Episode 17: The urbanization of people_Interview with Dr Eli Friedman on migrant schools in Beijing

Podcasts by Network for Research into Chinese Education Mobilitiesポッドキャスト

In this episode, The NRCEM (Dr Cora Xu) spoke with Dr Eli Friedman (Cornell University, US) about his new book 'The Urbanization of People' (Columbia University Press). Eli discussed his incidental journey into researching educational inequalities and urbanization issues in China as a labour scholar. He explained what he meant by the 'just in time' urbanisation and what he argued to the an 'inverse welfare state' approach towards educational resource allocation in China's mega cities such as Beijing. He also commented on how the most recent relaxation of the birth control policy may, to a limited extent, reduce the educational immobility limbos of some of the rural-to-urban migrant children. Eli shared his observations about benefits of studying in Beijing for the migrant children and potential (but small-scale) collective resistance among the rural migrant children, their families and schools. Eli in addition discussed the difficult work conditions and experiences of teachers in these migrant schools. Last but not the least, Eli disclosed some invaluable insights into how he went about writing and proposing his book to Columbia University Press and his next steps of research. We wish Eli all the best in his future research endeavours! Watch the interview here. 

00:49-00:10 Eli's self introduction

01:40-06:03 Incidental journey into researching migrant schools in China

07:05-20:47 'Just in time' urbanization and 'inverse welfare state'

20:48-25:01 Reducing immobility limbos and the relaxation of birth control policy

25:22-32:07 Benefits of studying in migrant schools in Beijing

32:08-41:39 Potential collective resistance

41:40-49:25 Difficult working conditions of teachers in these migrant schools

49:30- 52:11 Writing and proposing book to Columbia University Press

52:13-54:53 Next steps








