005. How To Feel Your Ancestors | Lisa Nagel

How To Feelポッドキャスト

In the beginning of the pandemic I was hit with some serious anxiety. There was so much uncertainty. Would we survive? Is this the end of the world? As I sat with my fear, one thought kept me grounded and anchored: my ancestors have survived pandemics and I will too. This is the not the first time humans have gone through something like this.

I knew I wanted to have my friend Lisa Nagel on the podcast to talk all about connecting with our ancestors, especially in uncertain times.

Lisa is an inherited trauma resolution coach and ancestral healing guide who works with highly sensitive womxn who want to be free. Who want to feel vibrantly alive in their self-expression, their relationships, and careers.

She believes in gentle bravery, radical love, in transformation that lasts and that our stories aren't over yet. That everything is still possible. www.wildsensitivesouls.com.

Lisa has such a calming and reassuring perspective on the current world events and connecting with our ancestors. I think you’re really going to enjoy this episode.








