Creative Potential

Chris Decker
Creative Potential Podcast

Welcome to the Creative Potential Podcast - in the face of something new, how do you know if something has Creative Potential? Our creator economy has changed, the way we do business has changed, and the way we create NEEDS TO CHANGE. Join me as I network at a high level with top changemakers and creators in the world of technology, media, politics and religion to uncover the truth about creativity.

  1. 11 SEPT

    Spirituality, Joy, and Art with Jason Leith | The Creative Potential Podcast

    In this episode of the Creative Potential Podcast, host Chris Decker welcomes artist and spiritual leader Jason Leith, who shares his journey of combining his passion for art, especially portraiture, with his mission of connecting with and uplifting the unhoused community through his project Sacred Streets. Jason discusses overcoming fear, the importance of calendaring creative time, the fusion of spirituality with creativity, and practical advice for artists looking to make an impact. The conversation highlights stories of transformation, the significance of joy in finding one’s purpose, and actionable steps to integrate creative pursuits into a fulfilling career. KEY TAKEAWAYS Unique Artistic Projects: Highlights the impact of Jason Leith’s ‘Sacred Streets’ project, which uses portraiture to reveal deeper aspects of individuals’ identities and foster connections with those experiencing homelessness. Artistic Journey and Spirituality: Explores Jason’s creative journey, emphasizing the connection between spirituality and creativity, and how this relationship can drive meaningful creative work. Overcoming Creative Fear: Offers practical advice on navigating and overcoming fear in the creative process, helping artists push past barriers to express their true selves. Balancing Passion and Purpose: Discusses the importance of aligning artistic passion with a clear sense of purpose to create work that is both fulfilling and impactful. Integrating Creativity: Provides strategies for incorporating creativity into both daily life and professional endeavors, ensuring that artistic expression remains a consistent and enriching part of one’s routine. Transformative Impact: Highlights how Jason’s work not only transforms the lives of his subjects but also influences the viewers and broader community, demonstrating the power of art to effect change. Practical Tips: Ends with actionable advice for artists on maintaining a balanced approach to their craft, blending inspiration with practical steps to achieve their creative goals. QUOTES "Creativity can be elusive... but it can also be an Excel spreadsheet that tells you exactly what to do and when it's due." "Your purpose is where your passion meets the world's needs." "Sacred Streets is about finding where God is making all things new right now, today in our very neighborhoods... Sometimes we go, really? Is He? Look at the news. But despite what we see in the news, there is redemption around every corner if we just look." "I started with what brings me joy and how I can do that as much as possible and make a living out of it. Where does that passion meet the world's needs?" I’ve seen several people decide to turn their lives around and self-initiate getting off of the streets after their portrait was done within days. It wasn’t a question of why they did that. They told me it was because of their portrait." Connect and learn more about Jason Leith. If you feel called to give to Sacred Streets please visit: Timecodes 00:00 Intro 00:35 Meet Jason Leith: Artist and Spiritual Leader 01:25 The Mission of Sacred Streets 04:37 Combining Art and Spirituality 07:32 The Power of Portraiture 09:50 Creativity and Spirituality: A Unified Approach 23:36 Overcoming Fear in the Creative Process 29:15 Practical Steps for Creative Professionals 34:38 The Vision for Sacred Streets 41:03 Closing Thoughts and Encouragement

    43 min
  2. 4 SEPT

    Conversations on Confidence, Identity, and God's Guidance with Nicole Jansen | The Creative Potential Podcast

