通勤學英語 15Mins Today

通勤學英語 15Mins Today Podcast

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  1. Taipei Banter 台北嘿掰講Ep.9 KLM皇家荷蘭航空到底有多皇家?Just how royal is KLM?

    16 HR AGO

    Taipei Banter 台北嘿掰講Ep.9 KLM皇家荷蘭航空到底有多皇家?Just how royal is KLM?

    國泰世華 CUBE - 為可能 竭盡所能 與你攜手,浪愛創造更多可能 使用國泰世華簽帳金融卡捐款符合條件之公益單位,享3%現金回饋! 2024.9.30 前體驗〈浪生模擬器〉抽各項好禮 詳情請見活動頁 https://fstry.pse.is/6gda96 —— 以上為 KKBOX 與 Firstory Podcast 廣告 —— ------------------------------- 通勤學英語VIP加值內容與線上課程 ------------------------------- 通勤學英語VIP訂閱方案:https://open.firstory.me/join/15minstoday VIP訂閱FAQ: https://15minsengcafe.pse.is/5cjptb 社會人核心英語有聲書課程連結:https://15minsengcafe.pse.is/554esm ------------------------------- 15Mins.Today 相關連結 ------------------------------- 歡迎留言你對這集的想法: 留言連結 官方網站:www.15mins.today Clubhouse直播室:https://15minsengcafe.pse.is/46hm8k 訂閱YouTube頻道:https://15minsengcafe.pse.is/3rhuuy 商業合作/贊助來信:15minstoday@gmail.com 意見回覆 : ask15mins@gmail.com ------------------------------- 以下是此單集逐字稿 (播放器有不同字數限制,完整文稿可到官網) ------------------------------- Excerpt 摘要: King Willem-Alexander, reigning monarch of the Netherlands, revealed in an interview with Dutch newspaper De Telegraaf that he'd regularly flown flights for a subsidiary of the Dutch flag carrier for over two decades. Calling the part-time role a "hobby," the King says that he'd taken to the cockpit as a co-pilot of KLM Cityhopper -- the airline's short-haul carrier -- flights for over 21 years. The King told the newspaper that he used the twice-monthly flights with KLM to decompress from his royal duties, with his pastime allowing him to fully concentrate on the task at hand. Britain's heir to the throne, Prince Charles, is a qualified pilot, and his two sons, William and Harry, flew helicopters in their previous military careers -- William, a search and rescue chopper and Harry, Apache helicopters in Afghanistan. Article discussed: http://edition.cnn.com/travel/article/netherlands-king-willem-alexander-klm-pilot/index.html Powered by Firstory Hosting

    19 min
  2. 15Mins英語咖啡館 Ep.236: 巴黎給世界殿堂的選手們吃什麼?What did the athletes get to eat in Paris this year?

    1 DAY AGO

    15Mins英語咖啡館 Ep.236: 巴黎給世界殿堂的選手們吃什麼?What did the athletes get to eat in Paris this year?

    ------------------------------- 通勤學英語VIP加值內容與線上課程 ------------------------------- 通勤學英語VIP訂閱方案:https://open.firstory.me/join/15minstoday VIP訂閱FAQ: https://15minsengcafe.pse.is/5cjptb 社會人核心英語有聲書課程連結:https://15minsengcafe.pse.is/554esm ------------------------------- 15Mins.Today 相關連結 ------------------------------- 歡迎留言你對這集的想法: 留言連結 官方網站:www.15mins.today Clubhouse直播室:https://15minsengcafe.pse.is/46hm8k 訂閱YouTube頻道:https://15minsengcafe.pse.is/3rhuuy 商業合作/贊助來信:15minstoday@gmail.com 意見回覆 : ask15mins@gmail.com ------------------------------- 以下是此單集逐字稿 (播放器有不同字數限制,完整文稿可到官網) ------------------------------- You must have stayed up all night watching some of the greatest athletes and sportsmen/sportswomen compete in the biggest game of the year! Have you ever wondered what foods were available at the cafeterias? In this episode, Klim and I discuss the menu that the world's top athletes got to have at the biggest game this year in Paris. What do you think is your favorite dish? Share it with us and we will give you a shout out for sharing! Hope you will enjoy this episode with us as much as we enjoyed producing it! 更多15Mins Cafe節目: www.15mins.today/15mins-cafe 歡迎主題投稿/意見回覆 : ask15mins@gmail.com 商業合作/贊助來信:15minstoday@gmail.com Powered by Firstory Hosting

    41 min
  3. 國際時事跟讀 Ep.K855: 深受喜愛的韓式泡菜遭受氣候變遷威脅  Climate Change Threatens South Korea's Beloved Kimchi

