Eco Talk

Gianna Acquisto
Eco Talk

AYYYYYY! Welcome to the Eco Talk Podcast- Season 2. This is a platform to amplify young voices and follow the narratives of students as they ascend to construct the future of our planet. In this podcast we share the perspective of growing up during unprecedented times; Whether it's our climate crisis, a worldwide pandemic, social justice, it's paramount that young people are well educated and informed about these perpetual issues, so that way we can make a bigger change as a community. Our objective is to spread awareness and start conversations.

  1. Settling in: Student Success Strategies; LEARNING HOW TO LEARN


    Settling in: Student Success Strategies; LEARNING HOW TO LEARN

    We are on the precipice of going back to that one place- I believe it's called school. Today we will be talking about one of my favorite things in the world which is school.  This episode is dedicated to informing about how to ensure safety and security throughout this school year. It has been a little precarious with the virus lately, although some of us may be vaccinated we still want to be attentive to mandates not only for our individual health but also as a whole. Your choices matter and they will shape the future- thats why it's paramount to think about the long scheme of things. Especially with the Delta Variant and the apparent changes in our climate (have you seen the sky) Its a very detrimental time, but a fresh start to the band as a community and rise above these challenges. Furthermore, this episode covers a plethora of study tips, student tangents, and some very helpful study and learning tips that will be beneficial to your education. REMEMBER ALWAYS STAY INFORMED!!! EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW TO BE SUCCESSFUL THIS SCHOOL YEAR AND STAY ALIVE TO NURTURE OUR EARTH;) SECTIONS: SCHOOL TANGENTS, WILDFIRES, LEARNING HOW TO LEARN, SAFETY GUIDELINES, STUDY LESS STUDY SMART, FINAL STRATEGIES. Sources -Articles, Podcasts, videos The science connecting wildfires to climate change How extreme fire weather can cool the planet Delta variant prompts venues to rethink how we stand inline The Delta variant is spreading fast, especially where vaccination rates are low Why is Delta more infectious and deadly? New research holds answers. Scientists urge local mask mandates as Delta sweeps the U.S. More 'good fire' could help California control future catastrophes Here’s an Earth-friendly guide to back-to-school shopping. wildfires - a growing public health crisis Podcasts Bill Nyes episode on Vaccine Hesitancy Coursera- Learning how to learn Sac State Video: Study Less Study Smart- Jim Kwik- “Unleash your super brain”  “Morning Habits Geniuses use to jumpstart their brain” BOOKS: Think Smart, Chatter, Quiet, Training in Compassion, Becoming

  2. Embedding Intention Behind Our Action- Summer Productivity:)


    Embedding Intention Behind Our Action- Summer Productivity:)

    Do good things even when no one is watching. Take initiative outside of school/work. In this podcast, we discuss the importance of discovering an idea/cause that you are greatly passionate about and moving forward in taking action. Use your creativity to build a better future! Throughout this episode we talk about various organizations/activities to get involved in, as well good habits for brain efficiency/productivity:) Furthermore, a huge emphasis is also our mental and physical well being; this podcast will aid you to lead everyday with purpose and intention. PROGRAMS FOR YOUTH/ADULTS- Get involved;) California Student Board Member Association (CSBMA): Website:     Instagram: @csbma_ ACLU of Southern California (ACLU SoCal): Website: www.aclus Instagram: @aclu_socal // @youthlibertysquad Twitter: @YLS_ACLUSoCal // @ACLU_SoCal Irene Rivera: Black Youth Leadership Project (BYLP): Website: Instagram: @bylp Twitter: @BlackYouthProj Lorreen Pryor: California Association of Student Councils (CASC): Website: Instagram: @casc_leaders Michelle Kim: Tract: Website: Instagram: @tractlearning Alliance for Climate Education (ACE): Website: Instagram: @acespace Twitter: @acespace Student Conservation Association (SCA): Website: Instagram: @the_sca Twitter: @the_sca Generation Up (GENup): Website: Instagram: Twitter: @GenUpUS Facebook: California State PTA: Website: Instagram: @california_state_pta Twitter: @CaliforniaPTA

  3. ADAPT OR DIEEE POLAR BEARS AND HARP SEALS (melting ice, robot helen, natural selection, and genetic engineering)...


    ADAPT OR DIEEE POLAR BEARS AND HARP SEALS (melting ice, robot helen, natural selection, and genetic engineering)...

    In this podcast episode, we will focus on two arctic species (the Polar Bear and Harp seals) and how they can navigate harsh environmental conditions impended on by humans. Hint, hint, global warming. We will also be analyzing studies and sources of evolutionary evidence that relate to natural selection- the survival of the fittest. Furthermore, we will look at possible solutions for humans to intervene with genetic engineering (CRISPR) and selective breeding. Ultimately, we seek to answer: Will they adapt or die, can humans save them? Section 1: The Arctic Seal race against time- What is the polar bear? The Ice Is melting!!! Section 2: How does Global Warming affect marine animals in the Arctic? Endangered animals? Melting sea ice Section 3: WHAT IS GENETIC ENGINEERING OR SELECTIVE BREEDING? Section 4: Task 2: Evidence of Change over Time- EVOLUTION- COMMON ANCESTORS OF THESE SPECIES Section 5:  Task 3: Natural Selection- Phet Bunny Lab Section 6: Are you down with DNA and Task 5 Human Intervention - How to take action!!! BE ACCOUNTABLE FOR YOURSELF BY SAVING THE ENVIRONMENT,life%20or%20another%27s%20is%20threatened,to%20net%20zero%20by%202050. Link to article



AYYYYYY! Welcome to the Eco Talk Podcast- Season 2. This is a platform to amplify young voices and follow the narratives of students as they ascend to construct the future of our planet. In this podcast we share the perspective of growing up during unprecedented times; Whether it's our climate crisis, a worldwide pandemic, social justice, it's paramount that young people are well educated and informed about these perpetual issues, so that way we can make a bigger change as a community. Our objective is to spread awareness and start conversations.








