Say Hey Podcast

Say Hey Podcast
Podcast: Say Hey Podcast

The Say Hey Podcast is for the “real ones”, the San Francisco Giants fan who wants to hear stats, facts, opinion, and bold takes. This platform centers around REAL expectations and standards, straightforward opinions, lots of numbers, and takes that go against the grain. We discuss up and coming San Francisco prospects and who will make impacts sooner or later. Also we take a look back at Giants history and share some of our favorite and least favorite Giants memories. Never shying down from a great debate, we look forward to interactions with followers.


The Say Hey Podcast is for the “real ones”, the San Francisco Giants fan who wants to hear stats, facts, opinion, and bold takes. This platform centers around REAL expectations and standards, straightforward opinions, lots of numbers, and takes that go against the grain. We discuss up and coming San Francisco prospects and who will make impacts sooner or later. Also we take a look back at Giants history and share some of our favorite and least favorite Giants memories. Never shying down from a great debate, we look forward to interactions with followers.

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