Narcissist Apocalypse: Patterns of Abuse

Abuse Survivor Network
Narcissist Apocalypse: Patterns of Abuse Podcast

Narcissist Apocalypse is a Purple Ribbon Award-winning storytelling podcast that amplifies the voices of those who have experienced narcissistic abuse, coercive control, emotional abuse, domestic violence, family relationship abuse, and relationship trauma. Our guests share their stories of abuse survival, providing a source of validation, education, inspiration, and hope for those going through similar experiences. Join us and discover how you, too, can overcome the narcissist apocalypse.

  1. 3 DAYS AGO

    Merle & The Physically Abusive Rambo | Domestic Violence & Narcissistic Abuse

    In this episode of Narcissist Apocalypse, Merle shares her scary story of survival at the hands of a physically abusive narcissist. Merle's partner presented himself as everything she wanted. He was helpful, kind, attentive, and everyone seemed to love him. However, when Merle moved in with him, things changed quickly. The nice guy was gone, and only a jealous physical abuser remained. It's a story of manipulation, sexual assault, physical abuse, suicidal ideation, boundary pushing, jealousy, AA, rage, support, triangulation, blame shifting, ptsd, abandonment, guilt, fear, obligation, trauma bonds, mental health, excuses, depression, shame, isolation, and addiction.  *** CONTENT WARNING - This episode discusses, physical abuse, sexual assault, and suicidal ideation *** If you want to be a guest on our survivor story podcast, please click here or send us an email at To help out our podcast, please fill out our listener survey, click here. PODCAST RECOMMENDATIONS: Perfect Prey With Dr. Christine Cocchiola | Click Here The Covert Narcissism Podcast | Click Here Something Was Wrong | Click Here When Dating Hurts Podcast | Click Here If you or someone you know are experiencing abuse, you are not alone. offers an extensive library of articles and resources that can help you make sense of what you're experiencing, connect you with local resources and find ways to heal and move forward. Visit to access this free resource.  If you need help moving due to domestic violence, Shelter Movers may be able to help you. They operate by referral. Clients may be referred by any person of authority (social worker, doctor, police, crisis counselor, teacher, etc.) or public agency (shelter, hospital, school, workplace, place of worship, sexual assault centre, etc.).  To reach them, click here. Join our new Community Social Network at Join our Instagram Channel at Join our Youtube Channel at Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

    1h 48m
  2. 6 DAYS AGO

    Rerelease: Erika & The Narcissistic Triangulating Grifter | Narcissistic Abuse

    In this episode of Narcissist Apocalypse, Brandon talks with Erika about her toxic relationship with a triangulating grifter. It’s a story of sexual identity manipulation, social media smear campaigns, and escape plans. Plus they discuss, domestic violence, LGBTQ issues, Mennonite culture, gaslighting, mirroring, future faking, sense of self, homelessness, car culture, dogs, feminism, patterns, changing manipulation tactics, control, food manipulation, housing manipulation, LGBTQ manipulation, rationalization, cycles of abuse, therapy manipulation, feeling worthy, obligation, belonging, flying monkeys, animal abuse, coping with alcohol, boundaries, authentic living, and generosity from strangers. *** CONTENT WARNING - Animal abuse is discussed in this episode. *** If you want to be a guest on our survivor story podcast, please click here or send us an email at To help out our podcast, please fill out our listener survey, click here. PODCAST RECOMMENDATIONS: Perfect Prey With Dr. Christine Cocchiola | Click Here The Covert Narcissism Podcast | Click Here Something Was Wrong | Click Here When Dating Hurts Podcast | Click Here If you or someone you know are experiencing abuse, you are not alone. offers an extensive library of articles and resources that can help you make sense of what you're experiencing, connect you with local resources and find ways to heal and move forward. Visit to access this free resource.  If you need help moving due to domestic violence, Shelter Movers may be able to help you. They operate by referral. Clients may be referred by any person of authority (social worker, doctor, police, crisis counselor, teacher, etc.) or public agency (shelter, hospital, school, workplace, place of worship, sexual assault centre, etc.).  To reach them, click here. Join our new Community Social Network at Join our Instagram Channel at Join our Youtube Channel at Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

