Rethinking Learning Podcast

Barbara Bray
Podcast: Rethinking Learning Podcast

Join Barbara Bray in her conversations with inspirational educators, thought leaders, and change agents to define their WHY and reflect on how they learned from their experiences and challenges. Each conversation is complemented with a post on her site that includes images, videos, links, and more that illustrate the stories of their lives. Join Barbara and her special guests as they share their personal journeys that will inspire you, touch your heart, and might even touch your heart.

  1. 5 SET

    Episode #163: The Blueprint for EMPATHY to IMPACT with Aaron Moniz

    Aaron Moniz is the co-founder, director, and lead facilitator of Inspire Citizens which started in 2018. Aaron grew up in a small town in Canada and then moved to Abu Dhabi and experienced diversity and interculturalism first-hand. He focuses on social issues, human rights, anti-racism and anti-homophobia, environmentalism, animal rights, etc. through Punk. What is Your WHY NOW  My WHY is to make sure that as many students and families around the world get to engage with global issues, develop empathy for people and the planet, and use their learning to be able to take action, at any time.  My WHY is to inspire as many people as possible to believe that taking action to make a difference is always an option and that our collective agency can help shape the world.   I do this by dedicating myself to global citizenship education and by working with students, educators, school leaders, school stakeholders, and community partners around the globe to build systems based on sustainable development and global citizenship education.   EMPATHY to IMPACT: Understanding and enacting this process has the power to positively influence everything.  Share about Your Education and How You Became a Teacher I started in a very different place than I ended up. My academic and professional career began with a desire to do good and influence the world positively through politics. I quickly learned that Political Science was not the right field, but I fell in love with Psychology. I completed my Bachelor of Science in Psychology specializing in Buddhism and Psychology and Minors in Political Science and English Literature. I was enthralled by mindfulness-based cognitive therapy, Buddhism and psychoanalysis, and all the wisdom around using the mind to heal the mind. I felt compelled to investigate how creating the right conditions might help people reach their full potential and make wise decisions so the world is a better place. This whole experience taught me that at 20 years old, I was not ready to go into clinical psychology. The best way for me to help minds reach their full potential while also being an advocate for inclusion was to go into psychology and education. So my journey began as an intern in a special education department of an international school in Casablanca, Morocco. Within the first week of my experience, a teacher had to leave, I was asked to step in and support an 8th-grade math class and that was it. I was hooked on the beauty of education, and the puzzle of helping students to reach their full potential.   After this, I decided to do 3 more concurrent degrees in education while teaching full-time. I was able to complete my B.Ed and M.Ed with The College of New Jersey. After being promoted to the head of learning support, EAL, Remedial Reading, and Talented and Gifted, I sought further professional certification in Special Education virtually at the University of Victoria during the year and summers.   Developing Inclusive Education and Experiential Learning While developing my skillset in inclusive education, I started getting more involved in experiential learning, service learning with Berber populations in the High Atlas Mountains, and partnering with local NGOs like Corps Africa to link community development projects to Talented and Gifted projects,

