Orange Coast College prof Trump's election an 'act

Podcast: Orange Coast College prof Trump's election an 'act

Orange Coast College prof Trump's election an 'act of terrorism' audio English A couple of months ago, a student at Orange Coast College in Costa Mesa, California, took the following video of Olga Pere Stable-Cox, his human sexuality professor, pontificating about the 2016 election. The delightfully named Stable-Cox called the election an “act of terrorism,” labelled Mike Pence an “anti-gay human” and lamented that any American could vote for Donald Trump. If you were wondering if there would be any repercussions for this, don’t worry. The guilty party is being punished. Peter Van Voorhis, Campus Reform: The student who filmed his professor calling Donald Trump’s election “an act of terrorism” has received a one-semester suspension from Orange Coast College (OCC). The previously anonymous student, Caleb O’Neil, has also received a number of other sanctions for recording his professor, Olga Pere Stable-Cox, including a mandatory meeting with the Dean of Students before he is readmitted, as well as remaining on disciplinary probation for one semester upon return from suspension… If O’Neil, who is not a member of the OCC College Republicans, fails to satisfy any of the requirements laid out by OCC, he could be expelled from the Coast Community College District for good. All because he recorded his leftist professor saying crazy things about the election. OCC isn’t mad that she said it. They’re mad that now everybody knows about it.


  1. 16/02/2017

    Orange Coast College prof Trump's election an 'act of terrorism'

    Orange Coast College prof Trump's election an 'act of terrorism' audio English A couple of months ago, a student at Orange Coast College in Costa Mesa, California, took the following video of Olga Pere Stable-Cox, his human sexuality professor, pontificating about the 2016 election. The delightfully named Stable-Cox called the election an “act of terrorism,” labelled Mike Pence an “anti-gay human” and lamented that any American could vote for Donald Trump. If you were wondering if there would be any repercussions for this, don’t worry. The guilty party is being punished. Peter Van Voorhis, Campus Reform: The student who filmed his professor calling Donald Trump’s election “an act of terrorism” has received a one-semester suspension from Orange Coast College (OCC). The previously anonymous student, Caleb O’Neil, has also received a number of other sanctions for recording his professor, Olga Pere Stable-Cox, including a mandatory meeting with the Dean of Students before he is readmitted, as well as remaining on disciplinary probation for one semester upon return from suspension… If O’Neil, who is not a member of the OCC College Republicans, fails to satisfy any of the requirements laid out by OCC, he could be expelled from the Coast Community College District for good. All because he recorded his leftist professor saying crazy things about the election. OCC isn’t mad that she said it. They’re mad that now everybody knows about it.

    2 min


Orange Coast College prof Trump's election an 'act of terrorism' audio English A couple of months ago, a student at Orange Coast College in Costa Mesa, California, took the following video of Olga Pere Stable-Cox, his human sexuality professor, pontificating about the 2016 election. The delightfully named Stable-Cox called the election an “act of terrorism,” labelled Mike Pence an “anti-gay human” and lamented that any American could vote for Donald Trump. If you were wondering if there would be any repercussions for this, don’t worry. The guilty party is being punished. Peter Van Voorhis, Campus Reform: The student who filmed his professor calling Donald Trump’s election “an act of terrorism” has received a one-semester suspension from Orange Coast College (OCC). The previously anonymous student, Caleb O’Neil, has also received a number of other sanctions for recording his professor, Olga Pere Stable-Cox, including a mandatory meeting with the Dean of Students before he is readmitted, as well as remaining on disciplinary probation for one semester upon return from suspension… If O’Neil, who is not a member of the OCC College Republicans, fails to satisfy any of the requirements laid out by OCC, he could be expelled from the Coast Community College District for good. All because he recorded his leftist professor saying crazy things about the election. OCC isn’t mad that she said it. They’re mad that now everybody knows about it.

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