (17:00) The importance of prioritization and ROI in event planning for 2025

    18 min
  2. 18 SET

    How Corporate Gifts Can Strengthen Relationships with Tom Romine

    Corporate gifting has evolved from simple tokens of appreciation to a powerful way of building lasting relationships and enhancing the attendee experience. In this episode, Alyssa Peltier sits down with Tom Romine, Founder and President of Cultivate, to explore how thoughtful and personalized gifts can leave a lasting impression at your events.  They dive into the power of offering choice in gifts, the growing trend of personalization, and how small touches can create big moments of connection. Tom also explains how to balance meaningful gifts with sustainability, ensuring the chosen items are appreciated and used long after the event. Tom’s insights reveal how thoughtful gifts, combined with personalization and sustainability, can turn a simple gesture into a memorable moment that strengthens your event’s impact. In this episode, you’ll learn: How gifting with choice can create a lasting impact: Allowing attendees to select their own gifts adds a personal touch that strengthens their connection to your event. When people choose something they genuinely want or need, it leaves a more meaningful and memorable impression.How personalization is the next evolution in event gifting: It’s not just about offering choices—adding personalized touches like custom initials or designs makes gifts even more special. Personalization helps attendees feel appreciated on a deeper level, enhancing their overall experience.How sustainability can drive thoughtful gifting: Gifting isn't just about eco-friendly materials; it’s about providing high-quality, practical items that won’t be discarded. By focusing on gifts attendees will use and cherish long after the event, you reduce waste while reinforcing your brand’s value. Things to listen for: (00:00) An introduction to the episode with guest Tom Romine (01:54) Tom’s background and Cultivate’s mission in corporate gifting (03:03) Navigating the pandemic and the shift to online gifting (04:51) Gifting trends for 2024 and 2025 (06:34) The power of choice and personalization in corporate gifting (10:00) Practical examples of personalization at events (12:48) The role of utility and longevity in corporate gifting (16:29) Sustainability in gifting and reducing waste (19:59) Looking forward: New gifting ideas for 2025

    24 min
  3. 11 SET

    The Intersection of Video, AI, and Creative Innovation in Events with Steven Cotroneo and Mark Maguire

    The power of video content in event success is undeniable, yet crafting the perfect visual experience requires more than just creativity. In this episode, Alyssa Peltier sits down with Steve Cotroneo and Mark Maguire from SAC Designs to explore how thoughtful video production, innovative design, and strategic use of AI can elevate your events. They discuss the importance of short-form videos that captivate attention, the art of typography and animation, and the role of AI as a creative tool—not a replacement. Beyond the technical aspects, this episode highlights the value of collaboration between event planners and creative partners, emphasizing how clear communication and shared vision can lead to truly memorable event experiences. In this episode, you’ll learn: How short-form videos can capture and maintain audience attention: By focusing on brief, impactful content, you can quickly engage your audience and keep them interested, making your event marketing more effective in today’s digital landscape.Why AI should complement, not replace, your creative process: AI can be a valuable tool for generating ideas and streamlining production, but it’s your creative vision that brings event content to life. How high-energy visuals can reinforce your brand identity: Typography, animation, and dynamic design elements aren’t just for show—they help create a memorable experience that aligns with your brand and leaves a lasting impression on your audience. Things to listen for: (00:00) An introduction to the episode with guests Steve Cotroneo and Mark Maguire (01:56) How Steve Cotroneo got started in video production (04:19) The evolution of video and design over the past 25 years (06:35) The role of AI in creative production (07:57) Tackling short attention spans with engaging video content (10:48) The power of video in marketing and events (13:57) Innovations in video for the biotech and life sciences industries (16:48) Creating high-energy videos for events (19:22) Expanding brand identity through creative video

    25 min
  4. 4 SET

    Maximizing Event Experiences & Activations Through Strategic Event Builds with Matt Kalb

