
#91 नर्सका कुरा by Manju Telor Boju Bajai

    • ニュース

In this episode, journalist Manju Telor explores the working conditions of overworked and underpaid nurses in Nepal. How does that affect the quality of care in Nepal’s hospitals, and what can the institutions within which these care professionals work do better?

Subscribe to our weekly newsletter Cold Takes by Boju Bajai for a roundup of news and feminist views from Nepal and the Nepali internet.
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Boju Bajai regularly works with reporters and researchers to bring compelling audio stories that centre and amplify women’s experiences. If you would like to support our work, please consider being our patron here: www.patreon.com/bojubajai

Follow @Bojubajai on social media for more laughs and guff gaff:
Instagram: www.instagram.com/bojubajai/
Facebook: www.facebook.com/bojubajai/
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YouTube: www.youtube.com/c/BojuBajai/

Boju Bajai theme music by Flekke

Related readings:

Boju Bajai #70 Looking Back: Women at the Covid-19 frontline: https://bojubajai.org/episodes/women-at-the-covid-19-frontline/

३२ वर्षदेखि थपिएन डाक्टरको दरबन्दी, Manju Telor, Naya Patrika https://www.nayapatrikadaily.com/news-details/118513/2023-07-04

In this episode, journalist Manju Telor explores the working conditions of overworked and underpaid nurses in Nepal. How does that affect the quality of care in Nepal’s hospitals, and what can the institutions within which these care professionals work do better?

Subscribe to our weekly newsletter Cold Takes by Boju Bajai for a roundup of news and feminist views from Nepal and the Nepali internet.
Read and subscribe here: https://bojubajai.substack.com/welcome

Boju Bajai regularly works with reporters and researchers to bring compelling audio stories that centre and amplify women’s experiences. If you would like to support our work, please consider being our patron here: www.patreon.com/bojubajai

Follow @Bojubajai on social media for more laughs and guff gaff:
Instagram: www.instagram.com/bojubajai/
Facebook: www.facebook.com/bojubajai/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/BojuBajai
YouTube: www.youtube.com/c/BojuBajai/

Boju Bajai theme music by Flekke

Related readings:

Boju Bajai #70 Looking Back: Women at the Covid-19 frontline: https://bojubajai.org/episodes/women-at-the-covid-19-frontline/

३२ वर्षदेखि थपिएन डाक्टरको दरबन्दी, Manju Telor, Naya Patrika https://www.nayapatrikadaily.com/news-details/118513/2023-07-04



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