    1h 57m
  3. 16 SEPT

    Carrie & The Gaslighting Narcissist | Domestic Violence & Narcissistic Abuse

    In this episode of Narcissist Apocalypse, Carrie shares her story about marrying a controlling Mr. Right, who financially abuses and gaslights her into oblivion. After leaving her first marriage, Carrie began dating her future second husband and was instantly smitten. He was the opposite of her first husband, and to Carrie, she thought that meant safe. However, the gaslighting and financial abuse ramped up with every pregnancy, which further trapped Carrie within the relationship. It's a story of the hero complex, anorexia, addiction, gaslighting, financial abuse, trauma, community support, physical abuse, sexual abuse, sexual coercion, sexual assault, suicidal ideation, cptsd, cancer, mental health, ocd, empathy, entitlement, threats, being good enough, crazy making, minimization, and double standards. *** CONTENT WARNING - This episode discusses, physical abuse, sexual abuse, sexual coercion, sexual assault, and suicidal ideation *** If you want to be a guest on our survivor story podcast, please click here or send us an email at To help out our podcast, please fill out our listener survey, click here. PODCAST RECOMMENDATIONS: Perfect Prey With Dr. Christine Cocchiola | Click Here The Covert Narcissism Podcast | Click Here Something Was Wrong | Click Here When Dating Hurts Podcast | Click Here If you or someone you know are experiencing abuse, you are not alone. offers an extensive library of articles and resources that can help you make sense of what you're experiencing, connect you with local resources and find ways to heal and move forward. Visit to access this free resource.  If you need help moving due to domestic violence, Shelter Movers may be able to help you. They operate by referral. Clients may be referred by any person of authority (social worker, doctor, police, crisis counselor, teacher, etc.) or public agency (shelter, hospital, school, workplace, place of worship, sexual assault centre, etc.).  To reach them, click here. Join our new Community Social Network at Join our Instagram Channel at Join our Youtube Channel at Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

    2h 24m
  4. 13 SEPT

    Rerelease: How an Abusive Narcissist Conditions People For Long Term Abuse?

    Brandon talks with Erika Guest (Behavioral Therapist) about the behavior shaping techniques used by abusive narcissists to condition their victims for long-term abuse. Using clips from the survivor series episodes, Erika and Brandon break down the techniques and how to recognize when the abusive narcissist is using them against you.  If you want to be a guest on our survivor story podcast, please click here or send us an email at To help out our podcast, please fill out our listener survey, click here. PODCAST RECOMMENDATIONS: Perfect Prey With Dr. Christine Cocchiola | Click Here The Covert Narcissism Podcast | Click Here Something Was Wrong | Click Here When Dating Hurts Podcast | Click Here If you or someone you know are experiencing abuse, you are not alone. offers an extensive library of articles and resources that can help you make sense of what you're experiencing, connect you with local resources and find ways to heal and move forward. Visit to access this free resource.  If you need help moving due to domestic violence, Shelter Movers may be able to help you. They operate by referral. Clients may be referred by any person of authority (social worker, doctor, police, crisis counselor, teacher, etc.) or public agency (shelter, hospital, school, workplace, place of worship, sexual assault centre, etc.).  To reach them, click here. Join our new Community Social Network at Join our Instagram Channel at Join our Youtube Channel at Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

    2h 4m
  5. 9 SEPT

    Colette & The Narcissistic Demand Man | Coercive Control & Narcissist Abuse

    In this episode of Narcissist Apocalypse, Colette shares her story of being in a long-distance abusive relationship with a blame-shifting Demand Man. Colette met her abuser in an online forum and felt his charisma through the screen. Colette liked him, and their friendship slowly morphed into a romantic relationship. Colette's partner was upfront with his OCD, and Colette was very empathetic to his needs. However, due to the distance, it was hard for Colette to discern what was abuse and what was their partner's mental health issues. But once they met in person and Colette became pregnant, the abuse was very much on display and couldn't be denied. Colette was in an abusive relationship, and she needed to figure out how to end it before it got worse. It's a story of mental health, religious beliefs, putdowns, suicide threats, feeling you deserve bad things, fear, obligation, guilt, lies, half truths, blame shifting, fixing, double standards, and manufacturing chaos. *** CONTENT WARNING - This episode discusses suicide threats. *** If you want to be a guest on our survivor story podcast, please click here or send us an email at To help out our podcast, please fill out our listener survey, click here. PODCAST RECOMMENDATIONS: Perfect Prey With Dr. Christine Cocchiola | Click Here The Covert Narcissism Podcast | Click Here Something Was Wrong | Click Here When Dating Hurts Podcast | Click Here If you or someone you know are experiencing abuse, you are not alone. offers an extensive library of articles and resources that can help you make sense of what you're experiencing, connect you with local resources and find ways to heal and move forward. Visit to access this free resource.  If you need help moving due to domestic violence, Shelter Movers may be able to help you. They operate by referral. Clients may be referred by any person of authority (social worker, doctor, police, crisis counselor, teacher, etc.) or public agency (shelter, hospital, school, workplace, place of worship, sexual assault centre, etc.).  To reach them, click here. Join our new Community Social Network at Join our Instagram Channel at Join our Youtube Channel at Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

    1h 50m
  6. 6 SEPT

    Rerelease: How to Use Transactional Analysis Theory to Spot a Toxic Narcissist?

