Develpreneur: Become a Better Developer and Entrepreneur

Rob Broadhead
Develpreneur: Become a Better Developer and Entrepreneurポッドキャスト

This podcast is for aspiring entrepreneurs and technologists as well as those that want to become a designer and implementors of great software solutions. That includes solving problems through technology. We look at the whole skill set that makes a great developer. This includes tech skills, business and entrepreneurial skills, and life-hacking, so you have the time to get the job done while still enjoying life.

  1. 4日前

    Transform Your Projects: The Ultimate Guide to Effective User Stories

    In this episode of the Building Better Developers podcast, the hosts delve into the critical role of effective user stories in software development. The discussion highlights how these stories serve as a powerful tool for conveying system requirements and improving both development and testing processes. What Are Effective User Stories? The podcast starts by addressing a common confusion: while many developers are familiar with the term “user story,” defining what constitutes an effective user story can be challenging. Effective user stories are concise narratives describing how a feature or function should behave from a user’s perspective. They are designed to simplify the communication of system requirements, making it easier for development teams to understand and implement them compared to traditional flowcharts. An effective user story is not about getting the “correct” format but about clarity and usability. Unlike flowcharts that detail processes through steps and decisions, these stories provide a comprehensive narrative that covers the journey from start to finish, including both the ideal path and potential exceptions. Key Components of Effective User Stories To create effective user stories, several key elements must be included: • Title: A clear and descriptive title helps readers quickly identify the story’s purpose. For example, the “User Login Process” concisely overviews the story’s focus. • Actors: It is crucial to identify the user or system interacting with the feature. This could be a human user or an automated process. Understanding the story’s actor helps define the context and requirements. • Steps: Outline the flow from the starting point to the end goal, detailing the sequence of actions. For instance, a user login story includes entering credentials and receiving access. • Assumptions and Conditions: Specify any assumptions or prerequisites. For example, before a user can log in, the assumption might be that they have already registered and have valid credentials. These components ensure that user stories provide a clear and actionable framework for development and testing. Common Pitfalls with User Stories One common mistake is the belief that user stories always require a physical user. However, even backend systems or automated processes can benefit from this approach. The “actor” in these cases could be a system or service rather than a person. Another issue is the tendency to overcomplicate stories. It’s more productive to start with more straightforward user stories and refine them over time rather than trying to cover every possible scenario from the beginning. This approach ensures that essential functionalities are addressed first, while additional details can be added later. Examples of User Stories in Action To illustrate, the podcast provides examples of user stories for a login feature: Story 1: A valid user logs in with correct credentials and gains access. Story 2: An unregistered user attempts to log in and is denied access. Story 3: A registered user enters the wrong password and receives an error message. These examples demonstrate how user stories can cover different scenarios and ensure comprehensive feature testing. Testing with User Stories From a testing perspective, user stories are invaluable. They facilitate black-box testing, focusing on inputs and outputs without delving into the system’s internal workings. This method helps verify that the system behaves as expected across various scenarios. Additionally, these stories help identify potential issues or edge cases that might be overlooked during development. By considering different user paths and outcomes, teams can ensure that all possible scenarios are tested thoroughly. Refining User Stories The podcast also emphasizes the importance of refining user stories

