Down To Earth Spirituality.

Matthew Matthew
Down To Earth Spirituality.ポッドキャスト

Have you ever wondered why, out of all of the infinite possibilities, you have ended up on this planet called Earth? Shouldn't spirituality be about where you are right now? And why is that most spiritual concepts, such as "Awakening", " Ascension", and so-called "Higher Beings" only serve to separate you from where you are now! And let's face it, those concepts have little relevance when you are arguing with your alarm clock first thing in the morning zzzzzzzzzzz. This podcast is about what it means to be spiritual in everyday life, giving tips, techniques that you can apply everyday.


Have you ever wondered why, out of all of the infinite possibilities, you have ended up on this planet called Earth? Shouldn't spirituality be about where you are right now? And why is that most spiritual concepts, such as "Awakening", " Ascension", and so-called "Higher Beings" only serve to separate you from where you are now! And let's face it, those concepts have little relevance when you are arguing with your alarm clock first thing in the morning zzzzzzzzzzz. This podcast is about what it means to be spiritual in everyday life, giving tips, techniques that you can apply everyday.