    In this episode of the Creative Potential Podcast, Chris Decker is joined by Nicole Jansen, a coach with over 30 years of experience in guiding visionary entrepreneurs. They explore themes of confidence, identity, and transformational results grounded in God's principles. Nicole shares insights on how prayer, quietness, and clarity are essential for releasing creative potential. Highlighting her personal journey, Nicole discusses navigating life changes and cultivating a deep relationship with God to achieve true success in both business and life. Tune in for an inspiring conversation on aligning your purpose with your faith. KEY TAKEAWAYS Importance of Prayer and Relationship with God: Emphasizes starting with prayer and cultivating intimate time with God to discover one's calling and next steps. Identity, Purpose, and Assignment: Differentiates between knowing one's identity in Christ, universal purpose to love God and others, and unique assignments based on personal gifts and experiences. Spending Time with God: Highlights the necessity of getting quiet, silencing external noise, and spending time with the Lord to hear His guidance. Navigating Changes: Provides advice on transitioning to new business practices in a faith-aligned way, stressing seeking God’s guidance and confirmations. Patience and Preparedness: Encourages understanding that sometimes God prepares us through patience and growing through trials before enabling us to fulfill His vision. Trust in God as CEO: Reframes the concept of business ownership to see God as the ultimate CEO and oneself as a manager following His lead. Differentiating God’s Voice from the Enemy’s: Guides on discerning whether an internal voice is of God (peaceful, loving, gentle, and aligned with Scripture) or the enemy (fearful, stressful, self-serving). Personal Testimony: Nicole shares her experiences of learning to trust God more deeply through personal trials, leading to growth and eventual reconciliation in her marriage. Creative Potential: Suggests that clarity in vision and purpose, obtained from spending quiet time with God, unlocks one's highest creative potential. Practical Advice: Ends with encouraging listeners to take time regularly to be silent, turn off distractions, pray, and listen to hear God’s voice. QUOTES "We need a level of intimacy with the Lord. Anytime I have a client who is struggling, unclear, feeling unmotivated, the first thing I'll ask them is how much time are you spending with the Lord?" "Our purpose is to love God and to love one another as ourselves. And then our assignment is unique...based on how God has uniquely shaped us with our giftings, passion, life experience, and personality." "The enemy can counterfeit, but he can't create." "When God tells us to do something, there may be nerves, but there's a peace and grace about it." "Clarity unleashes creative potential. It’s about having a stream of consciousness that cannot be created in the middle of noise and distraction." "God may have given someone a vision, but it doesn’t mean that tomorrow it's going to come to fruition. It's a journey to grow into what He's calling us to do." "When God speaks to us, it's in a loving, peaceful tone, showing that He is with us. When the enemy speaks, it's with judgment, fear, and anxiety." "There’s a step of faith in this, taking the step to trust in God's guidance and allowing Him to lead." Connect and learn more about Nicole Jansen. Timecodes 00:00 Intro 01:06 Meet Nicole Jansen: Confidence, Identity, and Transformation 01:35 Discovering Your Next Step with God 03:16 Understanding Identity, Purpose, and Assignment 09:28 Navigating Change and Trusting God's Plan 17:09 The Power of Personal Testimony 24:15 Finding Stillness in Faith 24:56 Launching a Faith-Based Platform 25:31 Trusting God's Timing 27:14 Personal Journey and Marriage Struggles 31:00 Rebuilding and Reconciliation 35:00

    50 min
  3. 29 AUG

    When Preparation Meets Opportunity with Ash Kumra | The Creative Potential Podcast

    In this episode of the Creative Potential Podcast, Chris Decker is joined by Ash Kumra, a celebrated community builder, speaker, and former national radio show host. The conversation dives deep into the topic of unleashing creativity, focusing on how to turn big ideas into reality even when faced with doubt and obstacles. Ash shares his journey, insights on finding the right 'vibe,' and practical advice on maintaining a positive mindset. The episode also touches on how to use AI as a productivity tool and the importance of daily, incremental progress toward creative goals. KEY TAKEAWAYS The Power of Vibes: Creativity thrives when you align your actions with your inner vibe—what feels right from the inside out. This is more than following trends; it’s about connecting with what truly resonates with you. Mindset Matters: Before you can effectively execute creative ideas, cultivating an open and adaptable mindset is essential. Embrace change and be willing to explore new environments and experiences. Overcoming Feeling Stuck: Start by eliminating distractions like excessive social media use. Dedicate small, consistent blocks of time to activities that fuel your passion, even if it's just 10-30 minutes a day. Environment Shapes Creativity: Your surroundings play a crucial role in your creative output. Be open to changing environments, as they can provide new inspiration and opportunities for growth. Resonance vs. Dissonance: Pay attention to what resonates with you and brings positive energy. If you find yourself facing constant obstacles, it may be time to reassess and make changes in your life. QUOTES "The vibe is what you need to figure out—what you are feeling inside out to determine whatever creative endeavor you want to do." "Resonance is like hearing a song that makes you want to cry because it connects with exactly where you are energetically and emotionally." "If you notice that your interests and activities are changing and you're okay with it, then it's working. If you're not connecting with your environment, it's time to make a decision." "Sometimes, in order for the plant to grow, you have to move it into a bigger pot—you need to be repotted." Connect and learn more about Ash Kumra. Timecodes 00:00 Intro 00:52 Meet Ash Kumra: A Journey of Creativity and Success 03:00 The Power of Vibes in Creativity 06:56 Navigating Life Changes and Creativity 16:25 Practical Advice for the Stuck Creative 26:26 Leveraging AI for Creative Enhancement 37:57 Final Thoughts and Encouragement

    41 min
  4. 23 AUG

    Financial Freedom and Creativity with Brian Holtz | The Creative Potential Podcast

