Beyond All Boundaries with John Dwyer

John Dwyer
Beyond All Boundaries with John Dwyerポッドキャスト

Beyond All Boundaries hosted by John Dwyer is a show that brings on elite entrepreneurs doing things with their life and business that pushes all boundaries and makes a bigger impact on the world outside of themself. We talk business, spirituality, life, purpose and much more.

  1. 2022/02/11

    How to Build An Incredible Culture in Your Organization with Damon Remy

    Do you have a strategy, vision, and value to drive you beyond boundaries? Most people do not have an idea of their purpose and just copy what they see around them. In today’s episode, Damon and I are talking about how to go beyond all boundaries. Damon shares his journey to developing Rei Blackbook a CRM and marketing solution for real estate investors. Also, he offers essential information and advice on how entrepreneurs can grow their business by having a vision, systems, and the right people. Listen in. Timestamps: [01:36] Getting to know Damon Remy [10:14] Damon’s journey to designing his software [16:04] Robert Kiyosaki group meets Damon [17:54] What Damon learned in this process and mistakes that entrepreneurs make when hiring [24:40] Damon’s aspects of consideration when hiring [28:01] The three key components to success in business [34:14] Things to look for in a system and three types of system to install in a business. [36:45] Why do you need vision, systems, and people in a business Quotes: “When you don't know what you don't know. You just look to your environment and say, Okay, who around me is having success.” “The mistake that I made straight up was I just copied what I could see from the outside.” “Most folks are looking to hire the talent. Like I want the most talented developer, I want the most talented sales guy, I want the most… you know, I'm looking for the skillset and the talent instead of going to behavioral analysis.” “Once you get articulate personal vision, it should tell you how much money you need to support that life.” “If everybody knows that communication is coming from a place of sincerity and in love for the betterment of the team, we lean into failure.” “There’s a lot of people that are in professional careers, have had success, and they're good at those things but they're miserable.” “If you're an entrepreneur, you're not driving the bus. You’re just the route planner and you need somebody in the operations role to drive that bus.” Connect With Mark Damon Remy Website: Facebook:

  2. 2022/02/04

    Building and Maintaining a Business Partnership with James Manning

    What were you doing at the age of 22? Jim Mannings was fortunate enough to have a job and no student loan. He invested his money in stocks and flipping. Jim quit his job to do real estate full-time, only to find out that it was not as rosy as it seems. He had to survive on a credit card for months to have food. Jim will tell us how he got past the ugly experience in this episode. Also, Jim will tell us how he founded Doors to Deals, got into partnership with Ryan, and the secret sauce that has helped them maintain the partnership this long. Listen in.. Key Talking Points of the Episode: [02:42] What was Jim doing in corporate America? [03:06] How Jim got out of corporate America [08:22] The birth of three doors [11:00] The secret sauce that has made Ryan and Jim stick together as partners [15:14] How Jim and Ryan resolve their conflicts [16:56] What things can Jim attribute their last year’s success to? [20:40] How often do Jim and the rest of the team meet? [24:46] Ryan’s strengths [26:35] What got Jim to where he is today? Magical Quotes from the Episode: “The biggest mistake I think people make in choosing partners is that they only value the personality, meshing and the relationship and how they get along with someone.” “The single most important thing in business is having a having a value focus that you’re going to provide more value and create your own unique selling proposition to your clients.” “it’s so easy to get just buried in your business to where you don’t pay a pull your head out and recognize areas of the weaknesses and things that you could maybe slow down to speed up a little bit.” “As a business grows, the problems become more complex. To have somebody that’s really intelligent, to be able to bounce things off them, and kind of share what’s going on in your head is really important.” Connect With Jim Mannings: Website:

  3. 2022/01/28

    Where to Position Excess Capital for Your Business with Kevin Fink

    Do you have money from your investments, and you have no idea where to keep it until a new opportunity arises? This episode is for you. John and I will be answering the question, where should we park our money? Take a moment and ask yourself, where is the car safest when you are not driving it? Is it in the garage or the streets? Definitely, it is in the garage, where it is protected from harsh weather theft, among other things. Likewise, your money is safe when it is in a money garage. Just like the way you drive your car off. Your parked money should be readily available when you need it for an opportunity. Listen in to this episode to learn more. Key Talking Points of the Episode: [02:47] What’s the best place to park your money? [04:30] What does money at rest mean? [08:27] The Garage analogy [12:43] The Gold analogy Magical Quotes from the Episode: “The traditional model has always been just looking at a way to return an average return, and an accumulation model. But the reality is, is that there's so many key factors to where you can park capital, and what it means for you other than rate of return.” “We get so hung up traditionally, on rate of return, we think we always have to be maximizing the rate of return even when the money is just sitting somewhere.” “Opportunity is really what creates rates of return.” “We forget about that in times of uncertainty and in times of just in just good overall economic sense. It's okay to have some mile money idle.” “The purpose of money is to transact, either for lifestyle, or for investment. We don't have money just for the sake of having money. We got to do something with it.”

