Life On A Trampoline

li lavea
Life On A Trampolineポッドキャスト

Sometimes life just feels hard no matter how faith believing, spirit filled christian you are everyday. This podcast i hope is a buffer for you as it is for me to boost you over that hump that trips you up. For me life on the trampoline describes my reality. The motion of up and down represents navigating life but aslong as I land on the trampoline( GOD) I land in safety. Iltrampoline is where I get grounded by the word, the trampoline is where I launch into my calling and purpose, the trampoline is where if I continue to bounce off I can shake off the extra loads that aren't meant for me.


Sometimes life just feels hard no matter how faith believing, spirit filled christian you are everyday. This podcast i hope is a buffer for you as it is for me to boost you over that hump that trips you up. For me life on the trampoline describes my reality. The motion of up and down represents navigating life but aslong as I land on the trampoline( GOD) I land in safety. Iltrampoline is where I get grounded by the word, the trampoline is where I launch into my calling and purpose, the trampoline is where if I continue to bounce off I can shake off the extra loads that aren't meant for me.