    In this episode of the Creative Potential Podcast, Chris Decker is joined with Brian Holtz, CEO of Compass, to talk about financial management from a biblical perspective. They discuss the challenges creative professionals face with finances, managing debt, and the importance of aligning financial decisions with one's values and calling. Brian shares insights from his journey, combining left-brain strategy with creative problem-solving, and offers practical advice for achieving financial stability and generosity. KEY TAKEAWAYS Debt and Creativity: How debt can stifle creativity by creating fear and anxiety, and why operating without debt can lead to greater freedom and success in creative endeavors. Left Brain Meets Right Brain: The importance of combining logical, problem-solving skills with creative thinking to achieve effective solutions in both business and life. Biblical Financial Principles: Understanding that financial questions often stem from deeper heart issues, and how aligning financial decisions with biblical principles can lead to greater peace and purpose. The Power of Generosity: How practicing generosity, even in small ways, can shift your mindset from fear to abundance and open doors for unexpected blessings. QUOTES "Nobody does well when they're afraid... by getting out of debt, we free ourselves to be who we are called to be." "We ask financial questions, but what we're really asking about is the heart behind the money question." "When we're in debt, we've promised income from the future to pay off what we bought in the past. That can result in anxiety, which impacts our ability to be creative." "In the act of giving, something happens in my heart... that greed starts to lessen, and I start to become a little bit less afraid." Connect and learn more about Brian Holtz. Timecodes 00:00 Intro 00:34 Financial Challenges for Creative Professionals 01:13 Meet Brian Holtz: A Journey of Faith and Finance 04:12 Left Brain Meets Right Brain: Creativity and Logic 10:43 Biblical Perspectives on Money and Debt 27:41 Practical Financial Advice for Creatives 36:56 Closing Thoughts and Resources

    40 min
  5. 14 AUG

    Realizing Dreams Before It's Too Late: A Conversation with Paul Levatino on Art, Tragedy, and Creative Passion | The Creative Potential Podcast

    In this episode of the Creative Potential Podcast, Chris Decker brings on filmmaker and producer Paul Levatino to discuss his journey in the creative industry, his latest documentary 'Bastards of Soul', and his personal battles with imposter syndrome and fear. Paul shares his experiences working with various artists, including Erykah Badu and Dave Chappelle, and offers insights into the power of storytelling and the importance of realizing one's creative potential. Through rich anecdotes and heartfelt reflections, this conversation delves into the human experience of chasing dreams, overcoming obstacles, and finding purpose in artistic endeavors. KEY TAKEAWAYS Embrace Your Creative Passion: Paul’s journey shows the importance of following your creative instincts and pursuing what you love, even when it feels daunting. The Power of Tragedy: Tragedy, though painful, can deepen our understanding of love, compassion, and the human experience, and it often becomes a catalyst for meaningful art. Overcoming Imposter Syndrome: Even seasoned professionals like Paul struggle with self-doubt, but pushing through it can lead to the creation of something truly special. The Significance of Time: The quote, "The trouble is you think you have time," serves as a powerful reminder to seize opportunities and realize your dreams before it’s too late. The Impact of Collaboration: Paul's success underscores the value of collaboration and the support of others in bringing creative visions to life. QUOTES “As sad and heartbreaking as tragedy is, I think it's necessary for us to understand what love is.” “Nobody's looking for tragedy, but it's the unexplainable events that connect us all as human beings.” “The trouble is you think you have time.” “Sometimes the nicest guys are the loneliest guys, and that’s something I think a lot of people can relate to.” “I had imposter syndrome, but as I saw the film come together, I realized that the vision was inside me all along.” Connect and learn more about Paul Levatino. Timecodes 00:00 Intro 02:05 Paul's Background in Music and Photography 04:24 Working with Erykah Badu and Other Artists 07:13 The Story of Chadwick and Bastards of Soul 11:01 The Purpose of Tragedy and Human Existence 16:02 Creating the Documentary: Challenges and Triumphs 30:57 Reflections on Creative Potential and Overcoming Fear 36:10 Conclusion and Final Thoughts

    38 min
  6. 5 AUG

    Navigating Creative Block: Screenwriting Coach Helps Artist Find Clarity featuring Brooks Elms | The Creative Potential Podcast

