
431: The Daily Gratitude Minute | Quotes - Gratitude - Happiness The Daily Gratitude Minute

    • 健康/フィットネス

Welcome back to the Daily Gratitude Minute. My name is Scott Colby from Say It With Gratitude. I've got a quote for you today from Willie Nelson of all people. He said, once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you'll start having positive results. I love that. For me, this quote means that the way we think about things affects the outcomes we experience in our.

If we have negative thoughts, we are likely to have negative experiences and results. On the other hand, if we focus on positive thoughts and cultivate a positive mindset, we'll start to see more positive outcomes and experiences in our lives. The idea is that our thoughts influence our actions and attitudes, and therefore they have a direct impact on the results we get.

Now by replacing negative thoughts with positive ones, we can change our outlook and improve the outcomes we see in our lives. I'm Scott Colby with Say It With Gratitude, and this has been the Daily Gratitude minute. Cheers.

Welcome back to the Daily Gratitude Minute. My name is Scott Colby from Say It With Gratitude. I've got a quote for you today from Willie Nelson of all people. He said, once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you'll start having positive results. I love that. For me, this quote means that the way we think about things affects the outcomes we experience in our.

If we have negative thoughts, we are likely to have negative experiences and results. On the other hand, if we focus on positive thoughts and cultivate a positive mindset, we'll start to see more positive outcomes and experiences in our lives. The idea is that our thoughts influence our actions and attitudes, and therefore they have a direct impact on the results we get.

Now by replacing negative thoughts with positive ones, we can change our outlook and improve the outcomes we see in our lives. I'm Scott Colby with Say It With Gratitude, and this has been the Daily Gratitude minute. Cheers.



On Purpose with Jay Shetty
ネガティブさんの隠れ家 - 寝落ちラジオ -
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