What Is Your Compassionate Paradigm Shift For This Time?

Podcast: Wisdom School by Rebecca Skeele

Calling all of you that are wanting to create new compassionate paradigms in your personal and professional life! This will be a call in show inviting you to share your ideas, thoughts, inspirations about what compassionate paradigms you are envisioning and what steps we all could be taking NOW to shift personal lives and/ or the collective toward cocreating more caring, trust, heart and connection in our world. = compassion. I will take your calls and you are welcome to email me if you can not make the show live. We will be seeding the future for ALL as we pause for a moment and hold the frequency of your compassionate paradigm shift in our creative imagination and embody the vision. Join me for this experiential and interactive show to raise the vibration for us all. rskeele@gmail.com

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