    48 min
  2. 9 AGO

    Reflection #19: Power of Gratitude with the Barbaras

    This is the Barbaras’ show with Barbara Gruener and Barbara Bray (me) on my virtual porch. We were excited to talk about “Gratitude” which is close to our hearts. We wanted to discuss why it is important to have gratitude as a daily habit.   We shared our walk-up songs. My walk-up song is “Rise” by Andra Day. Barbara G’s walk-up song is “Up Up Up” by Rose Falcon. We were surprised that both of our songs had similar themes. You can hear excerpts of both songs in the reflection that goes with this post.  I get up every morning and write a gratitude note. I feel grateful as I walk with my coffee in my garden enjoying the birds, flowers, bees, and everything.  Barbara G. shared that everything today is a gift, yesterday is a gift, and tomorrow (if we’re lucky) will be a gift. She feels that Gratitude has so much POWER and shared a prescripted gratitude journal “A Gratitude with Attitude” with props, prompts, and much more. Two questions/prompts include: What was today’s victory?  Key people who I’m grateful for. I talked about my gratitude jar where I write something on a slip of paper I’m grateful for. Writing a gratitude note shows me how lucky I am to be here and to have this person or that person in my life. At the end of each week, I reach inside the jar full of notes and read one of the gratitudes out loud.  Barbara G. talked about how writing gratitude in a journal or on paper is like therapy or medicine. You can’t have negative thoughts if you say you are grateful every day. It’s that feeling of being lucky to be alive.  Liz Murray from Homeless to Harvard said, “Gratitude is imagining what you do have could just easily be what you don’t have.” Her message was so powerful. She gave a speech one year before school that started with “Imagining what you do have could just be easily gone.”  Oprah Winfrey had a similar quote. “Be thankful for what you have and you will end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never have enough.” It’s all about our beliefs. If you believe you can be the person you want to be, you can become that person. Some people say it is an “Attitude of Gratitude” but it is more than that. It is the ABUNDANCE mindset. This does have an attitude component but this mindset needs to be a lifestyle, a way of life.  When we’re older, we may focus on our health issues and how bad we’re feeling. I understand it’s difficult to think of anything else when we’re not feeling well. However, it can take over our minds and that’s all we think about. If we focus on how lucky we are to be here, we put more energy into that ABUNDANCE mindset. I have health issues but having this mindset has impacted me. I feel great and grateful every day. I was fortunate to coach Miriam Winokur as she wrote her memoir. Miriam is my friend, Ilene Winokur’s mom. She had an amazing life and lived 99 years. In fact, from age 86 to 92 she was a competitive ballroom dancer. Miriam taught me about LIFE and that we only have one life.  Why not be grateful and live life to the fullest every day? ~ Miriam Winokur Barbara G. did the research for a gratitude talk she was going to give. One of the suggestions was from Huston Kraft: “Specificity leads to Significance or Relevance.

    31 min
  3. 21 GIU

    Episode #162: Empowering Educators and Championing Student-Centered Classrooms

    Dr. Kaylah Holland is passionate about empowering educators through professional development, one-on-one coaching, and innovative lesson design. She holds a Doctorate of Education in Instructional Design and Technology with extensive research in active learning environments. Driven by a passion for a student’s potential that cannot be confined, Kaylah works to restore justice and shares her accidental journey as an educator, author, and advocate for justice-involved youth. Kaylah shares the importance of books over bars, education over incarceration, and her book, Putting Out Fires.  Your WHY I foster active learning environments for ALL students to succeed in school and life while empowering educators to make a huge impact in classrooms around the world. Students need to receive a high-quality education. Education matters and can change someone’s life.  Background in Education I am a Google Certified Innovator, Trainer, and Coach, a college professor, and an ISTE Community Leader. I am a part-time adjunct professor for a couple of universities in the United States. She works to educate and empower teachers beginning their careers in their Master’s degree programs. I was presented the “20 to Watch” award by ISTE in 2022 and was recognized by EdTech K-12 Magazine as a top 30 influencer in 2023. I was selected as a featured voice at the ISTE Live 2024 conference.  Accidental Journey In 2016, I received my Doctorate of Education in Instructional Design and Technology with extensive research in active learning environments. This is what I worked hard for, but I had no job. That’s when I lived as an ex-pat full-time in Haiti. There was lots of problem-solving. I fell in love with the people, the place, and the culture. When the pandemic happened in 2020, I had to leave. Be a voice, not an echo. ~Albert Einstein   BreakFree Education As the Director of Instructional Technology and Blended Learning for BreakFree Education, I empower educators to foster innovative, sustainable, and active educational experiences inside juvenile justice facilities across the United States offering students held in confinement a path to success in school and life. As an ISTE Community Leader, I work to empower educators around the globe. I am directly involved in managing the For Coaches, By Coaches monthly meetups and am part of the Global Group. I amplify the voices of educators across the globe through the Featured Educator program. I was a pivotal part of the organizing team to create the Global Impact Virtual Conference hosted by ISTE Community Leaders in April 2024. The virtual conference included 13 live sessions and 50 pre-recorded sessions representing 25 countries.  Your Book, “Putting Out Fires” I published Putting Out Fires: A Framework for Solving Problems in Your Classroom and School in June 2024. This book will help educators solve problems using the author’s “Putting Out Fires Framework,