  4. 2022/01/21

    Building a Business Partnership & Scaling a Large Organization with Jack BeVier

    We all want growth in our companies. What many people do not know is controlled growth is essential. If you grow too fast, you risk losing control and getting overwhelmed. Controlled growth has been the name of the game at Dominion Group. Jack Bevier will tell us all about it in this episode. Jack Bevier is a Partner at Dominion Financial Services. Since joining the company, Jack has worked in nearly every aspect of the business, including acquisitions, construction, property management, marketing, sales, business development, and finance. He has been responsible for purchasing over 1,500 single-family real estate investment properties and has helped make Dominion Financial Services a nationally recognized private lender to experienced real estate investors. Jack is responsible for running the operations and is most proud of the many customers he has been able to help become successful over the past decade. Jack is also the co-founder of Baltimore’s non-profit organization, the Small Developer’s Collective. In this episode, Jack will share a background of the Dominion group, the importance of having controlled growth, how to hire the best talents, and thoughts on the current economic situations from a real estate point of view. Listen in to this episode and learn. Key Talking Points of the Episode: [01:11] What is the Dominion group? [03:58] Dominion’s journey to sustain the employees [13:14] How Jack and the company are making sure they don’t grow too fast [16:23] Where is Domino’s portfolio [18:28] Dominion’s lending business [23:45] Jack’s thoughts on the current economic situation from a real estate perspective Magical Quotes from the Episode: “If you want to grow an organization, you need to be able to leverage the efforts of other people. They can be very additive, or they can be very negative to you to your productivity.” “Getting the machine to work well, when people are the nuts and bolts of the machine, you really need to have a language to talk about personality, because that’s the nature of the nuts and bolts in the machine.” Connect with Jack Bevier: Dominion Financial:

  5. 2022/01/14

    Why You Should Own Your Own Freedom with David Phelps

    Sometimes things happen in our lives and turn out to be blessings in disguise. In this episode, I have David Phelps joining me on the show. He is the perfect example of rising above difficult situations for a better future. David was a practicing dentist when his daughter started developing health problems at the age of five, and he didn’t manage to be there for his daughter as much as he’d have loved to. At age 12, his daughter had a liver transplant, and David made it his mission to be there for his daughter. He sold his practice. Today David is an author and the founder of Freedom Founders. David will share his story and how his daughter’s experience molded him into the person, he is today. Listen in to this episode. Key Talking Points of the Episode: [01:39] Getting to know David and how he got into real estate [07:14] David’s dental practice [08:33] David’s transition from practicing dentistry and how Freedom Founders was created [14:55] A trap we should all avoid [18:36] How to deal with our insecurities [22:59] How Freedom Founders grew [27:20] What contributed to the success of Freedom Founders mastermind? [30:22] What David learnt from his daughter’s situation [34:23] Importance of having people who hold you accountable in life [35:46] What drove David to author his latest book [39:05] David’s nuggets of wisdom Magical Quotes from the Episode: “We learn lessons in life that we didn’t get in school, and that’s just part of life experience.” “The challenges of being a solopreneur means, you kind of have to do a lot of everything, and it takes a lot of your time.” “What you really want to focus on in life is having a lot of different skill sets.” “What you believe will be the core values of what you build.” “Choosing your counsel wisely is one of the most important things you can do.” “If we were just to slow down and just take the foot off the gas a little bit and evaluate and oftentimes, we put ourselves in much better positions.” Connect with David Phelps: LinkedIn: Grab his Book:

  6. 2022/01/07

    Getting Through Failure & Challenging Life Moments with Derek Dombeck

    Failure is one thing that many of us are afraid of experiencing. Unfortunately, failure doesn’t ask for permission. It just comes when it is least expected. In this episode, I have the amazing Derek Dombeck. He is one guy with a story to tell. He is the owner of Best REI Funding LLC. He has been seen the best and worst of the market, and he has scars to show. In 2007, he experienced one of the biggest failures in his life. His business went under. He had the option of filing for bankruptcy, but together with his wife, they decided to take a different route. Derek got a partner who had the money, and Derek brought his knowledge to the table. With his experience, Derek rebuilt his business and runs a mastermind and a conference today. Listen in to Derek’s story and learn. Key Talking Points of the Episode: [00:53]Who is Derek Dombeck? [02:11] Derek’s failure in 2007 [08:55] What kept Derek and his wife going after failing in 2007? [13:40] Derek’s private lending business [16:27] Derek’s masterminds Magical Quotes from the Episode: “Once the knowledge is up in between your ears, they can take everything away from you. You can fail again. But you won’t lose the knowledge and the experience you have.” “When you’ve been through different market cycles, it’s almost like you’ve seen the end of the movie before the movie started.” “I know what I know today, and I have what I have today because of what we went through.” “We take pride in working with our clients educating them. Whenever they have a challenge, we’re there to help them, and we don’t want to take the property away from them.” Connect with Derek Dombeck: Twitter: LinkedIn: Website:



Beyond All Boundaries hosted by John Dwyer is a show that brings on elite entrepreneurs doing things with their life and business that pushes all boundaries and makes a bigger impact on the world outside of themself. We talk business, spirituality, life, purpose and much more.