    3 DAYS AGO

    國際時事跟讀 Ep.K855: 深受喜愛的韓式泡菜遭受氣候變遷威脅 Climate Change Threatens South Korea's Beloved Kimchi

    如果你真的在乎車輛的安全性與穩定性那麼,你沒有理由不選擇榮獲多項國際安全大獎與最高評分的 SUV 王者 Forester開起來真的超安心超安穩日本原裝極致安全 百萬 SUV 超值首選超值絕版價 108.8萬,連結了解:https://reurl.cc/vva0NA —— 以上為 Firstory Podcast 廣告 —— ------------------------------- 通勤學英語VIP加值內容與線上課程 ------------------------------- 通勤學英語VIP訂閱方案:https://open.firstory.me/join/15minstoday VIP訂閱FAQ: https://15minsengcafe.pse.is/5cjptb 社會人核心英語有聲書課程連結:https://15minsengcafe.pse.is/554esm ------------------------------- 15Mins.Today 相關連結 ------------------------------- 歡迎留言你對這集的想法: 留言連結 官方網站:www.15mins.today Clubhouse直播室:https://15minsengcafe.pse.is/46hm8k 訂閱YouTube頻道:https://15minsengcafe.pse.is/3rhuuy 商業合作/贊助來信:15minstoday@gmail.com 意見回覆 : ask15mins@gmail.com ------------------------------- 以下是此單集逐字稿 (播放器有不同字數限制,完整文稿可到官網) ------------------------------- 國際時事跟讀VIP Ep.K855: Climate Change Threatens South Korea's Beloved Kimchi Highlights 主題摘要: Climate change is threatening South Korea's kimchi production by affecting napa cabbage growth. Rising temperatures are making it difficult to cultivate cabbage in traditional mountainous regions, impacting both quality and quantity.The area of highland cabbage farming in South Korea has decreased by over 50% in the past 20 years. Projections suggest this trend will continue, potentially leading to no highland cabbage cultivation by 2090.The South Korean government and scientists are working to address these challenges through climate-controlled storage and developing heat-resistant cabbage varieties. However, concerns remain about maintaining traditional taste and affordable production. South Korea's iconic dish, kimchi, is facing an unexpected challenge: climate change. The rising temperatures are affecting the quality and quantity of napa cabbage, the main ingredient in this traditional fermented food. Scientists, farmers, and kimchi makers are becoming increasingly concerned about the future of this cultural staple. 南韓的招牌料理泡菜(kimchi)正面臨一項意想不到的挑戰:氣候變遷。日益升高的氣溫正影響著大白菜(napa cabbage)的品質和產量,而大白菜是這種傳統發酵食品的主要原料。科學家、農民和泡菜製造商對這項文化瑰寶的未來越來越擔憂。 Napa cabbage, which thrives in cooler climates, has typically been grown in mountainous regions where summer temperatures rarely exceeded 25°C. However, recent studies show that warmer weather is now putting these crops at risk. Plant experts warn that if current trends continue, South Korea might struggle to grow napa cabbage in the future due to intensifying heat. The ideal temperature range for cabbage growth is between 18°C and 21°C, but climate change is pushing temperatures beyond this narrow band. Plant pathologist Lee Young-gyu expressed hope that these predictions don't come to pass, highlighting the delicate nature of cabbage cultivation. 大白菜喜歡在較涼爽的氣候中生長,通常種植在夏季溫度很少超過 25°C 的山區。然而,近期研究顯示,較溫暖的天氣現在正威脅著這些作物。植物專家警告,如果當前趨勢持續下去,由於熱度加劇,南韓未來可能難以種植大白菜。大白菜生長的理想溫度範圍介於 18°C 至 21°C 之間,但氣候變遷正將溫度推升至這個狹窄範圍之外。植物病理學家 Lee Young-gyu 表示希望這些預測不會成真,突顯出大白菜栽培的細緻性。 The effects of higher temperatures on cabbage are already visible in fiel

