Christian Williams

Welcome to Focus Flip! In this podcast, we are going to constantly ask, "What if it’s time for a perspective change?" We will dive into questions, topics, and issues that are being talked about, or not talked about, within the church and community. I will approach everything from a biblical worldview. This will be a space to stay curious, be ever learning, and walk away with the bravery to start real-life conversations with our friends and family. Join the Community & Conversation on Instagram & Facebook: @FocusFlipPodcast

  1. Is God Trustworthy? - Dissolving Lies, Discovering Healing & Freedom EP 4 | Focus Flip Podcast hosted by Christian Williams


    Is God Trustworthy? - Dissolving Lies, Discovering Healing & Freedom EP 4 | Focus Flip Podcast hosted by Christian Williams

    Is God Trustworthy? In this episode of Focus Flip, we will be reflecting on where/when we started to believe that God would disappoint us. Healing begins the moment one feels seen and heard, but people don’t let others truly see or hear them until they feel like they can trust them.  Vulnerability can feel like you are letting people see your weakness. It can feel like you are allowing yourself to be easily hurt, however, I believe vulnerability is a sign of three things - great strength, trust, and safety.  The question is not, "Do you believe in God?" The question is, "Do you trust Him?" Do you trust him when everything feels like it's falling apart? Do you trust Him when you don't see the finances, your friend abandoned you, or loss appears to be surrounding you? I will share with you the scriptures God gave me and the journey I have been on over this past year to find how I identifed and began working to build trust again. The Lord is trustworthy in all he promises and faithful in all he does. The Lord upholds all who fall and lifts up all who are bowed down. The eyes of all look to you, and you give them their food at the proper time. You open your hand and satisfy the desires of every living thing. The Lord is righteous in all his ways and faithful in all he does. The Lord is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth. He fulfills the desires of those who fear him; he hears their cry and saves them. Psalm 145:13-14   Making things tangible... Make a list of where you doubt God or grab some notecards like me.  As you review this list ask yourself the following questions Can you specifically identify what you think God won’t do? Can you think back to when you started questioning if God would show up for you? Can you identify why? Has it proven consistent that He's not shown up for you since that time?  As you are making yourself aware, have you noticed that God has shown up more than you realized? Maybe not always in the ways you imagined, but in ways you needed?   Follow: FACEBOOK: INSTAGRAM:

  2. Actions are Required - Dissolving Lies, Discovering Healing & Freedom EP 3 | Focus Flip Podcast hosted by Christian Williams


    Actions are Required - Dissolving Lies, Discovering Healing & Freedom EP 3 | Focus Flip Podcast hosted by Christian Williams

    “Do you want to get well?”   Growth in any area of your life lands on your choice to learn and expand your horizons. It doesn’t matter your age, until the day we die, we have the opportunity to better ourselves. The question is, are you willing to take action? Jesus asked the man with the withered leg, the man who had been struggling for 38 years, do you want to be healed? Jesus was really asking: Do you want the responsibility that comes with your healing? Do you recognize that you will be required to take action? Get Up. Pick Up Your Mat. Walk.    GET UP - Learn how to live in your community but with a different position. You can no longer lay on the ground and be a beggar, you now have to GET UP.   PICK UP YOUR MAT - You are no longer labeled by your sickness. You can’t hold onto that label anymore. Your mat doesn’t define you anymore. You have to receive your new identity. Yes, forever that will be part of your story, however, it no longer defines you.  WALK - Are you willing to work through the trauma, heartache, pain, frustration, self-doubt, and whatever else you may face to step into your healing? You are no longer going to be a victim, but fully restored. You will no longer crawl but walk. Are you ready for the actions that are required?    This is the beginning of doing things you think you cannot do, but in the process, you are going to gain strength, courage, and confidence.        Follow: FACEBOOK: INSTAGRAM:

  3. NEW SERIES - Dissolving  Lies, Discovering Healing & Freedom EP 1 | Focus Flip Podcast hosted by Christian Williams


    NEW SERIES - Dissolving Lies, Discovering Healing & Freedom EP 1 | Focus Flip Podcast hosted by Christian Williams

    Time for a new series! This series is called “Dissolving Lies, Discovering Healing & Freedom.”   In this series, we will discuss the lies we believe and make agreements with instead of believing the truth of God’s word. Dissolving the lies is a process and a partnership with God, that requires us to invest both faith and action to find the results of healing and freedom. Let’s jump in and I will explain more.  So what should you expect from this series:  Stories to remind you that you are not alone. Scriptures to give you hope, encourage you to read your Bible, and remind you of God’s faithfulness. Questions to maybe give you a new perspective and reflect on things you are experiencing. Practical steps to help you  walk your healing journey.    What this series is NOT: A 1-3 guide plan for healing and freedom. We each have a different story, different personality, etc… steps that work well for me, might not work for you. Questions that make me process one way might not do it for you. What I share are examples, and you have the opportunity to create the steps that help you dissolve lies and discover healing and freedom.  What this series is NOT: A promise that healing and freedom are instantaneous. They aren’t. It takes work. You may need support from doctors, therapists, a church, friends, and family.  More clarification: Yes, I believe Jesus died on the cross for our salvation and our healing. Yes, I believe God can do immediate, miraculous healing of mental health. Yes, I believe the Holy Spirit is our counselor and the best there is... AND, I also believe he gave us community to be iron sharpening iron. I believe when the bible says to get wisdom and understanding, sometimes he uses human beings. He uses those humans to help reveal the wounds, broken places, insecurities, misunderstandings, and more to bring healing. He’s given wisdom to people and allowed them to write books, record podcasts, and teach others so they can be His hands and feet to share the healing and freedom that he desires us to have.  Do NOT miss out on your healing because God uses a person instead of a scripture or He uses a coffee shop instead of a church.    This is the year that I’m declaring NEW. No more feeling like our lives are in a horrible loop, no more watching others step forward, while we feel like we are stuck. We are moving forward. Together, we are stepping into the full identity and potential God always meant for us to walk through.



Welcome to Focus Flip! In this podcast, we are going to constantly ask, "What if it’s time for a perspective change?" We will dive into questions, topics, and issues that are being talked about, or not talked about, within the church and community. I will approach everything from a biblical worldview. This will be a space to stay curious, be ever learning, and walk away with the bravery to start real-life conversations with our friends and family. Join the Community & Conversation on Instagram & Facebook: @FocusFlipPodcast








