Jim and Tomic's Musical Theatre Happy Hour

We're Jimi (@asinhendrix) and Tommy (@MusicalMash) and we're obsessed with musical theatre. Like, really, we won't shut up about it. And now YOU get to listen, too! If you're looking for two diehard musical theatre nerds babbling on about Sondheim, then this is the podcast for you!
We're Jimi (@asinhendrix) and Tommy (@MusicalMash) and we're obsessed with musical theatre. Like, really, we won't shut up about it. And now YOU get to listen, too! If you're looking for two diehard musical theatre nerds babbling on about Sondheim, then this is the podcast for you!
- チャンネル
- クリエイターBroadway Podcast Network
- 配信期間15年 - 24年
- エピソード118
- 制限指定不適切な内容を含まない
- Copyright© 147695
- 番組のWebサイト
- プロバイダ
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