Introbiz Connection Hub with Tracey Smolinski

Tracey Smolinski
Introbiz Connection Hub with Tracey Smolinskiポッドキャスト

As founder and managing director of Introbiz one of the UK’s leading independent business network and training agencies, it’s my mission to empower and educate everyone in business how to grow their network for business growth and success. Introbiz plans to grow it’s portfolio of franchisees to empower and connect people globally. Our networking events include working with Sir Richard Branson at Necker Island is testament to our mission of connecting the best with the best.

  1. 2020/07/02

    Introbiz member Noleen Mariappen from inspiration for Good speaks from the heart about making a positive difference to the world

    Noleen s mission My mission is simple- to make a positive difference to individuals, businesses, and society, while continuing to learn and grow. Noleen s story With a background in Organisational Psychology, my career began as one of a management and business development professional. For years I utilised my understanding of the complexities of business & organisational development, behaviour, culture and context whilst working in the areas of programme, project and operations management, more specifically managing and coordinating complex, cross-functional, £multi-mil projects, my focus expanded toward supporting business and personal growth in a more directed way. The journey began when another one of my projects was drawing to a close, and I pondered the questions- ‘who am I?’ and ‘what do I want?’ It’s not until you really think about those questions that the complexity really strikes you. I decided that I wanted to be defined as more than just a job title. I wanted to be my own boss, and be defined by my relationships… by the difference that I made to others, through my achievements, the knowledge I shared and the support I offered. I continue to consult with a select few visionary businesses, particularly during formation and growth stages, and reach each out and support more widely whilst also feeding my passion for writing, through my books, articles and posts. My philanthropic interests are of exceptional importance to me, and among the projects in development are: Problem Solver Central – A strategic hub for the global non-profit community, that offers a library of resources from experts in the sector, connects people and projects with networks of support, and allows for collaborative problem-solving on a global scale. Powerhouse of Women Worldwide (POWW) – a global collaboration of women working toward meaningful positive local and global change, within a framework of support. Future Creators – a project that links into POWW and focuses on global participation and incentivised problem-solving. My non-profit interests are all in their developmental stages, and I would love to connect with others who are interested in becoming involved.

  2. 2020/06/30

    Andrew Stinchcomb talking all things financial planning and his purpose to help thousands

    Andrew talks about his purpose to help thousands of people even though he only wants 122 clients. He said the more he helps the better. What a refreshing change  The Shed. “The Shed” was a place to be yourself. Grandsons only. There’s an old saying: “Our past experience shapes our purpose”. “Make sure you change into your ‘shed clothes’, Andrew!” my Mum used to shout down the hall. It’s 1971. I am 4 years old  dressed in my favourite ‘shed’ jumper. Look how messy my Grandfather’s shed is – but he knew where every tool was. Tools that had tales to tell. The Shed was not a museum for lookers, but a workplace for doers. My Grandfather was a World War II Royal Marine veteran. He gave me his time and personal commitment. We used to create things from recycled off-cuts we had around us. Seldom could he afford new wood: “You don’t waste wood”, he used to say. He was always right. About everything. “What do you want to make?” Sometimes I knew, sometimes I didn’t. He always managed to tease out a vision and a goal. We started from wherever we were, with whatever we had … and just did it. We are making a bar skittles game in this photo. When I struggled with the saw or sanding block my Grandfather used to say, "There's no such thing as can't, boy! It is possible!” When I told my friend, Mike, about the Shed stories, he saw my office as just like ‘The Shed’: a place where I give my time and personal commitment for those people who inspire me and I them, just like my grandfather had done for me.  Like him, ‘sleeves rolled up’, we craft our clients’ future, defining a vision and starting with whatever they have and from wherever they are to build a financial wall that nothing can get through. Shall we create your Passport ™ road map together and then a plan to make it happen? This is your version of a bar skittles game and countless other creations that came out of that shed.

  3. 2020/06/24

    Adam Strong talking all things business and his early ideas of entrepreneurship

    Adam Strong is a Ultra-High Energy Personal Productivity Authority, he can increase staff performance, improve work-life balance and create a high performing work culture. He currently runs 4 different businesses and enjoys working with senior business leaders, decision makers, entrepreneurs and medium sized companies. Adam is also a Former Elite Athlete that trained with Mo Farah for 3 years. He takes the same skill-set that he learned as an athlete to teach his clients on how to create high performance work cultures through increased productivity and retaining high quality employees. His background is in the fitness industry working as a personal trainer and massage therapy specialising in injury prevention and sports performance. He is the author of his groundbreaking book ‘Move it or lose it’ a book that is written for companies that want their senior leaders to excel and achieve their full potential. Adam is hugely passionate about helping employees in the workplace become more engaged improving physical and mental wellbeing, achieving work/life balance and developing natural leaders. He enjoys the challenges of being in business, strategic innovation, ideologies and bringing them to market. Tying that with helping people he believes is a great catalyst to creating results and success in life. Adam is champion for supporting women, personal assistants and entrepreneurs and is the Founder of ‘The Association of Extraordinary PAs. He runs events for personal assistants on how they can position themselves differently from other PAs, become inspired and empowered to make changes, achieve greatness and success in their personal and professional lives.



As founder and managing director of Introbiz one of the UK’s leading independent business network and training agencies, it’s my mission to empower and educate everyone in business how to grow their network for business growth and success. Introbiz plans to grow it’s portfolio of franchisees to empower and connect people globally. Our networking events include working with Sir Richard Branson at Necker Island is testament to our mission of connecting the best with the best.








