Podcast: SOLACE

Are you hurting, confused, depressed, abused, unloved or feeling so and looking for a way of escape or solution? Then SOLACE is for you! It is a Christian based program, using the Word of God(Bible) to show God's way of escape and solution. Giving you inner peace that you can only get through His Word. Breaking it down for you the way you will understand and help you find and fulfill your purpose in Christ. God bless you richly, amen.

  1. 01/06/2022

    Solace is back! Bigger and better!

    Solace is back, bigger and better! Touching lives! Making a difference! Announcing the various programs of Solace. This is for everyone to find the desired inner peace and become the best God has created you to be . We will be using God's Word as a guide helping you heal inside out and become a better you. Solace airs on Mondays. If you are in a maze, confused, hurting and looking for a way out, Solace is for you. Paul's Triumph- Tuesdays. This is for men who are lonely, depressed, oppressed, widowers divorced etc who seem to be caught in a maze and have to pretend all is well when they're dieing slowly on the inside. Comfort's Joy- Wednesday. This is for children abandoned, motherless or with wicked care givers to overcome and be better person's healing God's way. Osat's Leap- Thursdays This is for women who are lonely, depressed, oppressed, widows, women seperated, divorced or abandoned. Helping them heal and find themselves. Kidz Expressionz-Friday- Help Children between the ages of 5-19years find themselves, understand better and to become the best God has created to be . To know themselves and their worth early in life. You are special! Always remember that! There's a program for everyone! Tell your friends about it! Don't die in silence! If no one understands you, don't worry! We on SOLACE do! You will be told the truth in love and not be condemned but corrected and shown the right path to go. If you follow through, you will be glad you did! Mistakes do happen but wallowing in self pity is destructive! God has a better plan and we have a helping hand! God bless you richly amen!

    1 min



Are you hurting, confused, depressed, abused, unloved or feeling so and looking for a way of escape or solution? Then SOLACE is for you! It is a Christian based program, using the Word of God(Bible) to show God's way of escape and solution. Giving you inner peace that you can only get through His Word. Breaking it down for you the way you will understand and help you find and fulfill your purpose in Christ. God bless you richly, amen.

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