17. The 40-Year-Old Baseball Player | Ron Andante II | 805 Bats

Baseball Training for Older People LIVEポッドキャスト

I am honored to share this interview with a great man that has become a dear friend to me on a personal level, but is also a dear friend to the BTOP mission.  Ron Andante II is the founder of 805 Bats, the unofficial bat of Baseball Training for Older People.  In this episode, we are going to get an update from Ron on his first year of bat turning.  Additionally, we are going to talk about the new adventure of blogging that Ron has embarked on.  Ron's blogging site, The Middle Age Amateur Ball Player, is quite the breath of fresh air.  Ron is a fantastic writer and promoter of all good things related to amateur baseball.  I, myself, have had the good fortune of writing as a guest blogger.  I hope you enjoy the episode, but please be sure to check out the links below to support Ron, 805 Bats, and the BTOP mission. 

Links for Ron Andante II

805 Bats - http://www.facebook.com/805bats

805 Bats at Flippos - http://www.mbflippos.com/805bats

Amateur Baseballer Blog - http://www.40yearoldbaseball.com

Please support the mission of Baseball Training for Older People (BTOP) by liking, following, and subscribing to our various platforms - https://linktr.ee/HasbeenMyAss








