From Sabbatical to Service: Discovering Your Next Research Project

Journeys in Researchポッドキャスト

Episode Six

Special Guest: Alysia Roehrig

In Episode Six, Alysia Roehrig shares the benefits of sabbaticals and how she helped bring Children’s Defense Fund Freedom Schools® to Leon County.

Alysia Roehrig, Professor of Educational Psychology, joined the faculty at Florida State University in 2003 and serves as the Learning and Cognition Program Coordinator. She earned both her Ph.D. and M.A. in Developmental Psychology from the University of Notre Dame. Dr. Roehrig’s research interests focus on issues related to effective teaching, particularly exploring the successes of students labeled at risk for school failure. She has published several articles, co-authored the book, No more sharpening pencils during work time and other time wasters, with her former doctoral student Beth Brinkerhoff, and helped update the 7th edition of the widely adopted textbook Educational Psychology by Santrock for McGraw Hill. Roehrig is the Principal Investigator and Director of PURPOSE: Partners United for Research Pathways Oriented to Social Justice in Education. Funded by the Institute of Education Sciences, PURPOSE is dedicated to increasing diversity in the doctorate of education.

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