142. Power and Persuasion: Live Insights from Stanford Experts

Think Fast Talk Smart: Communication Techniquesポッドキャスト

A special live edition from the Me2We event at Stanford, where strategic communications expert and podcast host Matt Abrahams joins four distinguished faculty members from Stanford Graduate School of Business:

  • Michelle Gelfand explores the dynamics of cross-cultural organizational behavior.
  • Brian Lowery discusses the societal implications of racial perceptions.
  • Deborah Gruenfeld reveals insights into power dynamics and personal presence.
  • Zakary Tormala delves into the nuances of persuasive language.

Episode Reference Links:

  • Michelle Gelfand: Website
  • Michelle Gelfand Stanford Profile: Website 
  • Michelle Gelfand’s Book: Rule Makers, Rule Breakers: How Tight and Loose Cultures Wire Our World 
  • Michelle Gelfand's Tight-Loose Quiz
  • Brian Lowery: Website 
  • Brian Lowery’s Stanford Profile: Website 
  • Brian Lowery’s Book: Selfless: The Social Creation of "You" 
  • Brian Lowery’s Podcast: Know What You See 
  • Deborah Gruenfeld’s Stanford Profile: Website 
  • Deborah Gruenfeld’s Book: Acting With Power: Why We Are More Powerful Than We Believe 
  • Zak Tormala’s Stanford Profile: Website 
  • Ep.67 What is Normal? How Culture Affects Communication Styles YouTube / Website 
  • Ep.84 Quick Thinks: How Others Define Us YouTube / Website 
  • Ep.11 The Science of Influence: How to Persuade Others and Hold Their Attention YouTube / Website 
  • Ep.12 It’s Not What You Say It’s How You Say It: How to Communicate Power Youtube / Website


  • Email Questions & Feedback >>> thinkfast@stanford.edu
  • Episode Transcripts >>> Think Fast Talk Smart Website
  • Newsletter Signup + English Language Learning >>> FasterSmarter.io
  • Think Fast Talk Smart >>>









