
Are you ready to supercharge your Welsh listening comprehension?

Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing.

That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Welsh, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Welsh and English.

This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there.

Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.

Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Caernarfon Castle, Snowdonia National Park, or St. Davids Cathedral? Maybe you want to speak Welsh with your grandparents from Cardiff?

Our podcast will provide you with the cultural and linguistic background needed to fully immerse yourself in regions where Welsh is primarily spoken, such as Wales and some parts of England. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics,
psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Welsh listening comprehension.

Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Gwella'r gallu i wrando drwy ein straeon Cymraeg heddiw!

FluentFiction - Welsh FluentFiction.org

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Are you ready to supercharge your Welsh listening comprehension?

Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing.

That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Welsh, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Welsh and English.

This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there.

Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.

Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Caernarfon Castle, Snowdonia National Park, or St. Davids Cathedral? Maybe you want to speak Welsh with your grandparents from Cardiff?

Our podcast will provide you with the cultural and linguistic background needed to fully immerse yourself in regions where Welsh is primarily spoken, such as Wales and some parts of England. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics,
psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Welsh listening comprehension.

Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Gwella'r gallu i wrando drwy ein straeon Cymraeg heddiw!

    A Day in Snowdonia: Friendship and Adventure in the Wilderness

    A Day in Snowdonia: Friendship and Adventure in the Wilderness

    Fluent Fiction - Welsh: A Day in Snowdonia: Friendship and Adventure in the Wilderness
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Cy: Roedd hi'n ddiwrnod braf yn Eryri.
    En: It was a fine day in Snowdonia.

    Cy: Daeth Aneira, Dylan a Carys yno i gerdded yn y parciau gwyrddlas.
    En: Aneira, Dylan, and Carys had come there to walk in the green parks.

    Cy: Roedd y tri ffrind yn edrych ymlaen at y diwrnod hir o anturiaethau a golygfeydd godidog.
    En: The three friends looked forward to a long day of adventures and stunning views.

    Cy: Roedd y tywydd yn berffaith ac roedd yr awyr gwyn las.
    En: The weather was perfect and the sky was white and blue.

    Cy: “Gawn ni fynd fyny wedyn lawr yr allt sydd yna,” meddai Dylan yn llawn brwdfrydedd.
    En: “Can we go up and then down that hill?” Dylan said enthusiastically.

    Cy: “Bydd yn wych,” atebodd Aneira.
    En: “It will be great,” replied Aneira.

    Cy: Cerddon nhw ymlaen yn gofalus, heibio i afonydd bywiog a choed tal.
    En: They walked carefully, passing lively rivers and tall trees.

    Cy: Roedd gwên ar wyneb Carys wrth weld yr holl natur o'i chwmpas.
    En: A smile appeared on Carys' face as she saw all the nature around her.

    Cy: Yn sydyn, daeth Aneira i stop.
    En: Suddenly, Aneira came to a stop.

    Cy: “Awh!” gwaeddodd hi wrth ddisgyn i'r llawr.
    En: “Ouch!” she cried out as she fell to the ground.

    Cy: Roedd trwyn ei throed yn boenus iawn.
    En: Her ankle was in a lot of pain.

    Cy: “Beth ddigwyddodd?” gofynnodd Dylan yn bryderus.
    En: “What happened?” Dylan asked worriedly.

    Cy: “Tair dro chi mi wnes i droedio ar garreg lachar a throi fy migwrn,” atebodd Aneira yn brifo.
    En: “I think I stepped on a loose rock and twisted my ankle,” Aneira answered, hurting.

    Cy: Ei hwyneb yn wyn gan y boen.
    En: Her face was white with pain.

    Cy: “Www, mae hynny'n edrych yn dost,” meddai Carys yn dosturiol.
    En: “Wow, that looks painful,” Carys said sympathetically.

    Cy: “Beth gallwn ni neud?”
    En: “What can we do?”