  2. 6日前

    Unpacking 'Psychopaths' Scenarios and Tough Coding Challenge

    In this episode, we delve deeper into the developer's journey, focusing on how to handle the toughest non-happy path scenarios—those we now refer to as "Psychopaths." These are the rare, unpredictable issues that disrupt normal workflows and often present the biggest challenges for developers. Let’s explore what "Psychopaths" are, why they matter, and how you can improve your skills to handle them effectively. What Are "Psychopaths" in Development? The term "Psychopaths" was coined in a conversation with a client (whom we’ll call Melissa). During a discussion about navigating typical development challenges, Melissa pointed out that while developers often focus on the "happy path"—the ideal, problem-free user journey—it's the outliers, or "Psychopaths," that cause the most headaches. These scenarios aren’t frequent, but when they occur, they can cause significant disruptions, requiring developers to troubleshoot unexpected issues. Psychopaths in Brand-New Applications One of the most challenging areas where "Psychopaths" arise is during the development of brand-new applications. In these cases, nothing exists except for the visionary ideas in someone’s head, often an entrepreneur. Developers must take this abstract vision and transform it into a functional system, all while anticipating potential pitfalls. These unknowns are fertile ground for "Psychopaths" to emerge—issues that no one can foresee but must be addressed to prevent long-term problems. Where to Find Them in Existing Systems "Psychopaths" don’t only occur in new builds; they can also rear their heads in established systems. When working with existing infrastructure, developers may run into cases where specific processes are so ingrained that they become "muscle memory" for users. While this can make things run smoothly, it can also hide potential problems. If developers don’t ask the right questions, these hidden "Psychopaths" can break systems or lead to functionality failures later on. Common "Psychopaths" to Watch Out For Early in your development career, you’ll likely encounter a few common "Psychopaths." These include: Off-by-one errors: A miscalculation in value ranges (e.g., maximum value +1 or -1) can lead to problems. Input validation issues: For example, handling unexpected characters like commas, dollar signs, or even SQL commands within fields that are supposed to accept only numbers. Date and phone number formatting: Global applications may encounter various formats that can break systems if not adequately accounted for. Breaking Down the "Psychopaths" Step by Step To handle these tricky scenarios, it’s essential to dissect the "happy path" into individual steps and evaluate where things can go wrong. For each step, ask: What happens if inputs are incorrect? What if the process skips a step? By breaking down tasks in this way, you isolate each potential "Psychopath" and can address it more efficiently instead of being overwhelmed by system-wide issues. Race Conditions and Deadlocks: The Ultimate Psychopaths Some of the nastiest "Psychopaths" come in the form of race conditions and deadlocks, mainly when you're dealing with real-time parallel processing. In a race condition, two operations try to execute simultaneously, resulting in unpredictable behavior. Deadlocks occur when two or more processes are waiting for each other to finish, and neither can proceed. These "Psychopaths" are incredibly challenging to debug and can cripple systems if not caught early. The Importance of Testing When managing "Psychopaths," testers play a crucial role. By assuming something will go wrong, testers look for edge cases, data anomalies, and unexpected behaviors that could break a system. Writing comprehensive tests and constantly questioning assumptions can help catch these hidden "Psychopaths" before they reach end-users. Never Assume—Especially

  3. 9月12日

    Building a Strong Developer Toolkit: Enhancing Skills and Productivity

    In the fast-evolving world of software development, having a robust developer toolkit is essential for growth. This episode of our podcast dives deep into how developers can effectively build their toolkit, not just by learning new programming languages but by focusing on problem-solving techniques, productivity hacks, and leveraging automation tools like code generators. Let's explore the key takeaways. Why a Developer Toolkit Is More Than Just Coding Skills A developer’s growth isn't solely tied to learning a new language or framework. While mastering C, Java, Python, or Ruby can be beneficial, the real value lies in how well you solve problems. Your developer toolkit should include methods to streamline repetitive tasks, automate code generation, and utilize utilities that increase productivity. Leveraging Code Generators One crucial element of this toolkit is using code generators—automated tools that help create repetitive code faster. Many integrated development environments (IDEs) already offer features like source generation, and AI-assisted tools are becoming more prevalent. Using code generators is a powerful way to enhance your toolkit. Whether it's generating common classes, comments, or properties, these tools allow you to focus more on solving the actual problem rather than getting bogged down in repetitive tasks. For example, AI tools can predict the structure of classes and functions based on past patterns, though it’s important to review the generated code to ensure accuracy. Integrating these tools into your daily workflow will help scratch your own itch, making common tasks faster and more efficient. You can even add these tools to your public GitHub repository, showing potential employers or collaborators how well-rounded your developer toolkit is. Building Personal Utilities for a Flexible Developer Toolkit An essential part of your developer toolkit is a set of personal utilities. These are small tools you build yourself to automate mundane tasks. For example, when working with large datasets, you might create a utility to clean data by removing unnecessary rows or columns. Although there are plenty of tools available (like Unix-based tools), building your own can help you sharpen your skills while solving specific problems you encounter regularly. Personal utilities also make it easier when switching languages. Suppose you wrote a utility in Java. Building a similar tool in C# can refine your ability to work in different languages. A robust developer toolkit will include adaptable, cross-language problem-solving skills. Developing a Kitchen Sink App: The Ultimate Developer Toolkit A “kitchen sink app” is a great concept for any developer looking to grow their toolkit. This is essentially an application or repository containing multiple utilities, code snippets, and problem-solving examples that you regularly use. By maintaining such an app, you’ll always have quick solutions to common challenges, whether it's string manipulation, file searching, or interacting with databases. This approach also makes your toolkit useful across various environments. Whether you’re using Java, Python, or jumping into new frameworks, your kitchen sink app can serve as a template. For instance, you might start with code written in Java and then translate it into another language like C#. The familiarity of your previous work will guide you, reducing the learning curve of new environments. Maintaining and Evolving Your Developer Toolkit It's essential to update and refine your developer toolkit regularly. As new versions of languages or frameworks are released, your existing tools and utilities may become outdated. Make it a habit to revisit your kitchen sink app or personal utilities at least once every six months. This ensures that the next time you need a tool, it’s compatible with the latest technologies. In addition, as you rev

