Akbar Birbal Stories- Hindi Moral Tales

Akbar Birbal Stories- Hindi Moral Tales

Jalal-ud-din-Mohammad Akbar, also known as Akbar, was one of the most famous Mughal kings and he reigned India during the 16th century. Akbar, unlike other Mughal emperors, was keen to have talented people in his court irrespective of their religion. He had nine gems in his court and amongst them, Birbal was widely considered the most intelligent. A Brahmin by birth, Birbal’s original name was Mahesh Das and he met Akbar first time when he helped Akbar and his courtiers find the way back to their kingdom after having lost their way while on a hunting trip. Akbar and Birbal’s friendship lasted for 30 years before Birbal became a casualty of a war with North West tribes and it is said that Akbar went into a deep mourning for 2 days on hearing this and didn’t eat any food. Numerous Akbar Birbal stories from this time have been passed on from one generation to another in which Akbar will test Birbal’s skills by throwing him into tricky situations and Birbal had to use his wit to get out of them. Chimes Radio brings a collection of such bedtime stories for kids to enjoy. Each audio story while having a touch of fun also has a strong moral lesson for children.   For more kid's podcasts and 24x7 web radio, download the free 'Chimes Radio' apps from Apple and Google App Stores. www.chimesradio.com https://www.facebook.com/chimesradio/ https://www.instagram.com/vrchimesradio/ https://twitter.com/ChimesRadio


  1. Akbar and Birbal's First Meeting (अकबर बीरबल की पहली मुलाक़ात)


    Akbar and Birbal's First Meeting (अकबर बीरबल की पहली मुलाक़ात)

    Everyone knows tons of stories of how Akbar and Birbal made a formidable pair and their witty stories are quite famous. But we bring to you the real story of how Akbar and Birbal really met the first time.  On a bright summer day, Akbar decided to go hunting with his companions but they were unable to trace any wild animals in the woods. They were all tired and thirsty so Akbar decided to visit the nearest village in search of water. On their way to the village, they found a young boy, whose name was Mahesh Das, carrying a pile of woods. Akbar asked him if there is any lake nearby and the boy happily agreed to take them to the lake. The boy had no idea who Akbar was, so he cross-questioned him when Akbar asked the little boy what his name was. Akbar and his companions reached the lake and finally quenched their thirst. Akbar gave a ring to that boy, asked him to meet him when he grows up and left. Upon looking at the ring, the boy realized who Akbar was and started to run after his troop but they were far gone.  After years, when Mahesh Das grew older, he decided to visit Akbar's court. After a long journey, he reached the court and saw Akbar in between a court meeting so he decided to stand in a corner. Akbar asked his fellow noblemen "What is the most beautiful flower on earth?" Some answered rose, some lotus, some jasmine but Mahesh Das suggested that in his opinion it is the cotton flower. The entire court started laughing at his answer and told that cotton flowers are colorless and got no odor. Mahesh Das then explained how useful cotton flowers are. Cotton grown from this flower is used to make clothes for people in summer as well as in winter. Akbar was impressed with his witty answer and asked his name. Mahesh Das then introduced himself and referred to the time when he met King Akbar. Akbar then happily appointed him as one of the noblemen in his court. Later, Mahesh Das came to be known as Birbal.   For more kid's podcasts and 24x7 web radio, download the free 'Chimes Radio' apps from Apple and Google App Stores.www.chimesradio.com https://www.facebook.com/chimesradio/ https://www.instagram.com/vrchimesradio/ https://twitter.com/ChimesRadio



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Jalal-ud-din-Mohammad Akbar, also known as Akbar, was one of the most famous Mughal kings and he reigned India during the 16th century. Akbar, unlike other Mughal emperors, was keen to have talented people in his court irrespective of their religion. He had nine gems in his court and amongst them, Birbal was widely considered the most intelligent. A Brahmin by birth, Birbal’s original name was Mahesh Das and he met Akbar first time when he helped Akbar and his courtiers find the way back to their kingdom after having lost their way while on a hunting trip. Akbar and Birbal’s friendship lasted for 30 years before Birbal became a casualty of a war with North West tribes and it is said that Akbar went into a deep mourning for 2 days on hearing this and didn’t eat any food. Numerous Akbar Birbal stories from this time have been passed on from one generation to another in which Akbar will test Birbal’s skills by throwing him into tricky situations and Birbal had to use his wit to get out of them. Chimes Radio brings a collection of such bedtime stories for kids to enjoy. Each audio story while having a touch of fun also has a strong moral lesson for children.   For more kid's podcasts and 24x7 web radio, download the free 'Chimes Radio' apps from Apple and Google App Stores. www.chimesradio.com https://www.facebook.com/chimesradio/ https://www.instagram.com/vrchimesradio/ https://twitter.com/ChimesRadio

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