    Cy: “Rhaid i ni ei helpu hi i gael gorffwys,” awaedodd Dylan yn sicr.
    En: “We need to help her rest,” declared Dylan firmly.

    Cy: Codon nhw Aneira'n ofalus a chariwyd hi i lawr yr allt.
    En: They carefully picked Aneira up and carried her down the hill.

    Cy: Roedd y llwybr yn anodd, ond doedd dim modd ildio.
    En: The path was difficult, but there was no way to give up.

    Cy: Roedd rhaid iddynt ddod o hyd i rywle iddi eistedd ac ymlacio.
    En: They had to find somewhere for her to sit and relax.

    Cy: Wedi cerdded yn araf am beth awr, daethon nhw i gynefin bach gyda choed tal a llwyni tyfniog.
    En: After walking slowly for a while, they found a small clearing with tall trees and thick bushes.

    Cy: “Eistedd yma,” meddai Dylan wrth Aneira.
    En: “Sit here,” Dylan said to Aneira.

    Cy: “Diolch,” atebodd hi yn ddiolchgar.
    En: “Thanks,” she replied gratefully.

    Cy: Roedd y boen dal yno, ond roedd gorffwys wedi lleddfu rhywfaint ohoni.
    En: The pain was still there, but resting had alleviated some of it.

    Cy: “Fe ddylen ni gael rhywbeth i osod ar eich migwrn,” awgrymodd Carys.
    En: “We should get something to put on your ankle,” suggested Carys.

    Cy: Aeth hi a Dylan i chwilio am ddŵr oer yn yr afon gyfagos.
    En: She and Dylan went to look for cold water in the nearby river.

    Cy: Wedi iddynt lenwi eu potel, dychwelsant at Aneira.

    • 16分
    A Market Journey: Crafting the Perfect Traditional Welsh Soup

    A Market Journey: Crafting the Perfect Traditional Welsh Soup

    Fluent Fiction - Welsh: A Market Journey: Crafting the Perfect Traditional Welsh Soup
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Cy: Yn y farchnad yng Nghaerdydd, roedd pobl yn brysur yn cerdded rhwng y stondinau lliwgar.
    En: In the market in Cardiff, people were busily walking between the colorful stalls.

    Cy: Roedd yr awyr yn llawn blasau a synau.
    En: The air was full of flavors and sounds.

    Cy: Roedd Gareth, Nia a Rhydian yn sefyll gydag esgidiau trwm, yn edrych o amgylch gyda llygaid eang.
    En: Gareth, Nia, and Rhydian stood with heavy shoes, looking around with wide eyes.

    Cy: Roeddent yn chwilio am gynhwysion perffaith i wneud cawl traddodiadol o Gymru ar gyfer cyfarfod teuluol mawr.
    En: They were searching for the perfect ingredients to make a traditional Welsh soup for a big family gathering.

    Cy: "Ble rydym ni'n dechrau?
    En: "Where do we start?"

    Cy: " gofynnodd Rhydian yn gyffrous.
    En: asked Rhydian excitedly.

    Cy: "Gyda'r cig," atebodd Gareth yn sicr.
    En: "With the meat," Gareth answered confidently.

    Cy: "A bod dyngediad i gaws fel ein tad-cu.
    En: "And a destiny for cheese like our granddad."

    Cy: "Edrychodd Nia ar ei lyfr nodiadau.
    En: Nia looked at her notebook.

    Cy: "Mae angen cig oen arnom.
    En: "We need lamb.

    Cy: Mae'r rysáit yn dweud hynny yn glir.
    En: The recipe clearly says so."

    Cy: "Aethant i stondin y cigydd.
    En: They went to the butcher's stall.

    Cy: Roedd cigyddên wên yn wên enfawr wrth iddynt gyrraedd.
    En: The butcher had a huge smile as they arrived.

    Cy: "Beth allaf helpu gyda chi heddiw?
    En: "How can I help you today?"

    Cy: " gofynnodd yn groyw.
    En: he asked cheerfully.