  4. 9月10日

    Breaking Through Career Plateaus: Tips to Accelerate Your Growth as a Developer

    In today’s episode, we’re diving deep into a topic many developers face but don’t always address: career plateaus. Whether you're a junior developer or a seasoned coder, hitting a plateau can feel frustrating. You're no longer learning at the same rapid pace, and the excitement of mastering new skills may have faded. But don’t worry; this episode explores how to break free from these plateaus and continue growing your software development career. Understanding Career Plateaus Career plateaus often happen after an initial period of rapid learning. When you first start coding or switch to a new language or technology, it feels like you’re “drinking from the firehose”—learning something new every day. However, at a certain point, you might get comfortable and stop pushing yourself, even though you're competent. While you may be considered a power user or proficient developer, you may not feel like an expert, and that’s where the plateau begins. Certifications: A Path Off the Plateau One effective way to break through career plateaus is by earning certifications. Certifications not only look great on paper, but the learning process behind them can expose you to features, concepts, or best practices that you might not have encountered otherwise. Even experienced developers who’ve worked with a language for years find that certification exams can refresh their knowledge and introduce them to lesser-known elements. For example, Rob has worked with Python for a long time, but pursuing a Python certification made him dive into areas he rarely touched. A structured approach like this—especially with certification programs that include practical applications—can help you escape the monotony of your current skill set and encourage further growth. Code Reviews: Analyzing Your Work If you are stuck on a career plateau, revisiting your past work is a great way to push forward. Conduct a personal code review. Select a piece of code—maybe something you're particularly proud of—and see if there’s room for improvement. Consider whether your code could be refactored, optimized, or written using more current practices. You can even leverage AI tools like ChatGPT for suggestions. Ask it for alternative ways to write your code or better practices that you might not be aware of. This type of self-assessment can reveal areas where you’ve been relying on outdated techniques and give you fresh perspectives on problems you’ve already solved. Teaching as a Learning Tool Another approach to overcoming career plateaus is teaching. One of the best ways to deepen your understanding of a technology is to try teaching it to someone else. This forces you to examine the "why" behind your actions. Creating training materials, tutorials, or even blog posts can challenge you to break down complex concepts and explain them, which may expose gaps in your knowledge. Teaching or mentoring can also reinvigorate your passion for coding and encourage you to learn more. As you try to articulate concepts to others, you may find yourself asking, “Is there a better way to do this?” Tackling Real-World Projects to Overcome Career Plateaus Another great way to break through a career plateau is by tackling a project that’s outside your comfort zone. Platforms like Freelancer or Upwork offer opportunities to dive into technologies you haven’t fully explored yet. By taking on real-world challenges, you’re forcing yourself to learn as you go. This can apply to hackathons or even side projects. Setting a goal, such as mastering a new JavaScript framework or integrating an advanced feature into your project, can motivate you to grow beyond the routine. Moving Beyond the Comfort Zone Comfort is the enemy of growth. If you’re feeling bored or too comfortable in your current role, it might be time to push beyond your familiar surroundings. Career plateaus

