Water with Lemon

Emma Koch
Podcast: Water with Lemon

Calling all 20-something ladies! Are you struggling to find your purpose & passions? Trying to navigate this crazy time of life of constant change? Are you looking for wisdom and direction from older & wiser women who have been there, done that? Emma Koch, host of the Water with Lemon podcast, will take you episode by episode through different topics that Christian women desire to grow in and learn more about. She interviews older women, men, and even fellow twenty somethings to talk about this crazy time of life!Join me as we dive in to the real & the raw, the uncomfortable, & the messy.

  1. 15/12/2021

    Fix Your Eyes with Amy Gannett | Ep. 98

    Amy Gannett joins us on the podcast to discuss theology and the delight it is to grow in our love and knowledge of the Lord. She encourages us to know the Lord through His Word and gives tips to get started. A little bit about the guest: Amy Gannett (M.Div, Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary) is a speaker, writer, and Bible teacher. She is the author of several exegetical Bible studies, and her teaching and writing has been featured on Christian outlets like Well-Watered Women, The Gospel Coalition, JourneyWomen, Risen Motherhood, and Christ and Pop Culture. She is also the founder of Tiny Theologians, which offers training tools for parents and children’s ministries, equipping them to pass on the Christian faith to the next generation. You can find her online at amygannett.com, and on social media at @amycategannett and @tinytheologians. Support the podcast through Patreon Join our mailing list Check out our website Resources: Fix Your Eyes by Amy Gannett Amy is reading Harry Potter, and listening to You’re Not Crazy.  She is being refreshed by the weather cooling off, and she’s getting back to baking bread. Noteworthy quotes: “As we look to God’s Word to learn about God– He is infinitely interesting.” - 15:30 “He throws his arms wide open in scripture and invites us to know him and to plumb the depths of who He is even though He is limitless and we are limited.” - 16:06 Questions for consideration: Do you feel a disconnect between your head knowing the Lord and your heart experiencing the Lord? If so, aside from prayer, what strategies can you implement into your daily routine to try to bridge the gap?

    34 min
  2. 09/12/2021

    Growing in Love with JL Gerhardt | Ep. 97

    JL Gerhardt joins us to encourage us to “look at God” and spend intentional, devoted time with Him. She discusses some practical steps we can try to grow in our love for the Lord through Bible study and quiet time. A little bit about the guest: JL (Jennifer) Gerhardt is an author and Bible teacher devoted to the work of helping people see, know, and love God. A former Storytelling Minister, college English teacher, and newspaper journalist, Gerhardt is currently traveling around the world with her family (husband Justin, daughters London and Eve) and hosting conferences for families called, The Storied Family. This is Gerhardt’s seventh book. More about her here: http://jlgerhardt.squarespace.com/about Support the podcast through Patreon Join our mailing list Check out our website Resources: Look to Love by JL Gerhardt JL is reading Circe by Madeline Miller, and listening to Holy Ghost Stories. She is being refreshed by Magnum bars and Ted Lasso. Noteworthy quotes: “That is just so fascinating to me– that the God of the universe is like ‘Hey, I’d like it if you’d look at me.’” - 13:05 “The first way to read the Bible– the greatest way to read the Bible– is looking to love.” - 14:31 “Focus is required because distraction is constant.” - 16:19 Questions for consideration: Is “looking at God” a routine you’ve devoted time to? If it’s not a routine you’ve already established, when can you spend some intentional, devoted time with the Lord?

    31 min
  3. 24/11/2021

    We're All Freaking Out with David Marvin | Ep. 94

    David serves as Young Adults Director at Watermark Community Church, where he leads The Porch – a ministry that takes place every Tuesday night for thousands of young adults in their 20s and 30s. He is passionate about the next generation, believing young adults are crucial in their influence and limitless when it comes to their potential impact on our world. David received his Master’s Degree in Biblical Studies from Dallas Theological Seminary and has been on staff at Watermark for eleven years helping lead, teach and build into the next generation of young adults and college students. In addition to his role in vocational ministry, his first priority is serving as husband to Calli and dad to his son Crew and daughter Monroe. Calli is his partner in ministry, a licensed counselor, and daily example of godly living. David currently resides with his family in Dallas, TX. Support the podcast through Patreon Join our mailing list Check out our website Resources: We’re All Freaking Out (and Why We Don’t Need To) by David Marvin What if _? Then I would _. But God _. David is reading She Calls Me Daddy by Robert Wolgemuth, watching Ted Lasso, and listening to The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry by John Mark Comer. He is being refreshed by his kids. Noteworthy quotes: “...Paul is saying don’t meditate-- don’t choose to dwell on and meditate-- on fearful and  anxious thoughts.” - 11:11 “All I’m trying to do is trace the pathways towards peace that God has already given us.” - 12:15 “Two words fuel a lot of our anxiety; it’s a question of ‘what if.’ “ - 23:22 “We fight [anxiety] day by day, trusting and leaning and embracing the promises of God and holding on to truth.” - 29:24 Questions for consideration: Do you struggle with meditating on anxious thoughts? Think back to where those thoughts could stem from and expose the lies you could be telling yourself. What “what ifs” trigger your anxiety? Use the formula in the resources section to answer those what ifs and face them.