    Cy: "Mae angen arnom gig oen ar gyfer cawl," dywedodd Gareth.
    En: "We need lamb for soup," said Gareth.

    Cy: "Dim problem," atebodd y cigydd.
    En: "No problem," the butcher replied.

    Cy: "Mae gennyf hynod o gig ffres.
    En: "I have exceptionally fresh meat.

    Cy: Bydd yn berffaith ar gyfer eich cawl.
    En: It will be perfect for your soup."

    Cy: "Yn drisiau, symudodd y tri ffrind wrth eu bodd i'r stondin nesaf.
    En: Happily, the three friends moved on to the next stall.

    Cy: Roedd yna stondin lysiau llawn o wahanol liwiau.
    En: There was a vegetable stall full of different colors.

    Cy: "Beth arall sydd ar y rhestr?
    En: "What else is on the list?"

    Cy: " gofynnodd Rhydian.
    En: Rhydian asked.

    Cy: "Moron, cennin, winwnsyn," meddalodd Nia wrth edrych ar ei lyfr nodiadau.
    En: "Carrots, leeks, onions," Nia murmured while looking at her notebook.

    Cy: "Arhoswch!
    En: "Wait!"

    Cy: " gwaeddodd Gareth.
    En: shouted Gareth.

    Cy: "Anghofiais am y tatws!
    En: "I forgot about the potatoes!"

    Cy: "Ar ôl prynu'r tatws, aethant ymlaen i'r stondinau llaeth i gael caws.
    En: After buying the potatoes, they proceeded to the dairy stalls to get cheese.

    Cy: Nia gwelodd gaws Cymreig blasus a synnwyd iddi grybwyll teitl yr enw.
    En: Nia saw delicious Welsh cheese and excitedly mentioned its name.

    Cy: "Dyma hyfryd," meddai.
    En: "This is lovely," she said.

    Cy: "Bydd yn ychwanegu blas unigryw i'r cawl.
    En: "It will add a unique flavor to the soup."

    Cy: "Yn olaf, fe aethant at stondin berlysiau.
    En: Finally, they went to the herb stall.

    Cy: "Nid yw cawl heb berlysiau ffres," dywedodd...

    • 17分
    Adventure and Adversity: Hiking Mishap in Snowdonia

    Adventure and Adversity: Hiking Mishap in Snowdonia

    Fluent Fiction - Welsh: Adventure and Adversity: Hiking Mishap in Snowdonia
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Cy: Ar y bore cynnar, roedd yr awyr yn glir a'r heulwen yn disgleirio dros Barc Cenedlaethol Eryri.
    En: On the early morning, the sky was clear and the sunshine was gleaming over Snowdonia National Park.

    Cy: Roedd Carys a Dylan yn cerdded i fyny'r mynyddoedd gyda balchder ac edrych ymlaen at y daith.
    En: Carys and Dylan were walking up the mountains with pride and looking forward to the journey.

    Cy: Roedd y ddau yn hoff iawn o fynydda.
    En: Both were very fond of hiking.

    Cy: "Gwelais barcyn bach yma," meddai Carys, yn edrych ar fap.
    En: "I saw a small park here," said Carys, looking at a map.

    Cy: "Rydym yn agos.
    En: "We are close."

    Cy: ""Dwi'n canolbwyntio ar fynd i fyny'r ffordd prysur," atebodd Dylan yn wên.
    En: "I'm focusing on climbing the busy path," Dylan answered with a smile.

    Cy: Wrth iddynt symud ymlaen, dechreuodd Dylan deimlo cur pen bach.
    En: As they moved on, Dylan started to feel a slight headache.

    Cy: Ond nid oedd am stopio.
    En: But he didn't want to stop.

    Cy: Roedd yn mwynhau cymaint y golygfeydd.
    En: He was enjoying the views so much.

    Cy: "Mae'n bryd i ni gymryd saib," awgrymodd Carys.
    En: "It's time for us to take a break," suggested Carys.

    Cy: "Nid wyf eisiau aros," dywedodd Dylan.
    En: "I don't want to stop," said Dylan.