  5. 9月5日

    Supercharge Your Focus and Productivity: Expert Tips for Success

    Maintaining focus and productivity is essential in today's fast-paced world, especially for high-intensity roles. In this podcast, Rob Broadhead and Michael Meloche of Develpreneur share their insights on mastering focus and productivity. Let’s dive into their expert advice on improving your workflow and achieving outstanding results. Tackling the Challenge of Focus and Productivity Rob and Michael start the discussion by addressing a common struggle: managing the overwhelming influx of tasks and information. They highlight that our brains aren’t designed to juggle multiple complex tasks simultaneously. Instead, focusing on one task at a time often yields better results. Bruce Lee’s quote about adaptability serves as a reminder that while some may thrive on multitasking, most people benefit from concentrated focus. The Power of Single-Tasking for Enhanced Productivity A key point is that multitasking is often a productivity myth, especially in demanding roles. Rob and Michael argue that shifting between tasks can dilute your attention and affect the quality of your work. For improved productivity, it’s crucial to adopt a single-tasking approach. This means dedicating yourself to one task at a time, which can lead to higher efficiency and better outcomes. Combatting Distractions to Boost Focus and Productivity Distractions like meetings and constant interruptions can severely impact productivity. Rob shares his experiences with back-to-back meetings and the challenges of processing information effectively. His advice includes scheduling breaks between meetings and setting aside uninterrupted blocks of time for focused work. This method helps maintain clarity and enhances overall productivity. Leveraging Structured Work Blocks for Maximum Efficiency Rob and Michael introduced working in structured time blocks, such as using the Pomodoro Technique. They suggest starting with shorter focus periods, like 15 to 30 minutes, to tackle tasks more effectively. You can stay productive and avoid burnout by working intensely for brief periods. Breaking down larger tasks into smaller chunks can also improve focus and efficiency. Overcoming Procrastination: Prioritize for Success Another crucial insight is the value of prioritizing tasks, particularly those you find challenging or unpleasant. Michael recommends tackling these tasks first to set a positive tone for the rest of the day. Addressing difficult and complex tasks early can reduce procrastination and enhance overall productivity. Creating a Productive Environment The podcast also explores how your environment impacts focus and productivity. Rob and Michael advise minimizing distractions like background noise or unnecessary meetings. They emphasize the importance of a workspace that supports concentration, including turning off notifications and using productivity tools. Mastering Time Management for Improved Productivity Finally, Rob and Michael discuss effective time management strategies. They recommend batching similar tasks together and scheduling specific times for different activities to avoid constant context switching. This approach helps you stay organized and focused, leading to better productivity. Final Takeaways for Improved Focus and Productivity In conclusion, boosting your focus and productivity involves a strategic approach to task management, minimizing distractions, and adopting effective time management practices. Focusing on one task at a time, prioritizing challenging tasks, and creating a conducive work environment can significantly enhance your productivity and achieve remarkable results. Embrace these expert tips to stay on track and excel professionally. Stay Connected: Join the Developreneur Community We invite you to join our community and share your coding journey with us. Whether you’re a seasoned developer or just starting, there’s always room to

