Building a Life Beyond Expectations with Lynda Hinkle

Coffee o'clock Podcastポッドキャスト

Living your life on your own terms, creating a life beyond expectations is not easy but not impossible!

This is what we talked in this episode. 🎧

🎤 Meet my guest: 

Lynda Hinkle is a bar-certified attorney in the State of New Jersey who has run the Law Offices of Lynda Hinkle in Southern New Jersey for nearly 15 years. She holds a J. D. from Rutgers School of Law Camden, a Masters in English from Rutgers University, and a Masters in Teaching from Rowan University. She also serves as a mediator in family and estate matters.

She has worked as a teacher, an adjunct professor, and an entrepreneur. She founded Working to Halt Online Abuse and served as its first president, acted as a district representative for New Jersey Congressman Rob Andrews, and was Editor-In-Chief of MP Journal, an international, peer-reviewed feminist academic journal. She has done a significant amount of freelance, professional, and academic writing in her career.

She has also written a book, Breaking Up: Finding and Working with a New Jersey Divorce Attorney.

Though her legal career has been successful, Hinkle has never strayed from her communal roots. She served on the Alumni Board at Rowan University, is a Board of Trustee of the Camden County Bar Association Foundation and the Camden County Bar Association, and is a participant in many more volunteer and pro bono activities, including a significant amount of lobbying for domestic violence and human trafficking causes and often consults with legislators about pending litigation in family law/domestic violence matters.

✨ Connect Lynda:

@hinklelaw on FB and instagram, @hinkleesq on tik tok

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