Life's Essential 5

Life's Essential 5

Curious to uncover what keeps humans alive?  Wondering about the essential things that humans can't live without?  Welcome to our new podcast, 'Life's Essential 5,' where we embark on an enchanting journey alongside Sarah and the Elements of Harmony to explore the magic behind life’s 5 most essential needs - air, water, food, shelter, and clothing.  Join us as we unravel the secrets of human existence! Visit our website to know more:   Connect with us on our social handles to get all content updates:



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  • Once upon a time, in a magical world, far far away, there was a very special and kind girl named Cinderella. She had a magical adventure with beautiful dresses, sparkling shoes, and a fancy party. It's a tale of goodness and love, a magical journey, where kindness wins and everything is like a dream.  Let's jump into Cinderella's wonderful world, where dreams really do come true!  Visit our website to know more:   Download the Chimes Mobile App for tons of great Kids' podcasts and audio stories:  Connect with us on our social handles to get all content updates:

  • भारत के इतिहास के अगर पन्ने पलटे जाएँ तो बहुत से स्वतन्त्रता आंदोलनों की कहानी हमें जानने को मिलेंगी, जिनका परिणाम है आज का ये आज़ाद भारत जो अपने उसूल और अपनी शर्तों पर चलता है, और इन सभी आंदोलनों में से एक आंदोलन था "दांडी मार्च" जिसकी दास्तान शायद हर भारतीय ने सुनी होगी, और अगर नहीं सुनी तो आइये, आप भी जुड़िये हमारे नन्हें से क्षितिज के साथ जो अपने पापा से दांडी मार्च की पूरी कहानी सुनने वाला है। कैसे गांधी जी और उनके साथियों ने दांडी तक 241 मील का सफर पैदल तै करने की ठानी, और कैसे खुद नमक बनाकर ब्रिटिश नमक कानून को तोड़ दिखाया। तो चलिये शुरू करते हैं हम भी, दांडी तक की यह यात्रा। अधिक जानने के लिए हमारी वेबसाइट पर जाएँ: हमारे सोशल मीडिया हैंडल्स पर हमें फॉलो करें:

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  • Welcome to our podcast "Ramayan for Kids" where we bring you the story of "Ramayan", a unique poem of Hindu mythology. Written by Maharishi Valmiki, this story delves into the important qualities of Lord Shri Ram's character, Dharma, morality, and love. Composed in seven chapters and 24,000 verses, this epic is one of the oldest and most influential stories in the world. Ramayan is also known as Dashanan Vadh and through this podcast we are making a small effort to bring the values ​​and secrets of Ramayan to you. We hope that our young generation will be inspired by listening to this great story of Ramayan. So let's go on this journey of Aditya Katha. Visit our website to know more: Stay updated with us on social media: Instagram: Facebook:


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Curious to uncover what keeps humans alive?  Wondering about the essential things that humans can't live without?  Welcome to our new podcast, 'Life's Essential 5,' where we embark on an enchanting journey alongside Sarah and the Elements of Harmony to explore the magic behind life’s 5 most essential needs - air, water, food, shelter, and clothing.  Join us as we unravel the secrets of human existence! Visit our website to know more:   Connect with us on our social handles to get all content updates:

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