    Cy: "Rwy eisiau cyrraedd y brig cyn amser cinio.
    En: "I want to reach the top before lunchtime."

    Cy: "Ar y funud hon, trodd Dylan ei droed ar garreg ludiog a chlywodd sŵn cras.
    En: At that moment, Dylan turned his foot on a slippery stone and heard a crunching noise.

    Cy: Siriolodd Dylan wrth i boen sydyn deimlo yn ei bigwrn.
    En: Dylan winced as a sudden pain shot through his ankle.

    Cy: "O na!
    En: "Oh no!

    Cy: Dylan, wyt ti'n iawn?
    En: Dylan, are you alright?"

    Cy: " gwaeddodd Carys, yn rhedeg tuag ato.
    En: shouted Carys, running towards him.

    Cy: "Fy nghoes!
    En: "My leg!

    Cy: Mae'n brifo," atebodd Dylan.
    En: It hurts," replied Dylan.

    Cy: Gwelodd Carys bod pigwrn Dylan wedi chwyddo.
    En: Carys saw that Dylan's ankle had swollen.

    Cy: Rhaid oedd iddynt fynd yn ôl yn araf.
    En: They had to go back slowly.

    Cy: Roedd y daith yn hir ac anodd.
    En: The journey was long and difficult.

    Cy: Roedd y ddau yn teimlo'n siomedig ond roedd yn bwysig edrych ar ôl iechyd Dylan.
    En: Both felt disappointed but it was important to look after Dylan's health.

    Cy: "Rydym yn agos at y llyn," meddai Carys yn benderfynol.
    En: "We are close to the lake," said Carys determinedly.

    Cy: "Gallwn eistedd yno am ychydig.
    En: "We can sit there for a while."

    Cy: "Wedi cyrraedd y llyn, eisteddon nhw ar ben carreg fawr a dechreuodd Carys glanhau'r clwyf Dylan.
    En: Upon reaching the lake, they sat on a large rock and Carys began to clean Dylan's wound.

    Cy: "Byddwn ni'n iawn," meddai hi'n dawel.
    En: "We’ll be okay," she said calmly.

    Cy: "Rwy'n gwybod llwybr byrrach i fynd yn ôl.
    En: "I know a shorter path to go back."

    Cy: "Aeth y daith yn araf ond roedd hi'n braf.
    En: The journey back was slow but pleasant.

    Cy: Wrth iddynt symud yn ôl, clywodd y ddau gan adar a gweld anifeiliaid gwyllt.
    En: As they moved back, the two heard birds singing and saw wild animals.


    • 14分
    A Picnic Predicament: The Great Snowdonia Snack Surprises

    A Picnic Predicament: The Great Snowdonia Snack Surprises

    Fluent Fiction - Welsh: A Picnic Predicament: The Great Snowdonia Snack Surprises
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Cy: O dan awyr las a haul cynnes, cychwynnodd Carys, Geraint, a Rhys eu hantur.
    En: On a day of blue skies and warm sunshine, Carys, Geraint, and Rhys began their adventure.

    Cy: Penderfynon nhw ymweld â Pharc Cenedlaethol Eryri.
    En: They decided to visit Snowdonia National Park.

    Cy: Roedd y bore'n berffaith ar gyfer cerdded, a direidi ar y mynyddoedd.
    En: The morning was perfect for walking and frolicking on the mountains.

    Cy: "Mae popeth gennym ni?" gofynnodd Geraint.
    En: "Do we have everything?" Geraint asked.

    Cy: "Ydw, rwy’n meddwl hynny," atebodd Carys gyda gwên.
    En: "Yes, I think so," answered Carys with a smile.

    Cy: Wrth iddynt ddringo’r llwybr byrlymus, roedd pawb yn hapus.
    En: As they climbed the winding path, everyone was happy.

    Cy: Roedd yr olygfa’n wych, ac roeddent yn siarad a chwerthin yn uchel.
    En: The view was magnificent, and they talked and laughed loudly.