    In this episode of Narcissist Apocalypse, Brandon talks with Erika Guest about Transactional Analysis Theory and how to identify past/future forms of coercive control with a toxic narcissist. By analyzing real text conversations using Transactional Analysis, Brandon and Erika give you a new set of tools in your healing process and fight against domestic violence. A fun and informative episode. If you want to be a guest on our survivor story podcast, please click here or send us an email at To help out our podcast, please fill out our listener survey, click here. PODCAST RECOMMENDATIONS: Perfect Prey With Dr. Christine Cocchiola | Click Here The Covert Narcissism Podcast | Click Here Something Was Wrong | Click Here When Dating Hurts Podcast | Click Here If you or someone you know are experiencing abuse, you are not alone. offers an extensive library of articles and resources that can help you make sense of what you're experiencing, connect you with local resources and find ways to heal and move forward. Visit to access this free resource.  If you need help moving due to domestic violence, Shelter Movers may be able to help you. They operate by referral. Clients may be referred by any person of authority (social worker, doctor, police, crisis counselor, teacher, etc.) or public agency (shelter, hospital, school, workplace, place of worship, sexual assault centre, etc.).  To reach them, click here. Join our new Community Social Network at Join our Instagram Channel at Join our Youtube Channel at Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

    1h 28m
  7. 2 SEPT

    Kimber & The Belittling Physical Abuser | Domestic Violence & Narcissistic Abuse

    In this episode of Narcissist Apocalypse, Kimber shares her story of marrying an emotionally & physically abusive narcissist. When Kimber met her husband, they were both young and looking to make something of themselves. However, soon after they married, red flags began popping up everywhere. Kimber took her vows seriously and believed the lies of her husband when he said his rages and addictions would never happen again. But those were only words, and something worse was lurking beneath as Kimber had to endure years and years of emotional and physical abuse until she was finally able to break free. It's a story of belittling, rage, infidelity, intimidation, smashing property, gambling, isolation, control , guilt, double standards, verbal abuse, not being good enough, blame, financial abuse, gaslighting, Jekyl &Hyde, walking on eggshells, suicide attempts, physical abuse, stalking, divorce, protection orders, physical symptoms, and boundaries. *** CONTENT WARNING - This episode discusses suicide attempts and physical abuse. *** To buy Kimber's book, click here - and to get her divorce checklist, click here. If you want to be a guest on our survivor story podcast, please click here or send us an email at To help out our podcast, please fill out our listener survey, click here. PODCAST RECOMMENDATIONS: Perfect Prey With Dr. Christine Cocchiola | Click Here The Covert Narcissism Podcast | Click Here Something Was Wrong | Click Here When Dating Hurts Podcast | Click Here If you or someone you know are experiencing abuse, you are not alone. offers an extensive library of articles and resources that can help you make sense of what you're experiencing, connect you with local resources and find ways to heal and move forward. Visit to access this free resource.  If you need help moving due to domestic violence, Shelter Movers may be able to help you. They operate by referral. Clients may be referred by any person of authority (social worker, doctor, police, crisis counselor, teacher, etc.) or public agency (shelter, hospital, school, workplace, place of worship, sexual assault centre, etc.).  To reach them, click here. Join our new Community Social Network at Join our Instagram Channel at Join our Youtube Channel at Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

    1h 20m
  8. 30 AUG

    Rerelease: Types of Verbal & Non-Verbal Invalidation Used by Narcissistic Abusers

    On this episode of Narcissist Apocalypse Q&A, Brandon discusses validation, the different types of verbal/non-verbal invalidation used by narcissistic abusers, and the different types of invalidating families. Plus, we discuss the silent treatment, gaslighting, stonewalling, feeling small, dehumanization, love bombing, trust building, and the idealization stage of narcissistic abuse. If you want to be a guest on our survivor story podcast, please click here or send us an email at To help out our podcast, please fill out our listener survey, click here. PODCAST RECOMMENDATIONS: Perfect Prey With Dr. Christine Cocchiola | Click Here The Covert Narcissism Podcast | Click Here Something Was Wrong | Click Here When Dating Hurts Podcast | Click Here If you or someone you know are experiencing abuse, you are not alone. offers an extensive library of articles and resources that can help you make sense of what you're experiencing, connect you with local resources and find ways to heal and move forward. Visit to access this free resource.  If you need help moving due to domestic violence, Shelter Movers may be able to help you. They operate by referral. Clients may be referred by any person of authority (social worker, doctor, police, crisis counselor, teacher, etc.) or public agency (shelter, hospital, school, workplace, place of worship, sexual assault centre, etc.).  To reach them, click here. Join our new Community Social Network at Join our Instagram Channel at Join our Youtube Channel at Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

    46 min


Narcissist Apocalypse is a Purple Ribbon Award-winning storytelling podcast that amplifies the voices of those who have experienced narcissistic abuse, coercive control, emotional abuse, domestic violence, family relationship abuse, and relationship trauma. Our guests share their stories of abuse survival, providing a source of validation, education, inspiration, and hope for those going through similar experiences. Join us and discover how you, too, can overcome the narcissist apocalypse.

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