Mortgage Servicing with Valon CEO, Andrew Wang

Podcast: Perfectly Boring

In this episode, we cover:

  • 00:00:00 - Reflections on the Episode
  • 00:03:15 - What is Mortgage Servicing
  • 00:13:20 - Impact of the Great Financial Crisis 
  • 00:18:40 - Andrew’s Background
  • 00:24:10 - Valon’s Technological Innovations 
  • 00:31:06 - Relationship with the Consumer 
  • 00:36:00 - Regulations and Regulators 
  • 00:40:40 - Valon’s Future/Outro


  • Website: Valon


Jason: Welcome to the Perfectly Boring podcast. Today we have Andrew Wang, CEO of Valon, on the show, and today we’re taking on the topic of mortgage servicing. So quickly, what is mortgage servicing?

Well, a mortgage is obviously a loan for a home. And mortgage servicing is the institutions that actually take care of paying off that loan over the 10-, 20-, 30-year timeline. So, that digital interface where you pay your bill, et cetera, that is not always your originating bank. And Andrew is building a fascinating business in this space. We learned a lot about the mortgage, the evolution of the mortgage servicing space over time, the impact of the great financial crisis, and the interesting approach Valon is taken, not only just with technology, but changing the relationship with the end customer. So, what were some of the interesting touch points that we got during the conversation, Will?

Will: It was a really wild discussion because I started with a fairly preliminary understanding of what mortgage servicing was. And in part of the wind up that listeners are going to get an opportunity to hear, Andrew really gives us a perspective as to how critical mortgage servicing is to the underlying health of the US, and therefore global, economy, and how much of an afterthought mortgage servicing has historically been, and why that should not necessarily be the case, and why now is the, sort of, unique moment in time to be able to use advanced technology and a reorganization of the overall stack for mortgage servicing to bring a better product to market for both consumers, for originators, for investors, and for regulators. And so, I mean, really badass discussion, really cool company, a space most people never think about, definitely a boring space, but with a just immense amount of value to be created.

Jason: Yeah, and hopefully our listeners go through kind of the same increase in excitement that I had during the conversation, which is you kind of over time just realize this entire industry of mortgage servicing, not only is it critical, but how much they’re missing the actual point which is, if you really just focus on the homeowner and creating a great experience for them, this is a huge relationship, it’s a multi-decade relationship, and there’s probably not just one product you can offer them. But they’re stuck in the staid and stodgy technology of yore, and haven’t been able to move as quickly and break through to open that aperture and open that relationship with their customer. So, before we get too deep into the weeds, let’s just jump into the interview. Here’s Andrew.

Will: Andrew Wang, founder and CEO of Valon, thank you for being on the podcast with us today to talk about the very boring, very large industry of mortgage servicing. For the benefit of our listeners, it would be good to start at a really high level and give people kind of a baseline for what mortgage servicing is, and maybe a little just on the history of the mortgage servicing industry, you know, before we dive in a little bit on the specifics of your background and Valon.

Andrew: So, mortgage servicing is a sort of pervasive thing that exists throughout the mortgage ecosystem and in the lives of most American homeowners, but it is also just not very well understood in terms of the dynamics

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