    In this episode of the Creative Potential Podcast, Chris Decker shares his journey of creating the 'Son of a King' film project. From struggling with initial setbacks, community support, personal grief, to an unexpected opportunity to work with master screenwriting coach Brooks Elms. In this in-depth coaching session, Chris and Brooks tackle the emotional and practical challenges of screenwriting, focusing on overcoming fears and aligning storytelling with personal and spiritual growth. This candid conversation offers valuable insights into creative processes, the importance of aligning personal experiences with creative projects, and how to maintain momentum despite life's obstacles. KEY TAKEAWAYS The transformative power of deep emotional storytelling through forgiveness and self-discovery. The importance of spiritual alignment and honoring agreements in the creative process. Simplifying creativity by focusing on the essence of storytelling and emotional connections. Balancing personal growth with professional aspirations to create authentic and impactful narratives. The journey towards self-acceptance and healing through storytelling and creative expression. QUOTES "Creating a connection with others through storytelling allows them to see God through my story." "Almost certainly not going to happen, so I’m not worried about it. But if it does, I am committing to showing up and doing all the work." Connect and learn more about Brooks Elms. Timecodes 00:00 Intro 00:36 Chris's Journey: From Struggle to Community Support 01:11 A Fateful Email and a Miraculous Opportunity 01:29 Deep Dive: Coaching Session with Brooks Elms 04:21 Chris's Evolving Career and Artistic Vision 16:54 Balancing Agreements and Personal Growth 23:38 The Mankind Project and Personal Transformation 30:25 The Power of Risk and Transformation 30:51 From UCLA to Life Coaching 31:31 Elevating Screenwriters' Careers 33:53 Connecting with Audiences 35:44 The Importance of Simplicity 40:30 The Role of a Coach 47:30 Crafting a Compelling Logline 53:28 Validating Your Story Concept 58:00 Final Thoughts and Resources

    59 min
  7. 17 JUL

    Creative Leadership Coach: A Conversation with Stephen ‘Steve’ Galaty | The Creative Potential Podcast

    In this episode of the Creative Potential Podcast, host Chris welcomes Stephen ‘Steve’ Galaty, a creative leadership coach specializing in helping UX professionals, entrepreneurs, and teams become creative multipliers. Steve shares insights on leveraging God-given talents and serving others to achieve creative multiplication. The discussion delves into the role of biblical principles in guiding creative missions, overcoming fear of failure, and fostering collaborative creativity in corporate environments. Steve also discusses his journey as an artist and hunter, emphasizing the importance of integrating personal passion with professional endeavors. Listeners are encouraged to explore the impact of selfless service and foundational truths to unlock their creative potential. KEY TAKEAWAYS Harnessing God-given Talents: Steve emphasizes the importance of recognizing and leveraging our innate talents and abilities to achieve creative multiplication. Service as a Path to Creativity: By serving others, we not only enhance our creative output but also contribute positively to our communities and workplaces. Integration of Personal Passion: Steve’s journey as an artist and hunter underscores the value of integrating personal passions with professional pursuits, fostering a more fulfilling creative life. Biblical Principles in Creativity: The discussion highlights how biblical principles can guide and inspire creative missions, providing a solid foundation for overcoming challenges like the fear of failure. Collaborative Creativity: Encouraging collaborative creativity in corporate settings is key to maximizing innovation and impact, moving beyond individual efforts to harness collective strengths. Selfless Service and Foundational Truths: Exploring the impact of selfless service and embracing foundational truths can unlock significant potential, both creatively and personally. QUOTES "There are so many different wisdom verses in the Bible that any individual could apply to any business venture and observe what we would term as worldly success." "Matthew 6:33, 'Seek first the kingdom and his righteousness and all things shall be added unto you. That is the anchor verse for everything that I do. It's what drives me and what propels my creative potential.'" "Two commandments that Jesus gave in the New Testament: love God, love others; serving others, using your gifts and talents wisely to multiply God's love and grace through service to others." "You can't please all the people all the time. You might get a pat on the back or an 'atta boy,' 'atta girl. But at the end of the day, that's fleeting. That'll come and go. It's not finite and where your treasure is" Connect and learn more about Stephen ‘Steve’ Galaty. Timecodes 00:00 Welcome to the Creative Potential Podcast 00:26 Introducing Steve: The Creative Leadership Coach 01:00 Understanding Creative Multiplication 02:12 Applying Creative Multiplication in the Workplace 04:40 Steve's Coaching Approach 07:03 Exploring the Bible's Role in Creativity 14:13 Steve's Artistic Journey and Hunting Stories 19:37 Balancing Creativity and Family Life 23:07 Overcoming Creative Blocks 30:53 Unleashing Creative Potential 32:54 Final Thoughts and Farewell

    36 min


Welcome to the Creative Potential Podcast - in the face of something new, how do you know if something has Creative Potential? Our creator economy has changed, the way we do business has changed, and the way we create NEEDS TO CHANGE. Join me as I network at a high level with top changemakers and creators in the world of technology, media, politics and religion to uncover the truth about creativity.

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