    52 min
  4. 23 MAG

    Episode #161: Being a Part of Better with Dr. Amy Mathews-Perez

    Dr. Amy Mathews-Perez is the Director of Special Programs in a public school in Texas. She coordinates multiple programs: Special Education, 504, Homeless, Foster Care, MTSS, and Dyslexia. Amy has a great sense of humor and loads of experience, strategies, tips, and stories to share especially about being a part of BETTER.  Your WHY  My WHY is relevant contributions and meaningful experiences that empower others to see and be the progress it takes to be a part of BETTER. I believe when (not if) we get past egos, attitudes, and comfortable perspectives, we can make choices and decisions that serve the biggest purpose: student progress. I refuse to give up on the power and value of effective communication; I refuse to give up on the impact and ability of educators and families as authentic collaborators who share the priority of a child. Background I started teaching Speech, Theatre, and Physical Education at a Junior high school (grades 6, 7 & 8) and went to graduate school at night and in the summers. I graduated with my Master’s in Speech Pathology and Audiology from Baylor University. I moved to South Texas where I worked at a county Juvenile Justice Alternative Education Program (JJAEP) as the Education Coordinator before returning to my passion of serving public education, this time as an SLP in a local school district.  I then continued to work as an SLP, then Lead SLP, and then a Special Education Specialist (Supervisor). It was amazing to work and serve in the district that educated me from first grade to high school graduation. I served as Principal at a Professional Development magnet campus for fine arts for 5 years. It was a blast!!!!  The picture below is of 5th graders on the USS Lexington ship in Corpus Christi, TX during one of our overnight field trips when I was their Principal. Making Education Special for All (M.E.S.A)  M.E.S.A. means everyone is involved in either the processes of special education, 504, or any area of education. The emotions that bubble to the top when you think of something or someone special are what I want to transform public education into. Not all ooey-gooey goodness, but a sense of satisfaction, meaning, and purpose. I’ll focus on special education because that is the easiest example, but know that I believe this can be the case for all arenas of special education – for all stakeholders.  My SPED example is this: “SPED” can evoke a sense of “extra” – extra work, time, energy, effort, paperwork, meetings, etc – all of which are true. HOWEVER –  I am willing to go out on a limb and say that we all like to be treated special….I’ll even go so far as to say that we all expect to be treated special to some degree.  Does anyone ever need a deadline extended?  Does anyone have reminders/alarms on their phone?  Does anyone ask a friend to remind you to do something or ask them to go somewhere with you or even for you?  Does anyone make notes in the margin of our books or use Post-it notes?  We tend to expect these things as adults, yet we can agonize about providing these things to students who have disabilities; just a point of reflection.

    51 min
  5. 16 MAG

    Episode #160: Shaping the Future of Education Technology and Leadership with Jennifer Womble

    Jennifer Womble has been nationally recognized in educational technology for over 30 years of leadership as an NBCT teacher, technology integration specialist, technology trainer, grant writer, and district and state professional development leader. Jennifer believes in the value of education and leadership in today’s technological world. Her vision for transforming education includes creating high-quality professional development for education in the technology space. Jennifer is the Conference Chair for the Future of Education Technology Conference and leads the FETC community year-round with informative webinars and FETC newsletters to continuously acknowledge and highlight emerging technologies and best practices for teaching and learning. Whether teaching, advocating for education, volunteering or leading, @JenWomble spreads her energetic spirit and inspires others to invest in our future—our children! Your WHY I believe that we have the power to shape the future through teaching the children of today. It is our responsibility to nurture and encourage children to be curious, innovative, creative, playful  and collaborative to build productive and inclusive environments. Public education is the economic engine that propels our nation forward on a mission toward fostering success and happiness for all citizens in the digital age. I am driven to ensure every child and teacher gets the resources needed to support effective teaching and learning infused with technology to be engaging and student-centered. I love to learn and build partnerships that impact students! As a continuous lifelong learner, I am always trying to learn more about pedagogy, brain science, technology, and the human capacity to embrace new skills and knowledge to improve life for all. Background (What it was like for you as a student) I was lucky to attend the Developmental Research School (FSU DRS), a K12 lab school at Florida State University, and learn to value the role of research in improving learning. Educators were an integral part of my life growing up as teachers, encouragers, coaches, and role models. My mother was a teacher, coach, and guidance counselor. My father was one of the first to build statewide computer networks and systems for the State of Florida and private enterprise. We lived in a passive solar home and spent summers exploring the national parks.  I dream that every student would have the type of education and upbringing that I encountered. I was encouraged to think outside the box, design with my hands and heart, and participate in meaningful extracurricular activities that build character and serve others. I earned a Bachelor of Science, in Criminology and a Bachelor of Science in Interdisciplinary Social Science (Economics and Political Science) from Florida State University and a Master of Science, in Criminology, from Florida State University with the intent of attending law school to practice environmental law. However, a stint as a substitute teacher, grew into a new career path and I spent 8 years in an inner-city school and 10 years in a suburban high school teaching gifted World History and AP Psychology. As a non-college of education graduate, I had to take every professional development course offered and fell in love with adult learning and andra...