    Cy: Ar ddiwedd eu taith i gopa’r mynydd, eisteddon nhw i lawr ar y glaswellt caled.
    En: At the end of their hike to the mountain's peak, they sat down on the hard grass.

    Cy: "Mae’n amser am bicnic!" cyhoeddodd Rhys.
    En: "It's time for a picnic!" announced Rhys.

    Cy: Dechreuodd Carys chwilota yn ei bag.
    En: Carys started rummaging through her bag.

    Cy: Stopiodd am eiliad ac yna gwelwyd edrych arswyd ar ei hwyneb.
    En: She stopped for a moment, and then a look of horror appeared on her face.

    Cy: "O na!" dywedodd gyda chroesair.
    En: "Oh no!" she said with a frown.

    Cy: "Beth sy’n bod?" gofynnodd Geraint, yn bryderus.
    En: "What's wrong?" asked Geraint, worried.

    Cy: "Roeddwn i’n meddwl bod gen i fyrbrydau, ond... ond... rwy’n unig wedi pacio teganau a gwleddoedd y gath!"
    En: "I thought I had snacks, but... but... I've only packed toys and cat treats!"

    Cy: Roedd pawb yn rhedeg i’w weld, eithr Rhys a Geraint yn ysgwyd eu pennau, chwerthin.
    En: Everyone rushed to see, except Rhys and Geraint who shook their heads, laughing.

    Cy: "O, Carys!" ddywedodd Rhys, yn chwerthin o dan ei fygyth.
    En: "Oh, Carys!" said Rhys, laughing under his breath.

    Cy: "Beth allwn ni wneud nawr?" meddai Geraint.
    En: "What can we do now?" said Geraint.

    Cy: Edrychodd Carys o amgylch.
    En: Carys looked around.

    Cy: Yna gwelodd ddafad yn pori gerllaw.
    En: Then she saw a sheep grazing nearby.

    Cy: "Gawn ni roi cynnig ar fasnachu?" awgrymodd hi.
    En: "Shall we try bartering?" she suggested.

    Cy: Â phrawf, cerddodd hi at y ddafad ac agorodd y bag bwyd cath.
    En: With a trial, she walked to the sheep and opened the bag of cat food.

    Cy: "Helo, ddafad. Hoffet ti rhai o’r rhain am dy laswellt?" gofynnodd Carys.
    En: "Hello, sheep. Would you like some of these for your grass?" Carys asked.

    Cy: Rhoddodd y ddafad dipyn o syn na thwrw dim, dal yn bwyta ei glaswellt.
    En: The sheep gave a bit of a puzzled look but didn't make a sound, still eating its grass.

    Cy: Gofynnodd Carys eto, ond yr un ymateb.
    En: Carys asked again, but got the same response.

    Cy: Gwelodd Rhys a Geraint y sefyllfa a throdd y sylw i lawr gyda chwerthin cynnes.
    En: Rhys and Geraint saw the situation and turned their attention down with warm laughter.

    Cy: O’r diwedd, penderfynodd mab Geraint, sef Rhys, dorri tipyn o hances a’i roi ar...

    • 17分
    Rediscovering Roots: A Family Adventure in Snowdonia

    Rediscovering Roots: A Family Adventure in Snowdonia

    Fluent Fiction - Welsh: Rediscovering Roots: A Family Adventure in Snowdonia
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Cy: Ymhell yn y Parc Cenedlaethol Eryri, roedd lle o harddwch anghyffredin.
    En: Deep within Snowdonia National Park, there was a place of extraordinary beauty.

    Cy: Dyma le y ymgasglodd y teulu i ailgydio yn eu gwreiddiau a'u treftadaeth.
    En: This was the spot where the family gathered to reconnect with their roots and heritage.

    Cy: Gwilym, Rhian, a Dafydd oedd yn y teulu hwn.
    En: The family comprised of Gwilym, Rhian, and Dafydd.