  6. 9月3日

    Defining 'Done' in Agile: How to Stay on Track and Avoid Scope Creep

    In a recent episode of the Developer Building Better Developers podcast, Rob Broadhead and Michael Meloche delve into the nuances of Agile development, with a particular focus on defining and achieving “done” within Agile frameworks. This discussion is critical for developers who aim to deliver functional software efficiently while avoiding common pitfalls like scope creep and burnout. Introduction: Why Defining 'Done' Matters in Agile In Agile project management, "done" is more than a checkbox. It's crucial for smooth project progress. A clear definition of "done" helps set expectations and ensures team alignment. Teams risk endless revisions, missed deadlines, and stakeholder frustration without it. Defining Done from the Start: Establishing Your MVP The Minimum Viable Product (MVP) is key to defining "done" in Agile. It's the foundation for all development efforts. Your MVP should include just enough features to satisfy early adopters. It provides a concrete goal for your team and guides future development. Defining Done for Each Sprint: Tracking Progress Agile progress is incremental. Each sprint should bring you closer to the MVP and final product. Tasks must align with the established definition of "done." Careful sprint planning keeps teams on track and moving in the right direction. Daily Alignment on 'Done': The Role of Stand-Ups Daily stand-ups are essential for team alignment. These brief meetings help identify potential roadblocks early. They also ensure everyone understands what "done" means for each task, maintaining momentum and keeping the team focused. Refining 'Done' in the Backlog: Prioritizing Work Backlog refinement sessions are critical for defining "done." Teams review and prioritize work for upcoming sprints, focusing on items crucial to reaching "done." This ensures that the most valuable aspects of the project are worked on. Redefining 'Done' in Retrospectives: Learning and Adjusting Sprint retrospectives allow teams to reflect and improve. They review what went well and what didn't, revise the definition of "done," and make necessary adjustments. They also learn from each sprint to avoid repeating mistakes. Protecting Your Definition of 'Done': Handling Scope Creep Scope creep is a major Agile challenge. It occurs when new features are added without adjusting timelines or resources. A clear, agreed-upon definition of "done" helps prevent this. Evaluate and integrate changes carefully to avoid derailing progress. The Ongoing Journey of Defining 'Done' Defining "done" in Agile is an ongoing process. It requires constant communication and adjustment. Focus on delivering a product that meets customer needs and aligns with the original vision—a well-defined "done" guards against missed deadlines and project failures. Remember: Let your definition of "done" guide you to success. Stay Connected: Join the Developreneur Community We invite you to join our community and share your coding journey with us. Whether you’re a seasoned developer or just starting, there’s always room to learn and grow together. Contact us at with your questions, feedback, or suggestions for future episodes. Together, let’s continue exploring the exciting world of software development. Additional Resources Getting It Right: How Effective Requirements Gathering Leads to Successful Software Projects The Importance of Properly Defining Requirements Changing Requirements – Welcome Them For Competitive Advantage Creating Use Cases and Gathering Requirements The Developer Journey Videos – With Bonus Content

  7. 8月29日

    Mastering Scope Creep: Navigating the Hidden Challenges in Software Development

    Welcome back to the Building Better Developers Podcast, where we continue to explore the developer journey—from novice to expert—focusing on practical skills and mindset shifts that turn good developers into great ones. In this episode, we dive deep into a critical topic that affects developers at every stage of their careers: scope creep, requirements management, and defining what it means to be “done.” Understanding Scope Creep Scope creep is a familiar challenge in software development. It occurs when the project’s scope expands beyond its original boundaries, often leading to cost overruns and missed deadlines. However, scope creep isn’t always as straightforward as it seems. We discuss its nuances and how it can be misinterpreted in different contexts. A key point is the distinction between adding new features and uncovering missed requirements. Sometimes, what seems like a new feature is a previously unidentified requirement. This distinction is crucial because it changes how the issue should be addressed. If a requirement was missed initially, it’s not just a case of scope creep; it’s a flaw in the original project planning. The Importance of Clear Requirements Our discussion emphasizes the critical role of clear, well-defined requirements in avoiding scope creep. Poorly defined or incomplete requirements are a primary cause of scope creep. If a developer assumes they understand the requirements without fully clarifying them, they risk building something that doesn’t meet the project’s needs. This leads to delays, additional costs, and frustration on both sides. We suggest a proactive approach to gathering and refining requirements to mitigate this. Developers should always ask questions, clarify any ambiguities, and ensure they understand the entire process or system they are working on. This diligence can prevent many of the issues that lead to scope creep later in the project. Defining “Done” We discussed the concept of “done” as another crucial aspect of project management. In Agile methodologies, “done” should be clearly defined and agreed upon by all stakeholders before work begins. This includes not only completing the required features but also ensuring they function correctly and meet all specified requirements. It is also important to break down larger projects into smaller, manageable pieces. This allows developers to deliver incremental progress and ensures that each stage meets the definition of “done” before moving on to the next. By doing so, developers can avoid the pitfalls of monolithic projects, where the definition of “done” becomes blurred, leading to scope creep and other issues. Avoiding Self-Imposed Scope Creep We also touched on a lesser-discussed form of scope creep: self-imposed scope creep. This happens when developers add features or enhancements that were not part of the original requirements simply because they believe these additions would improve the project. While well-intentioned, this can lead to missed deadlines and dissatisfaction from clients who didn’t ask for these “extras.” The advice here is clear: stick to the requirements. Developers should focus on delivering what was agreed upon and avoid the temptation to add unnecessary features. This discipline ensures that projects stay on track and meet the client’s expectations. The Role of Testing in Managing Scope Creep Testing plays a vital role in managing scope creep and ensuring that the project stays on course. Michael encourages developers to adopt a test-driven approach where possible. By starting with the end product in mind and testing each stage against the defined requirements, developers can catch potential issues early and avoid costly rework later. Final Thoughts The episode wraps up by reinforcing the idea that being a better developer isn’t just about writing good code quickly. It

