1949 • Baseball Clip • The Scout by Branch Rickey - Radio Drama
The show The Scout is a Family Theater radio drama episode that aired on June 15, 1949. It features Eddie Bracken, Kathy O'Donnell, and Branch Rickey in pivotal roles. The story, introduced by Branch Rickey, revolves around baseball, a theme close to Rickey's heart due to his long association with the sport. He introduces the tale of Skip Welch, a character not famous in the big leagues or recorded in major league record books but regarded by Rickey as a true big-league player due to his integrity and character.
The narrative unfolds in a small Midwestern town called Rawson, where Skip Welch, once an orphan and now a minor league baseball player, dedicates his time to coaching boys from the local orphanage. His story is one of ambition, moral dilemmas, and the harsh realities of professional sports. Despite his skill and passion, Skip faces challenges that test his values, particularly when he meets a mysterious scout promising him a future in the major leagues under stringent, morally ambiguous conditions. As Skip pursues his dream, he finds himself compromising the very principles he holds dear, leading to a climactic moment where he must choose between personal gain and the well-being of a young boy named Chuck from the orphanage.
List of characters and their actors:
Eddie Bracken as Skip Welch: A hopeful minor league baseball player and the protagonist of the story.
Kathy O'Donnell as Mary Collins: Skip's love interest who helps him see the value in moral integrity over success at any cost.
Branch Rickey as the Host/Narrator: Introduces the story and provides commentary on the moral of the story.
A character known as the Scout: Represents the temptation of success at the expense of one's values.
Chuck: A young boy from the orphanage who looks up to Skip and whose fate becomes intertwined with Skip's moral decisions.
The story serves as a parable on the importance of playing hard but clean, emphasizing integrity over victory and the real meaning of success. It is an echo of Rickey's own beliefs about the role of sports in building character.
- 番組
- 頻度アップデート:毎日
- 配信日2024年12月9日 6:41 UTC
- 長さ30分
- 制限指定不適切な内容を含まない