    Cy: Gwilym oedd y tad.
    En: Gwilym was the father.

    Cy: Roedd yn ddyn cryf, gyda gwallt a barf wen.
    En: He was a strong man with white hair and beard.

    Cy: Roedd Rhian, y fam, yn fenyw dyner gyda llais melus.
    En: Rhian, the mother, was a gentle woman with a sweet voice.

    Cy: Dafydd oedd eu mab.
    En: Dafydd was their son.

    Cy: Roedd yn chwilfrydig ac wedi gyffroi'n fawr am yr antur.
    En: He was curious and very excited about the adventure.

    Cy: "Heddiw, awn ni i drac hafan machno," meddai Gwilym.
    En: "Today, we are going to the Machno Trail," said Gwilym.

    Cy: Roedd yn llwybr a arferai ei deulu cerdded ers cenedlaethau.
    En: It was a path that their family had walked for generations.

    Cy: "Mae'n le llawn hanes."
    En: "It's a place full of history."

    Cy: Ar ôl pacio'r backpackiau gyda bwydlen, dŵr, a siacedi, cychwynon nhw.
    En: After packing their backpacks with food, water, and jackets, they set off.

    Cy: Roedd y llwybr yn ddringnydd a llawn coed.
    En: The path was steep and wooded.

    Cy: Roedd adar yn canu yn yr aer, a'r goedwig yn llawn bywyd.
    En: Birds sang in the air, and the forest was teeming with life.

    Cy: Wrth fynd ymlaen, stopiodd Dafydd wrth hen garreg fawr.
    En: As they went along, Dafydd stopped by an old large stone.

    Cy: "Beth yw hwn?" gofynnodd e gan bwyntio.
    En: "What is this?" he asked, pointing.

    Cy: Gwnaeth Gwilym a Rhian wên.
    En: Gwilym and Rhian smiled.

    Cy: "Dyma'r Garreg Cwmwl," atebodd Rhian.
    En: "This is the Cloud Stone," Rhian replied.

    Cy: "Roedd dy hen-taid arfer chwarae yma pan oedd yn fachgen."
    En: "Your great-grandfather used to play here when he was a boy."

    Cy: Rhoddodd hyn gryn gyffro i Dafydd wrth iddo feddwl am yr hen straeon ei deulu.
    En: This filled Dafydd with great excitement as he thought about his family's old stories.

    Cy: Teimlai'n cysylltiad cryf gyda'r lle.
    En: He felt a strong connection to the place.

    Cy: Cerddasant ymhellach hyd nes iddynt gyrraedd yr afon fechan.
    En: They walked further until they reached a small river.

    Cy: "Rydyn ni'n agos," meddai Gwilym.
    En: "We're close," said Gwilym.

    Cy: "Cawn ni egwyl yma."
    En: "Let's take a break here."

    Cy: Wrth eistedd ger y dŵr, cafodd y teulu sgwrs am eu hanes a'u treftadaeth.
    En: Sitting by the water, the family had a conversation about their history and heritage.

    Cy: Roedd y sgwrs yn gynnes ac yn bersonol, a chasglodd pob un eu hatgofion gyda'i gilydd.
    En: The talk was warm and personal, and each gathered their memories together.

    Cy: Ar ôl peth amser, cododd y tymestl.
    En: After a while, a storm arose.

    Cy: Dechreuodd y gwynt chwythu a dechreuodd glawio'n drwm.
    En: The wind began to blow, and it started to rain heavily.

    Cy: Roedd rhaid i'r teulu chwilio am gysgod.
    En: The family...

    • 16分
    Eira's Harrowing Climb: A Tale of Survival on Snowdonia

    Eira's Harrowing Climb: A Tale of Survival on Snowdonia

    Fluent Fiction - Welsh: Eira's Harrowing Climb: A Tale of Survival on Snowdonia
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Cy: Roedd awyr yn glir.
    En: The sky was clear.

    Cy: Roedd dringwr yn paratoi.
    En: A climber was preparing.