    41 min
  6. 30 APR

    Episode #159: Nurturing Social-Emotional Learning for a Brighter Future with Cara Zelas

    Cara Zelas is an early childhood educator, social and emotional learning expert, and curriculum creator. Cara founded Big World of Little Dude, an educational platform that focuses on teaching social and emotional skills to children aged 3-6 through a captivating book series and comprehensive “humanKIND Curriculum.” Through dog therapy and the focus on embracing kindness, Cara’s goal is for children to thrive and have a brighter future.  Your WHY My WHY is to empower children with the essential social and emotional skills they need to thrive in today’s world. Background With a Bachelor of Media and Bachelor of Education degrees from Macquarie University, along with an Early Childhood Montessori (AMS) teaching certification from West Side Montessori School, I bring a strong educational foundation to my work. After relocating from Sydney, Australia to New York City, I actively engaged with The Good Dog Foundation. Together with my dog, Little Dude, we underwent training to become a therapy team, visiting hospitals and schools across the city.  The Good Dog Foundation The Good Dog Foundation harnesses the dog-human bond to ease human suffering and support learning with Animal Assisted Intervention.  The oldest love affair on Earth has been going on for 30,000 years. It’s the bond between dogs and humans. Big World of Little Dude was born out of a transformative experience I had while volunteering with Little Dude, my therapy dog, through The Good Dog Foundation. During this time, I discovered the incredible power of kindness – that even small acts of kindness can have a profound impact on others. Inspired by this realization, I started bringing Little Dude into an early childhood classroom to teach children about the importance of kindness. This experience sparked a deep interest in social and emotional learning for young children, leading me on a journey of research and exploration. Big World of Little Dude At Big World of Little Dude, we are driven by the belief that nurturing the social and emotional well-being of children is paramount to building a brighter future. We have created this platform to make social-emotional learning accessible to every child and family, as a guiding light for parents and teachers alike. Together, let’s forge a path where every child thrives, learns, and flourishes, equipped with the indispensable skills of resilience, empathy, and limitless potential. Our mission is to spread kindness and provide support to those in need. This experience of fostering kindness within my community inspired me to teach this invaluable concept to young children. “humanKIND” Curriculum I created engaging and free activities suitable for the classroom, homeschooling, or even the kitchen table. These hands-on and enjoyable activities are designed for children aged three to six, offering a play-based approach to foster social and emotional growth. Start exploring these sample lessons today and embark on a journey of learning, connection, and fun with your little ones at home or in the classroom.