    13 min
  4. 回顧星期天LBS - 水源相關時事趣聞 2023 All about water

    4 DAYS AGO

    回顧星期天LBS - 水源相關時事趣聞 2023 All about water

    國泰世華 CUBE - 為可能 竭盡所能 與你攜手,浪愛創造更多可能 使用國泰世華簽帳金融卡捐款符合條件之公益單位,享3%現金回饋! 2024.9.30 前體驗〈浪生模擬器〉抽各項好禮 詳情請見活動頁 https://fstry.pse.is/6gda96 —— 以上為 KKBOX 與 Firstory Podcast 廣告 —— ------------------------------- 通勤學英語VIP加值內容與線上課程 ------------------------------- 通勤學英語VIP訂閱方案:https://open.firstory.me/join/15minstoday VIP訂閱FAQ: https://15minsengcafe.pse.is/5cjptb 社會人核心英語有聲書課程連結:https://15minsengcafe.pse.is/554esm ------------------------------- 15Mins.Today 相關連結 ------------------------------- 歡迎留言你對這集的想法: 留言連結 官方網站:www.15mins.today Clubhouse直播室:https://15minsengcafe.pse.is/46hm8k 訂閱YouTube頻道:https://15minsengcafe.pse.is/3rhuuy 商業合作/贊助來信:15minstoday@gmail.com 意見回覆 : ask15mins@gmail.com ------------------------------- 以下是此單集逐字稿 (播放器有不同字數限制,完整文稿可到官網) ------------------------------- Topic: Water-Stressed India Seeks a Tap for Every Home The pipes are laid, the taps installed and the village tank is under construction — all promising signs that, come spring, Girja Ahriwar will get water at her doorstep and finally shed a lifelong burden. 管子鋪好,水龍頭裝好,村子的水槽正在建造。這些充滿希望的跡象顯示,春季來臨時,吉爾嘉.艾里瓦可以在家門口取到水,而且終於解除長期以來的負擔。 “I go out and put the jerrycans in the queue at around 5 a.m. and wait there with the children,” Ahriwar, a mother of three who lives in the central Indian state of Madhya Pradesh, said about her routine of fetching from the village hand pump. “Sometimes it could take five or six hours. I have to stay there because if I leave, someone else moves ahead.” 「我大約在清晨5時出門,把大水桶排進隊伍,然後和孩子們一起等待」,住在印度中部中央邦、三個孩子的媽艾里瓦說,她的例行公事就是從村子的手動泵浦取水,「有時候得花五或六個小時,我必須一直留在這裡,因為如果我離開了,其他人就會搶先往前」。 India, one of the world’s most water-stressed countries, is halfway through an ambitious drive to provide clean tap water by 2024 to all of the roughly 192 million households across its 600,000 villages. About 18,000 government engineers are overseeing the $50 billion undertaking, which includes hundreds of thousands of contractors and laborers who are laying more than 2.5 million miles of pipe. 印度是全世界用水最吃緊的國家之一,在2024年之前提供60萬個村落共約1億9200萬戶乾淨自來水,這項宏大的計畫已進行到一半。約1萬8000名政府工程師監督規模500億美元的工程,包括數十萬名包商和工人,鋪設超過250萬哩的水管。 The project has a powerful champion in Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who has slashed through India’s notorious red tape and pushed aside thorny political divisions to see it through. His success thus far helps explain his dominance over the country’s political landscape. 這項計畫有個有力的擁護者:總理莫迪,他打破印度惡名昭彰的官僚作風,把棘手的政治分歧暫放一邊,推動計畫。目前為止他的成功也顯示他在這個國家政治版圖的主導力。 Modi has remained popular despite a weak economy and a bungled initial response to the coronavirus that left hundreds of thousands dead. He has increasingly relied on communal politics, continuing to consolidate a Hindu nationalist base he has worked for decades to rally. 即使經濟疲弱,且一開始對新冠病毒的笨拙

    8 min
  5. 15Mins 名人正念語錄 Inspirations Ep.7 : 知名配音師語錄 Inspirations quotes from top voice actors

    5 DAYS AGO

    15Mins 名人正念語錄 Inspirations Ep.7 : 知名配音師語錄 Inspirations quotes from top voice actors

