Daily Adventure Tales

Laurie Weaver
بودكاست ‫Daily Adventure Tales‬

Part reality show, part travelogue, part down-home boomer philosophy, Daily Adventure Tales encourages baby boomers and retirees to expand their horizons by trying something new every day. Hosted by Adventure Laurie Weaver and her husband, the Wonderful Mark, the Daily Adventure Tales podcast features commentary on boomer life, interviews, music, fun things to try and anything else that strikes those two as they dive into newly retired life. They are eager to hear your adventures and encourage participation in the podcast through DailyAdventureTales.com. What’s your story? Weekly podcast schedule is every Thurs. with a show length of between 15-30 minutes. Great for that adventure walk after dinner! Tweet @AdventureLaurie


Part reality show, part travelogue, part down-home boomer philosophy, Daily Adventure Tales encourages baby boomers and retirees to expand their horizons by trying something new every day. Hosted by Adventure Laurie Weaver and her husband, the Wonderful Mark, the Daily Adventure Tales podcast features commentary on boomer life, interviews, music, fun things to try and anything else that strikes those two as they dive into newly retired life. They are eager to hear your adventures and encourage participation in the podcast through DailyAdventureTales.com. What’s your story? Weekly podcast schedule is every Thurs. with a show length of between 15-30 minutes. Great for that adventure walk after dinner! Tweet @AdventureLaurie

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أفريقيا والشرق الأوسط، والهند

آسيا والمحيط الهادئ


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