  7. 24 APR

    Episode #158: Empowering Students through Financial Literacy with Brian Curcio

    Brian Curcio is the visionary behind Rapunzl, an EdTech game-changer reshaping financial education. Brian’s inspiring journey, from launching Rapunzl in a college dorm room to securing a 3 million dollar investment from the owner of the Los Angeles Dodgers, exemplifies his unwavering dedication to empowering students through financial literacy. Your Why I believe that students from underserved communities face an opportunity gap. With Rapunzl, we aim to fix that with educational content accessible to anyone. By ensuring that all of our programming remains permissionless, we can provide every student with equitable access to high-quality financial literacy materials that foster independent learning and outstanding student outcomes. Your Background I was raised in Chicago by two investment bankers who emphasized the importance of community and financial literacy at an early age. Throughout high school, I volunteered at a school for at-risk youth, tutoring students and gaining firsthand experience with the institutional and systemic barriers facing students from underserved communities. I began interning in finance in 2011, my junior year of high school, and it transformed my world. I was hooked. When I arrived at Amherst College in 2013, it was shocking to learn more about the disparity between what was being taught about finance in school and what I had learned at home and through various internships. A fire had been lit: how could we make a high-quality financial education program equitable, sustainable, and accessible for all students? I reconnected with my long-time high school friend, Myles Gage, and Rapunzl was born in my senior year. What Is Rapunzl?  Rapunzl is a gamified education platform transforming how we teach kids about money. Rapunzl allows any school to implement a robust, standards-aligned financial education program. Students simulate real-time portfolios, access an integrated curriculum, and compete in a national scholarship competition. Rapunzl, recognized as a 2022 Yass Prize Finalist, has already impacted 100,000 high school students nationwide and distributed over $300,000 in scholarships. This past year, my partner and I were recognized by Forbes 30 Under 30 and we’re rapidly growing to more schools. The name Rapunzl, is an analogy borne from the reality that many people view the world of investing and the returns of Wall Street as something inaccessible. That’s where Rapunzl comes in: rolling down the hair and providing equitable access to financial markets and scholarship opportunities. Your Ah Hah Moment! When we launched Rapunzl, we spent a month driving to over 150 high schools, teaching more than 2,000 students during the day, and coding the app at night. We knew we were onto something when our first scholarship winner, Destiny Davis, was invited to ring the opening bell at Nasdaq’s market site, received an internship on Wall Street, and enrolled in University instead of enlisting in the Army. Why Is This So Important Right Now? You can’t learn finance from a textbook. 27 states now require financial literacy to graduate high school, but curriculum options are extremely limited.

    43 min
  8. 15 APR

    Episode #157: Growing Learners in Challenging Times with Kevin Honeycutt

    Kevin Honeycutt is a technology integrationist, staff developer, musician, and songwriter. He has worked with teachers and learners in 49 states plus Puerto Rico and delivered keynotes to audiences around the world in places such as Norway, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Barcelona, New Zealand, London, Manila, Canada, and Australia. In 2021 he partnered with his wife of 31 years to start his own company, Honeycutt Consulting, in Colorado Springs, Colorado.  Kevin has some opportunities for you. Make sure you keep listening. I think of my networks as a jar of lightning bugs. Each person I connect with flashes their light occasionally. If I collect enough of these luminous people I can always find my way forward, even in the dark. Your WHY I am a reluctant warrior. As a child, I found myself on a battlefield created by my father’s choices that led to poverty, poor nutrition, and assignments to the lowest strata of the social constructs of whatever school in whatever state I ended up in. As I grew up, frustration and determination germinated in me led me to be the first Honeycutt to go to college and the first person in my family to become an educator. Building Real Relationships (making kids feel seen) Background I grew up in poverty, living on welfare and being sent to foster homes and occasionally robbing the Goodwill Box looking for clothes. I attended school in more than 20 states before becoming the first high school and college graduate in my family. I taught K-12 art, and summer art camps and wrote and directed high school plays for 13 years. During that time I was nominated for Sallie Mae Master Teacher, Kansas Master Teacher and won the Making IT Happen Award and published in art education journals. I then transitioned to a role as a staff developer and keynote speaker at an educational non-profit service agency for the next 17 years. There, I conceived and developed multiple research-based programs in the areas of project-based learning, trauma/poverty-informed instruction, SEL, STEM/STEAM education, and Creating Your Digital Legacy presentations for teens. My Space Capsule Project  Launching into creative STEM/STEAM learning! Musician, Songwriter How I started I started sketching a Steampunk Guitar way back in 8th grade, that dream finally came true! Stop Bullying and create Kinder cultures in Schools The event that started a movement What happens when your kid gets bullied by the popular kids and all of his friends either join in or remain silent while they are systematically destroyed? How do we create kinder cultures in schools?  Join the mission and let’s make a better world for kids. Some of my resources My FREE Drawing Lessons: a href="https://benhoneycutt.

    46 min


Join Barbara Bray in her conversations with inspirational educators, thought leaders, and change agents to define their WHY and reflect on how they learned from their experiences and challenges. Each conversation is complemented with a post on her site that includes images, videos, links, and more that illustrate the stories of their lives. Join Barbara and her special guests as they share their personal journeys that will inspire you, touch your heart, and might even touch your heart.

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