    【米其林馳加 超越期待 專業款待】 ✨超專業細心的技師團隊,專業汽車保養服務最超越期待 ⭐五星級寬敞明亮的休息室,最專業款待 現在就到米其林馳加親臨感受🚗 ▶️ https://fstry.pse.is/6dwbsc —— 以上為 FMTaiwan 與 Firstory Podcast 廣告 —— ------------------------------- 通勤學英語VIP加值內容與線上課程 ------------------------------- 通勤學英語VIP訂閱方案:https://open.firstory.me/join/15minstoday VIP訂閱FAQ: https://15minsengcafe.pse.is/5cjptb 社會人核心英語有聲書課程連結:https://15minsengcafe.pse.is/554esm ------------------------------- 15Mins.Today 相關連結 ------------------------------- 歡迎留言你對這集的想法: 留言連結 官方網站:www.15mins.today Clubhouse直播室:https://15minsengcafe.pse.is/46hm8k 訂閱YouTube頻道:https://15minsengcafe.pse.is/3rhuuy 商業合作/贊助來信:15minstoday@gmail.com 意見回覆 : ask15mins@gmail.com ------------------------------- 以下是此單集逐字稿 (播放器有不同字數限制,完整文稿可到官網) ------------------------------- Sure? Edit ---------------------------------- 更多加值內容,就在通勤學英語VIP訂閱方案:https://open.firstory.me/join/15minstoday 15Mins 名人正念語錄 Inspirations 1.Mel Blanc Quote: "That's all folks!" This was Blanc'ssignature sign-off line as Porky Pig, which he used at the end of many Warner Bros. cartoons. Trivia (90 seconds): Mel Blanc, known as "The Man of aThousand Voices," was one of the most influential voice actors in history. He voiced numerous iconic characters for Warner Bros. cartoons, including Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, and Porky Pig. Blanc's career spanned over 60 years, during which he voiced characters in over 3,000 cartoons. His dedication to his craft was legendary - during a severe car accident in 1961, Blanc was in a coma for two weeks. Doctors struggled to get him to respond until one of them asked, "How are you feeling today, Bugs Bunny?" To everyone's amazement, Blanc answered in Bugs' voice, "Eh... just fine, Doc. How are you?" This incident showcased Blanc's deep connection to his characters and his incredible talent. 1. 梅爾·布蘭克(MelBlanc) 名言:「就這樣啦,各位!」這是布蘭克作為小豬波奇的標誌性告別台詞,他在許多華納兄弟卡通片結尾處使用。 趣聞(90秒):梅爾·布蘭克被稱為「千音之王」,是歷史上最具影響力的配音演員之一。他為華納兄弟卡通配音了眾多標誌性角色,包括兔八哥、達菲鴨和小豬波奇。布蘭克的職業生涯跨越60多年,期間他為超過3,000部卡通片配音。他對工作的奉獻精神是傳奇性的——1961年,布蘭克遭遇嚴重車禍,昏迷兩週。醫生們努力讓他有所反應,直到其中一位醫生問道:「兔八哥,你今天感覺如何?」令所有人驚訝的是,布蘭克用兔八哥的聲音回答:「呃...很好啊,醫生。你呢?」這一事件展示了布蘭克與他的角色之間深厚的聯繫和他令人難以置信的才能。 2. June Foray Quote: "I love everything I do with all of the partsthat I do because there's a little bit of me in all of them." Trivia (90 seconds): June Foray was often called the"First Lady of Voice Acting." Her career spanned almost 80 years, from radio in the 1930s to cartoons in the 21st century. Foray voiced a wide array of beloved characters, including Rocky the Flying Squirrel and Natasha Fatale from "The Rocky and Bullwinkle Show," Cindy Lou Who in "How the Grinch Stole Christmas," and Granny in the Sylvester and Tweety cartoons. Despite her immense talent and prolific career, Foray remained humble and passionate about her work throughout her life. She was a founding member of ASIFA-Hollywood, which created the Annie Awards to recogn

    13 min
  6. 15Mins英語咖啡館 Ep.235: 英語時光機 - 世世代代保健兒童腸胃的飲料 The probiotic drink for generations

    17 SEPT

    15Mins英語咖啡館 Ep.235: 英語時光機 - 世世代代保健兒童腸胃的飲料 The probiotic drink for generations

    ------------------------------- 通勤學英語VIP加值內容與線上課程 ------------------------------- 通勤學英語VIP訂閱方案:https://open.firstory.me/join/15minstoday VIP訂閱FAQ: https://15minsengcafe.pse.is/5cjptb 社會人核心英語有聲書課程連結:https://15minsengcafe.pse.is/554esm ------------------------------- 15Mins.Today 相關連結 ------------------------------- 歡迎留言你對這集的想法: 留言連結 官方網站:www.15mins.today Clubhouse直播室:https://15minsengcafe.pse.is/46hm8k 訂閱YouTube頻道:https://15minsengcafe.pse.is/3rhuuy 商業合作/贊助來信:15minstoday@gmail.com 意見回覆 : ask15mins@gmail.com ------------------------------- 以下是此單集逐字稿 (播放器有不同字數限制,完整文稿可到官網) ------------------------------- Growing up in Taiwan, we can never forget some of the iconic food or drinks from our childhood. This week Patrick and I talk about the most iconic drink in our childhoods - Yakult. Patrick will also uncover the brand origin of Yakult and how it got popularized in Taiwan. What is your favorite childhood drink and what are some of your stories? Share it with us and we will give you a shout out for sharing! Hope you will enjoy this episode with us as much as we enjoyed producing it! 更多15Mins Cafe節目: www.15mins.today/15mins-cafe 歡迎主題投稿/意見回覆 : ask15mins@gmail.com 商業合作/贊助來信:15minstoday@gmail.com Powered by Firstory Hosting

    36 min
  7. 國際時事跟讀Ep.K851: 綠洲合唱團重聚巡演的全球野心與售票風波  Oasis Reunion Tour: Global Ambitions and Ticket Turmoil

    15 SEPT

    國際時事跟讀Ep.K851: 綠洲合唱團重聚巡演的全球野心與售票風波 Oasis Reunion Tour: Global Ambitions and Ticket Turmoil

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    12 min


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