    37 min
  4. 11/11/2021

    Trusting in the Lord with Rebekah Lyons | Ep 93

    Rebekah Lyons joins us to encourage us to trust who God says He is despite our circumstances. A little bit about the guest: Rebekah Lyons is a national speaker, host of the Rhythms for Life podcast, and bestselling author of Rhythms of Renewal, You Are Free, and Freefall to Fly. An old soul with a contemporary, honest voice, Rebekah reveals her own battles to overcome anxiety and depression—and invites others to discover and boldly pursue their God-given purpose. Alongside her husband, Gabe, Rebekah finds joy in raising four children, two of whom have Down syndrome. She wears her heart on her sleeve, a benefit to friends and readers alike. Her work has been featured on The TODAY Show, Good Morning America, CNN, FOX News, Publisher’s Weekly Starred Review, and more. Support the podcast through Patreon Join our mailing list Check out our website Resources: A Surrendered Yes by Rebekah Lyons Rhythms Quiz Rebekah is reading The Soul of Desire by Curt Thompson.  She is being refreshed by walks in nature and her daily rhythms. Noteworthy quotes: “When we’re coming to him more regularly because we need him, all of a sudden we start to bear the fruit of the Spirit again” - 7:00 “If you trust that the enemy wants to steal your life and your dreams and your future and your hope, know that [God has] come to give you life and that you would have it to the full.” - 11:35 “If I trust in Him and I keep my mind and my days on Him, the anxiety doesn’t really have as much of a root because I’m going back to ‘the Creator of the heavens and the earth holds my future and He holds all these things together.’” ~ 12:42 Questions for consideration: In what areas of life do you find it hardest to trust the Lord? Will you ask the Holy Spirit to help you give your concerns to Him so that you can focus on eternal things?

    22 min
  5. 20/10/2021

    Christian Dating with Eric Demeter | Ep. 91

    Eric Demeter and I talk about Christian dating on this episode of the podcast. He clarifies that there isn’t one right way to date as a Christian-- the Bible isn’t clear about it-- but there are some wrong ways. He encourages us to be curious about other believers and date for the purpose of marriage. A little bit about the guest: Eric is a relationship and conflict resolution specialist with advanced studies in mediation, peacemaking and negotiation from the Korbel School of International Studies at the University of Denver and Peacemaker Ministries. He is currently a missionary with Youth With a Mission (YWAM) based in Athens, Greece where he disciples young people from the Middle East, and teaches conflict resolution and healthy relationships to YWAM staff and missionary students. His experiences growing up listening to heavy metal, working alongside ex-convicts, and being raised in the Roman Catholic tradition give him the ability to connect well with people of diverse belief systems. He considers every reader a friend and challenges everyone to become more like Christ in everything they do. Support the podcast through Patreon Join our mailing list Check out our website Resources: How Should a Christian Date? by Eric Demeter Eric is reading Culture Making by Andy Crouch.  He is being refreshed by time with friends in Colorado. Noteworthy quotes: “Don’t date someone you have to disciple.” 15:27 “God gives us a big yard to date and you just have to find what works for you.” 22:26 “God cares.” 26:31 Questions for consideration: If you’re in a dating relationship, are you seeking the counsel of others? If not, who are a few people who you can invite into your relationship?

    34 min


Calling all 20-something ladies! Are you struggling to find your purpose & passions? Trying to navigate this crazy time of life of constant change? Are you looking for wisdom and direction from older & wiser women who have been there, done that? Emma Koch, host of the Water with Lemon podcast, will take you episode by episode through different topics that Christian women desire to grow in and learn more about. She interviews older women, men, and even fellow twenty somethings to talk about this crazy time of life!Join me as we dive in to the real & the raw, the uncomfortable, & the messy.

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