    The role of contractors in event success is often overlooked, yet their impact is immense. In this episode, Rachel Andrews sits down with Matt Kalb, VP of Client Experience at T3 Expo, to discuss how a strong partnership with your vendors, clear communication, and thoughtful activations can take your events to the next level.  They discuss creating impactful, shareable moments that engage attendees and boost your event’s ROI. Matt also shares insights on aligning activations with your brand’s values and measuring success beyond just numbers. Beyond logistics, this episode highlights the importance of transparency and collaboration across teams, ensuring everyone—from sales to event planners to contractors—is working towards the same goal. Matt’s insights reveal how a well-coordinated team and thoughtful activations can lead to more engaging, memorable, and successful events. In this episode, you’ll learn: How effective collaboration with general service contractors can elevate your event: By working closely with contractors and treating them as extensions of your team, you can streamline event operations and create a seamless experience for attendees.Why thoughtful activations are key to attendee engagement: Activations aren’t just about flashy gimmicks; they’re about creating meaningful, shareable moments that resonate with your audience and drive deeper engagement.How transparency and clear communication lead to better event outcomes: When you’re open about budgets and goals with your vendors and partners, you enable more effective planning, reduce surprises, and ensure everyone is aligned on delivering a successful event. Things to listen for: (00:00) An introduction to the episode with guest Matt Kalb  (04:55) Introduction to general service contractors (07:11) Defining and executing activations (12:02) Measuring the success of activations (13:18) Transition to sponsorship strategies (17:35) Balancing attendee experience and sponsorships (18:47) Addressing sustainability in events (26:13) The importance of budget transparency (31:50) Final advice and industry insights

    37 min
  5. 28 AGO

    Proven Techniques for Safer Events with Venus Piñeyro and Raf de Kimpe

    The importance of safety, diversity, and inclusion in events is undeniable.  And in this episode, we’re discussing what creates safe and inclusive environments for all attendees. In this episode, Felicia Asiedu sits down with Raf de Kimpe, CEO of Fintech Week London, and Venus Piñeyro, CEO of the Inclusion Plus Institute, to see how data can do more than just measure outcomes—it can shape them.  Raf and Venus share their firsthand experiences and provide tips on how to create and enforce a clear code of conduct—one that sets the tone from the get-go and reminds everyone about the importance of respectful behavior. Beyond safety measures, this episode touches on the significance of promoting diverse representation, not just in the audience but throughout your team and among your speakers. Raf emphasizes the untapped potential of diversity, urging organizers to create environments where everyone feels valued and included. Raf and Venus's insights reveal how fostering such environments can lead to higher engagement, deeper connections, and, ultimately, more successful events. In this episode, you’ll learn: How diversity enhances event planning. By focusing on diversity, you unlock untapped potential, creating a richer and more engaging experience for all attendees.Why creating a safe environment is crucial for engagement and learning. When attendees feel safe, they are more likely to engage and learn. For event organizers, setting up these safeguards is both a moral duty and a practical strategy to enhance participation and satisfaction.How proactive measures lead to long-term positive outcomes. You create an atmosphere of mutual respect by openly declaring your commitment to safety and educating attendees and staff. This approach not only shields your event from potential issues but also positions your brand as a forward-looking leader in event safety and inclusivity. Things to listen for: (00:00) An introduction to the episode with guests Raf de Kimpe and Venus Piñeyro  (04:25) Creating safe space through clear conduct and reporting mechanisms (08:57) How an inclusive code of conduct fosters safer environments (10:47) Generational attitudes changing and expectations for inclusivity increasing (16:24) How to respond appropriately to reports of harassment or discomfort (19:58) Why different generations have varied responses to safety (24:28) How diversity is valuable for successful event planning (25:34) Authenticity and passion make tasks easier

    28 min
  6. 21 AGO

    Learning From Your Digital Analytics Team with Jared Ruppert

    We’ve all been there: planning an event down to the smallest detail, confident that everything is on track, only to realize we’re missing a clear picture of the data driving our success. In this episode, Alyssa Peltier sits down with Jared Ruppert, Director of Digital Analytics and Optimization at Cvent, to uncover how data can do more than just measure outcomes—it can shape them.  Jared shares his journey from creative design to becoming a data expert, offering insights on how event planners can use data to not only track their progress but to truly understand what’s working.  It’s about more than just numbers on a page; it’s about using those numbers to tell a story that resonates with your team and stakeholders. And it’s not just about analytics. Jared also dives into how to break down silos and foster collaboration between teams, ensuring that everyone is on the same page and working towards the same goals. In this episode, you’ll learn: How data isn’t just for tracking performance; it’s a powerful tool for telling a story that resonates with stakeholders. By visualizing key metrics, you can clearly communicate the impact of your events and secure buy-in for future initiatives.How cross-team collaboration is essential for successful event planning. By understanding the goals and data from other departments, you can create a more cohesive strategy that aligns with your broader organizational objectives.Not all data points are created equal. You must identify the metrics that directly contribute to your event’s success, such as registration rates or attendee engagement, and prioritize them in your analysis and reporting. Things to listen for: (00:00) An introduction to the episode with guest Jared Ruppert (02:45) The evolution of data in event planning (03:47) Regular data meetings and stakeholder engagement (04:20) Cross-team collaboration and data enrichment (05:21) The structure of Cvent’s marketing organization (06:24) How to support event goals with data (07:31) The importance of ROE and stakeholder communication (08:23) The impact of data visualization (09:55) Taking a consultative approach in data analytics (10:12) How to prioritize key metrics (11:58) How to connect event data to broader marketing strategies (13:19) Cross-channel comparisons and final thoughts

