Voices from the inside

Pat Mc Mahon
Podcast: Voices from the inside

On life's journey with you, we share. In hope of articulating humanity expression of itself to itself.


  1. This is us Together


    This is us Together

    Transcript  So, this is it, this is who we are, and this is who we seek to be. This is life, this is hope, this is you, this is me, this is us together, this is happiness, this is peace, this is joy, this is sadness, this is humanity together, all of us.  This is our aspiration,   for freedom, hope, joy,  for equanimity, for fairness, for justice, for equality, for all that we can be human beings, it is us, it is inside our hearts, our soul, it is not outside, we cannot expect others to do, what equity demands,  equity demands justice, equity demands, that everyone does what they can, to only what you can, the universe will dictate that if everybody does, what they can, balance will be restored. But we have lost that belief; we have lost that belief that we can make a difference. The problems of the world seems so huge, so enormous. Yet individual acts, collective individual acts make a difference. I will tell you a story. Story of this difference, just as an example. If  200 people donated five euros per month every month, we could run a programme targeting malnourished pregnant mothers delivering food; that's what collective action means. That the collective response, five euros now, will hardly get you a cup of coffee. But collectively, it does something significantly huge and beautiful. Our collective action our collective action can change this world that we are in. I know it can we just need to believe, we just need to believe

    3 min


On life's journey with you, we share. In hope of articulating humanity expression of itself to itself.

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