B Lab's Innovative Tools to Help Impact Companies Grow Sustainably

Global Goals Projectポッドキャスト

B Lab exists to support the cultural change happening around business: How can we create social change with business? And how can we operate sustainably, from sourcing to selling? 

Key Links:

  • https://bcorporation.net/
  • https://bthechange.com/
  • https://bimpactassessment.net/

In this episode, we talk with B Lab executives Laura and Amanda to find out:

  • What is the mission and vision of B Lab?
  • Can you give us a quick background of B Lab and why you got involved?
  • How does the ecosystem work?
  • What stage of business would you recommend to take the assessment?
  • Why should people measure their impact? What are the benefits?
  • Can you share more about B Analytics?
  • What kind of companies are signing up to use this tool?
  • Can you share with us how you integrated the Global Goals with B Lab?
  • How can we get involved?

Tune in to discover how you can use the Impact Assessment as a guide for your own business growth, and how you can use the B Lab Analytics to inform your investments. 

More details:  http://www.globalgoalsproject.io/b-lab/ 


This episode was hosted by our Creative Director, Katy Ward. Chandler Perog was the interviewer and is our Executive Director. Production and distribution by Simpler Media Productions.

For insight into how business and cutting edge technology are changing the world, visit us at GlobalGoalsProject.io