    17 min
  7. 14 AGO

    Non-Alcoholic Options for an Inclusive Event Experience with Marcos Salazar

    We’ve all been there: planning the perfect event, ensuring every detail aligns seamlessly, yet somehow overlooking the simple yet impactful aspect of inclusivity in our beverage selection. This detail shouldn’t be an afterthought, rather an integral part of your event design. In this episode, Rachel Andrews sits down with Marcos Salazar, CEO of the Adult Non-Alcoholic Beverage Association (ANBA), to discuss the importance of providing non-alcoholic options at events. Marcos shares his journey and offers practical insights for incorporating these options to create a more inclusive experience for all attendees. And it’s not just about mocktails.   Marcos also taps into the wider cultural impact of the sober-curious movement and how event planners can cater to this growing demographic while enhancing their overall event experience. In this episode, you’ll learn: The Growing Demand for Inclusivity in Event Planning: Marcos highlights how including a variety of adult non-alcoholic beverages at events can ensure that attendees who prefer not to drink alcohol feel welcomed and valued. Creating an Engaging Experience Beyond Alcohol: Effective event design now requires creating experiences that don't solely revolve around alcoholic beverages. This episode highlights actionable strategies such as labeling non-alcoholic options clearly, incorporating them into all stages of event planning, and even having dedicated bars for non-alcoholic drinks.Leveraging Non-Alcoholic Options for Better Networking Opportunities: Networking is a key objective for many events, and alcohol shouldn't be the only facilitator. Professionals appreciate having choices, leading to more genuine interactions without the pressure of alcohol.  Things to listen for: [00:00] An introduction to the episode with guest, Marcos Salazar [03:09] Organized events with inclusive experiences and options [08:52] Including mocktails in menus to cater to everyone's needs [14:04] Reframing events to welcome non-alcoholic attendees [16:26] Event design: inclusive, non-alcoholic options, clear labeling [19:41] Unique products available for purchase online

    24 min
  8. 7 AGO

    Cracking the Code on Smart Web Design with Dara Burg and Andres Perez

    Web design = user experience. And who doesn’t want a seamless user experience? Joining us this week are Andres Perez, Senior UX Web Designer at Cvent, and Dara Burg, Assistant team Lead of Events Marketing at Cvent. Both Andres and Dara are here to tackle a questions many are juggling: How can we make our websites more accessible and effective for all users? The episode explores elements like inclusive language, attendee-focused research, and the importance of iteration in UX design. Dara and Andres also talk strategy, striking a balance between aesthetics and functionality, and how to foster collaboration between designers and content creators. They even delve into stakeholder management, offering practical tips on presenting ideas and maintaining a positive team dynamic. So, what’s the secret sauce to a successful event website? Dive into this episode to find out. In this episode, you’ll learn: The importance of iteration in web design, stating that there's always a way to improve upon what's been done before. This mindset of continuous improvement is crucial for creating better user experiences and achieving long-term success.Why you should design with accessibility in mind from the start, as it not only benefits users with disabilities but also enhances the overall user experience for everyone. This includes considerations like color contrast, clear typography, and descriptive CTAs.How Dara and Andres manage stakeholder expectations, use data to justify design decisions, and maintain open communication to ensure everyone is on the same page. This collaborative approach helps in creating a cohesive and effective website strategy. Jump into the conversation:  00:00 Introduction to the episode with guests Dara Burg and Andres Perez 04:44 How website strategy focuses on user expectations and efficiency 11:15 Understanding accessibility improves website user experiences for all 15:15 Designing a website for a multilingual audience requires collaboration 23:10 The importance of positive mindset assumption when working with others 25:14 Start with the user base, then add UX 27:47 How creating website video banners without coding is possible

    32 min


What are the latest industry trends? What are people doing well? What's the next "Big Thing" on the horizon? How can you adapt to new industry rules and regulations? Great events create great brands, but pulling off an event that engages, excited, and connects audiences? Well, that takes a village...and we're that village! Meet your village: Alyssa Peltier, Paulina Giusti, Rachel Andrews, and Felicia Asiedu. They’re part of the team behind Cvent, and your hosts for the Great Events podcast. With each episode, you'll get access to content, tools, and resources to help you grow in your career, leaving you prepared to tackle the next big event that aligns with your company's marketing and events strategy—big or small, whatever they may be.

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