Bruce Hills - Transitioning - Fitness & Travelling - Important Role Models - Supporting the "T" in our LGBTQIA+ community

UnFunk Yourselfポッドキャスト

⏰ Episode 10 with Bruce Hills

We are so delectably lucky to get quite the insight into Bruce’s life. His advice for parents, friends and colleagues on how to be the best ally and to be the change you want to see for our futures.

⚠️ WARNING: Bruce talks quite openly about some of the fear, abuse and violence felt and received by many our Trans community. This could be a trigger for some of our listeners, you may wish to skip past 27:05 min to 29:43 min.

⭐️ Growing up ini the 70’s & 80’s was certainly the challenge, especially when Bruce moved from England to Wales. With it, brought an extra layer of anxiety to an already socially awkward experience, leading him to become withdrawn and bullied at school

⭐️ Finding role models, visual representations of yourself was equally as difficult, as Bruce turned 16 in the 90’s. Finding them and using them to have family discussions brought about an awareness and not quite the pink satin pumps the family envisaged

⭐️ A candid chat about Bruce’s own very unique and individual transition experience, How do you even begin to share your news with others? He says, “It feels like your standing at the bottom of Everest in a raincoat and a pair of flip-flops with no resource to get you up and over, or even down the other side”

⭐️ Bruce had to put much of his desired experience to one side as he focused on forging himself a career in dentistry having studied hard at university. This was a priority for him before he could fully start the journey into his transition.

⭐️ What can we all do to become better ally’s in supporting and protecting our Trans communities, not just in the UK but globally?

⭐️ Where can we find resources to watch, listen to learn, understand and educate ourselves about our wonderful Trans people and communities?

⭐️ Bruce celebrates the ownership of his true gender passport. How does it feel to travel authentically? What advice has he got for others? Can you believe he even went to Russia! Wow

⭐️ What is he most excited about within the LGBTQIA+ communities right now?

Oh Wow, Plus - so so much more!!!!

📺 📚 Bruce recommends Transparent on Amazon Prime. Trans Radio and Trans Living Magazine.

Search on Netflix, Channel 4 and BBC for categories for the “T” in our LGBTQIA+ films and documentaries and watch the ones that make you feel uncomfortable, this supports our understanding and willingness to learn… so important !

🙌🏾🙌🏿🙌🏼 Thank you as always to the wonderful Bruce for giving up his time to chat! We wish you every success!

And to you, our wonderful listeners for hanging out with us on this quite exciting journey, but until next time…