  8. 8月27日

    Pivoting: How to Embrace Change and Fuel Your Professional Growth

    In our latest podcast episode, we dive into the transformative power of pivoting in your career, particularly within the IT industry. Pivoting—making significant changes in your career direction or focus—is crucial for navigating the fast-paced tech world and achieving long-term success. The Art of Pivoting: A Personal Journey The episode starts with Rob sharing his journey through various pivoting phases. Beginning as a staff developer, he focused on coding, but his career took several turns. These pivots have significantly influenced his professional growth, from transitioning into management to shifting back to backend development, then moving into consulting, and even branching out into writing and podcasting. This personal narrative highlights how pivoting can open new doors and lead to unexpected opportunities. Understanding Pivoting: More Than Just a Career Move Pivoting isn’t merely about changing jobs or roles; it’s about adapting and evolving in response to your professional environment and personal goals. The hosts explain that pivoting can manifest in various ways: Technological Shifts: Moving from one technology stack to another (e.g., from Java to .NET) to keep up with industry trends or personal interests. Role Changes: Transitioning between different layers of development (e.g., from front-end to back-end) or taking on new responsibilities like team leadership or management. Specialization: Shifting from coding to designing or architecture to align with evolving skills and career aspirations. By embracing these forms of pivoting, you can prevent stagnation and continue growing professionally. Pivoting to Prevent Career Stagnation The discussion emphasizes that pivoting is essential for avoiding career stagnation. If you find yourself plateauing in your current role, it may be time to consider a change. This could involve exploring new technologies, roles, or responsibilities that align with your evolving skills and interests. For instance, if your current work feels monotonous, learning a new technology or moving into a different role can rekindle your enthusiasm and lead to new career opportunities. Leveraging Complementary Skills for Successful Pivoting A key part of successful pivoting is leveraging complementary skills and maintaining a clear career roadmap. Regularly assessing your skills and experiences can help you identify areas for growth and opportunities for pivoting. For example, engaging in new projects or obtaining certifications can make the transition to a new role or technology smoother and more effective. Pivoting for Job Satisfaction and Mental Well-Being Not all pivoting is about climbing the career ladder; sometimes, it’s about improving your job satisfaction and mental well-being. The host cites Tim Ferris’s advice to stop investing time in things you dislike and to seek roles or projects that excite you. If you’re feeling overworked or unhappy in your current position, pivoting to a different role or company that aligns with your interests and values can significantly enhance your career satisfaction. Practical Steps for Effective Pivoting The podcast also offers practical advice for executing a successful pivot. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, taking a step back to reassess and simplify your workload can be beneficial. Focus on one task or project at a time rather than multitasking. This approach can help reduce stress and increase productivity. When making broader career changes, breaking down the process into manageable steps ensures a thoughtful and effective transition. Embracing the Power of Pivoting In summary, pivoting is a vital strategy for navigating your career and achieving professional growth. You can keep your career dynamic and fulfilling by embracing change, whether through technological shifts, role changes, or improving job satisfaction. Remember, to pivot is



This podcast is for aspiring entrepreneurs and technologists as well as those that want to become a designer and implementors of great software solutions. That includes solving problems through technology. We look at the whole skill set that makes a great developer. This includes tech skills, business and entrepreneurial skills, and life-hacking, so you have the time to get the job done while still enjoying life.