    Cy: Ei enw hi oedd Eira.
    En: Her name was Eira.

    Cy: Roedd hi'n gyffrous a phryderus.
    En: She was excited and anxious.

    Cy: Snowdonia oedd y lle.
    En: Snowdonia was the place.

    Cy: Eira oedd ar ei ffordd i ddringo y mynydd.
    En: Eira was on her way to climb the mountain.

    Cy: Dechreuodd hi'n araf.
    En: She started slowly.

    Cy: Roedd hi'n mwynhau'r golygfeydd o gwmpas.
    En: She was enjoying the views around.

    Cy: Roedd coed, blodau a nifer o adar.
    En: There were trees, flowers, and numerous birds.

    Cy: Roedd y siwrnai yn dawel a hyfryd.
    En: The journey was quiet and beautiful.

    Cy: Ond wedyn, cychwynodd glaw.
    En: But then, it began to rain.

    Cy: Roedd y graig yn llithrig.
    En: The rock became slippery.

    Cy: Gwaeddodd Eira.
    En: Eira screamed.

    Cy: Rhaiwnodd ei breichiau.
    En: She scraped her arms.

    Cy: Dechreuodd hi lithro tuag at y dibyn.
    En: She started sliding towards the edge.

    Cy: Roedd hi'n poeni.
    En: She was worried.

    Cy: Stopiodd hi ei hun gyda'i dwylo.
    En: She stopped herself with her hands.

    Cy: Roedd hi mewn poen.
    En: She was in pain.

    Cy: Gwaeddodd hi am help.
    En: She screamed for help.

    Cy: Dim ond y gwynt oedd yn clywed.
    En: Only the wind heard her.

    Cy: Roedd hi'n frawychus.
    En: It was terrifying.

    Cy: Gwelodd Eira le anghysbell.
    En: Eira saw a remote spot.

    Cy: Roedd angen gael diogelwch.
    En: She needed to find safety.

    Cy: Symudodd hi'n araf i gyfeiriad y lle.
    En: She moved slowly towards the place.

    Cy: Roedd hi'n brifo a blino.
    En: She was hurt and tired.

    Cy: Ond roedd angen iddi oroesi.
    En: But she needed to survive.

    Cy: Yn y pen draw, cyrhaeddodd hi'r le.
    En: Eventually, she reached the spot.

    Cy: Roedd fel ogof fach.
    En: It was like a small cave.

    Cy: Nawr roedd hi'n ddiogel.
    En: Now she was safe.

    Cy: Clywodd rhywrai yn gweiddi o bell.
    En: She heard someone shouting from afar.

    Cy: Atebodd hi.
    En: She answered.

    Cy: "Yma!
    En: "Here!

    Cy: Yma!
    En: Here!"

    Cy: " oedd ei geiriau.
    En: were her words.

    Cy: Daeth grŵp o ddryswyr.
    En: A group of hikers came.

    Cy: Dyma nhw'n ei gweld hi.
    En: They saw her.

    Cy: Roeddent yn ffrindiau iddi.
    En: They were friends of hers.

    Cy: Roeddent wedi poeni.
    En: They had been worried.

    Cy: Roeddent yn hapus i'w gweld hi'n fyw.
    En: They were happy to see her alive.

    Cy: Cymerent hi'n ôl i'r gwersyll.
    En: They took her back to the camp.

    Cy: Ymhen amser, edrychodd Eira yn ôl ar y diwrnod.
    En: In time, Eira looked back on the day.

    Cy: Roedd wedi dysgu gwers fawr.
    En: She had learned a big lesson.

    Cy: Roedd wedi dysgu am beryglon a phwysigrwydd rhybudd.
    En: She had learned about dangers and the importance of caution.

    Cy: Roedd hi'n ddiolchgar am ei ffrindiau.
    En: She was grateful for her friends.

    Cy: Y diwedd.
    En: The end.

    Vocabulary Words:
    climber: dringwrpreparing:...

    • 12分


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