Coach Session: Amy - how to make the right decision for only the right reasons

Nicole Wrage Coachingポッドキャスト

If my kids want to talk to me, it means I (parented) right, and that I was a good enough mom ~ Amy

We talk about the priority of "all these things" as referenced in Matthew 6:33.

Why do we want to spend time with our kids? What does it mean to us when our kids don't want to spend time with us? What does it mean to us when our kids do like us? What question are we trying to answer...what are we trying to prove and validate? What happens when we seek this from our kids? What happens when we try to self-validate and convince ourselves of our own worth? What happens when we try to get our needs met, or try to meet other people's needs?

We need God. We don't need each other. We don't need ourselves. God doesn't need us. Amy and I discuss the difference between Need and Want, and what happens when Need sneaks into our Want in relation to anything other than God.

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