
Connected healthcare: The value of cloud Perspectives on Health and Tech

    • 生命科学

It’s no secret: healthcare systems are overburdened—could cloud capabilities really provide some of the needed reprieve? Could the right data presented at the right time reduce costs and improve operations, ease the administrative burden on clinicians and payers, and help improve the patient experience? Two experts discuss use cases on cloud-enabled intuitive assistance, streamlining and vetting data, how cloud-enabled technologies are benefiting the whole patient experience, and more.
Michelle Flemmings, M.D., industry executive director, Healthcare North America Cloud Infrastructure 
Sarah Matt, M.D., vice president of Oracle Health product strategy
Hear them talk about:  
•    What’s going on in the healthcare industry right now (0:24)
•    Using cloud and other technologies to improve workplace experience and retain healthcare workers (1:15)
•    Challenges and concerns when moving from rules-based applications and tools to more predictive forecasting and AI (2:54)
•    Working with clients going through the transition of bringing together disparate data sources separated by geography, organization, privacy, and security (4:27)
•    Harnessing cloud capabilities for clinical trials (7:24)
•    How to build trust around privacy and security for cloud and AI—and how cloud can be a secure mechanism to bring forth that trust (10:05)
•    Opportunities in leveraging the cloud for healthcare (14:24)
Notable quotes:  
“I think that cloud has a great availability of information, but it also has the functionality whereby it can hopefully look at the system overall, if it's dialed in right, and then predict what's necessary and then take out the rest of the chaos. You know, taking in the signal and taking out the noise.” – Michelle Flemmings
“Now with the potential of AI using thoughtful implementation to support our providers from burnout, empower our patients to lead their healthcare teams, make those right decisions using trusted information that's fit for purpose, it changes the entire landscape.” – Michelle Flemmings
“We need to make certain that we're not replacing that trust that has been in the provider relationships so long and then got compromised when we did start going digital. There's an opportunity here to rebuild that, and magnify that, and still broaden our ability to care for more patients.” – Michelle Flemmings
Learn more about how Oracle is connecting healthcare with cloud capabilities through products and solutions.

Watch on-demand and live webcasts by registering for Oracle Health Inside Access.
Episode Transcript:
00:00:00 Dr. Sarah Matt
You're listening to Perspectives on Health and Tech, a podcast by Oracle where we have conversations on creating a connected healthcare world where everyone thrives. I'm Dr. Sarah Matt. I'm the VP of Oracle Health product strategy. And with me today, I have Dr. Michelle Flemmings from our OCI team. So, Michelle, I know we've been hearing a lot about cloud capabilities for healthcare. Can you get us a bit of an overview of what's really going on in the industry right now?
00:00:24 Dr. Michelle Flemmings
Well, Sarah, thank you for that question. I have had the pleasure of meeting with a lot of our clients and being at several events recently and top of mind is cost containment especially with the economy as it is, and the cost continuing to rise. Second, a very close second, is achieving and maintaining operational efficiency that will help support that cost containment.
Things around process improvement, throughput, driving patient outcomes, improving quality performance as well. And then I think, honestly, the one that really surprised me the most is road mapping around the implementation of AI and wanting to establish the right partnerships in order to know that they're doing it in the right way.

It’s no secret: healthcare systems are overburdened—could cloud capabilities really provide some of the needed reprieve? Could the right data presented at the right time reduce costs and improve operations, ease the administrative burden on clinicians and payers, and help improve the patient experience? Two experts discuss use cases on cloud-enabled intuitive assistance, streamlining and vetting data, how cloud-enabled technologies are benefiting the whole patient experience, and more.
Michelle Flemmings, M.D., industry executive director, Healthcare North America Cloud Infrastructure 
Sarah Matt, M.D., vice president of Oracle Health product strategy
Hear them talk about:  
•    What’s going on in the healthcare industry right now (0:24)
•    Using cloud and other technologies to improve workplace experience and retain healthcare workers (1:15)
•    Challenges and concerns when moving from rules-based applications and tools to more predictive forecasting and AI (2:54)
•    Working with clients going through the transition of bringing together disparate data sources separated by geography, organization, privacy, and security (4:27)
•    Harnessing cloud capabilities for clinical trials (7:24)
•    How to build trust around privacy and security for cloud and AI—and how cloud can be a secure mechanism to bring forth that trust (10:05)
•    Opportunities in leveraging the cloud for healthcare (14:24)
Notable quotes:  
“I think that cloud has a great availability of information, but it also has the functionality whereby it can hopefully look at the system overall, if it's dialed in right, and then predict what's necessary and then take out the rest of the chaos. You know, taking in the signal and taking out the noise.” – Michelle Flemmings
“Now with the potential of AI using thoughtful implementation to support our providers from burnout, empower our patients to lead their healthcare teams, make those right decisions using trusted information that's fit for purpose, it changes the entire landscape.” – Michelle Flemmings
“We need to make certain that we're not replacing that trust that has been in the provider relationships so long and then got compromised when we did start going digital. There's an opportunity here to rebuild that, and magnify that, and still broaden our ability to care for more patients.” – Michelle Flemmings
Learn more about how Oracle is connecting healthcare with cloud capabilities through products and solutions.

Watch on-demand and live webcasts by registering for Oracle Health Inside Access.
Episode Transcript:
00:00:00 Dr. Sarah Matt
You're listening to Perspectives on Health and Tech, a podcast by Oracle where we have conversations on creating a connected healthcare world where everyone thrives. I'm Dr. Sarah Matt. I'm the VP of Oracle Health product strategy. And with me today, I have Dr. Michelle Flemmings from our OCI team. So, Michelle, I know we've been hearing a lot about cloud capabilities for healthcare. Can you get us a bit of an overview of what's really going on in the industry right now?
00:00:24 Dr. Michelle Flemmings
Well, Sarah, thank you for that question. I have had the pleasure of meeting with a lot of our clients and being at several events recently and top of mind is cost containment especially with the economy as it is, and the cost continuing to rise. Second, a very close second, is achieving and maintaining operational efficiency that will help support that cost containment.
Things around process improvement, throughput, driving patient outcomes, improving quality performance as well. And then I think, honestly, the one that really surprised me the most is road mapping around the implementation of AI and wanting to establish the right partnerships in order to know that they're doing it in the right way.
