Love & The Outcome Podcast

Love & The Outcome
Love & The Outcome Podcastポッドキャスト

Hey this is Jodi and Chris from Love & The Outcome, welcome to our podcast! We’re a married couple who rock out together, we're parents of Milo and Ziggy, and we're following Jesus as best as we can. This podcast will take you on our journey covering family, spirituality, wellness, and of course music. Our life is a road trip, our mess is our message... we’re happy to invite you into it!

  1. 2023/10/31

    How To Show Up In The Midst Of Suffering

    Hey, it’s Jodi here! I’m so excited to share with you some of the new parts of my book, “You Got This - A Guide To Living A Full Life In The Midst Of Suffering.” I originally released my book during COVID, and then our house flooded. Our family went through a lot of difficult things, so eventually I decided it was time to share some of the stories, songs, and scripture verses that helped me get through it all. If you or someone you know is going through a difficult time where they feel like they’ve done everything right and life has still gone wrong, this episode is for you. I’m not promising a neat and tidy bow on the end of everything I say, but hopefully a way through to still show up for your life when everything falls apart. Thanks for listening, hope you enjoy this episode based off of the new You Got This 2023 Edition. Listen to HUMAN here: Buy You Got This book: PS - If you are subscribed to our PATREON you will receive access to all our episodes a week early!  Never heard of it?  It's the ultimate L&TO insiders’ subscription, a chance to get unreleased songs, conversations, and devotionals delivered to you personally every month!  We will even do a Worship Wednesday exclusive just for Patreon members and pray for you all individually.  We are excited about going deeper with you, and we hope you’ll join us!  Check out

  2. 2021/11/10

    Can Civility Be Restored? A Conversation with Dr. Russell Moore - Pt 1

    Have you ever found yourself in a conversation these days wondering, “am I crazy?”  Or, “how do I have conversations with friends & family with whom I disagree politically?”  We asked Dr. Russell Moore these questions as well as what it means to be an evangelical Christian in a post-truth world.  Will civility ever be restored?  Dr. Moore is the former head of Ethics and Religion for the Southern Baptist Convention (and he tells us why he left), and is now a public theologian for Christianity Today.  We had to break up the conversation into two parts because it was all so good that we couldn’t cut it down to a one hour episode.  We don’t come from the same place or see all things the same way, which was what made this conversation so special.  Hope you enjoy Part 1 of our conversation with @russellmoore Love, Jodi, Chris, Milo & Ziggy PS - If you are subscribed to our PATREON you will receive access to all our episodes a week early!  Never heard of it?  It's the ultimate L&TO insiders’ subscription, a chance to get unreleased songs, conversations, and devotionals delivered to you personally every month!  We will even do a Worship Wednesday exclusive just for Patreon members and pray for you all individually.  We are excited about going deeper with you, and we hope you’ll join us!  Check out PPS - if you’ve been looking for a way to participate in being light in the world during this COVID season, check out and sponsor a life-changing surgery for a child who desperately needs one!  For one dollar a day for a year, you can send a Healing Hug to a little one whose family can’t afford to pay for the surgery.  As God continues to provide for you, why not help provide for someone less fortunate than yourself.  Love you all, thanks for being so generous!!

  3. 2021/10/27

    Listen To Your Crazy Ideas with Dan Bremnes

    The pandemic has taken alot from all of us.  One thing we are just barely recovering is our ability to see possibility, and to dream again. Dan Bremnes - musician, family man, risk-taker, dreamer - reminds us that we need to listen to our crazy ideas because they just might unlock our next step to a life lived, not just tolerated. Dan shares the story behind his new single “Run Away With Me,” which is a real-life example of what can happen we we go after the crazy ideas in our head that we generally disregard as too “out there.”  Hint - it involves a deserted island and an email :) And it’s a great song:)  We hope this episode inspires you to walk towards your next step! Love, Jodi, Chris, Milo & Ziggy PS - if you’ve been looking for a way to participate in being light in the world during this COVID season, check out and sponsor a life-changing surgery for a child who desperately needs one!  For one dollar a day for a year, you can send a Healing Hug to a little one whose family can’t afford to pay for the surgery.  As God continues to provide for you, why not help provide for someone less fortunate than yourself.  Love you all, thanks for being so generous!!   PPS - If you are subscribed to our PATREON you will receive access to all our episodes a week early!  Never heard of it?  It's the ultimate L&TO insiders’ subscription, a chance to get unreleased songs, conversations, and devotionals delivered to you personally every month!  We will even do a Worship Wednesday exclusive just for Patreon members and pray for you all individually.  We are excited about going deeper with you, and we hope you’ll join us!  Check out

  4. 2021/10/12

    When The Bible Feels Too Scary To Read To Your Kids

    Welcome back to the podcast!  We took a break this summer after our house flooded, thinking we’d start it back up when we were back in, but alas we are still waiting…   The good news is we have a lot to share from this displaced transition season, so we thought we’d embrace it with “Conversations in the Car with Chris and Jodi.”  A little series within the podcast where we literally press record and let you into our chats on the road, and edit nothing (sorry for the road noise)!  Jodi and I both just read “The Bible Tells Me So” by Peter Enns, and it’s helped us feel ok with our questions about the Bible.  Whether it be genocide in the Old Testament, and wrestling with the commandment, “thou shalt not kill,” while God seems to order the killing of women & children & entire people groups, or all the Levitical laws that don’t seem to apply anymore, there’s a lot that makes us uncomfortable.  It hit us while we were reading Bible stories to our kids, that there is a lot that is too R-rated for them to handle.  It left us with a lot of questions, and in case you are in the same boat, we wanted to give you permission to journey with us.  This episode provides more process and questions than answers, but there will be follow up episodes where we dig deeper into these questions.  Wanted to be honest about the where we’re at, so come along for the ride!   Here’s a link to Peter’s store if you’d like to check it out!   Sending love,   Chris, Jodi, Milo & Ziggy      PS - if you’ve been looking for a way to participate in being light in the world during this COVID season, check out and sponsor a life-changing surgery for a child who desperately needs one!  For one dollar a day for a year, you can send a Healing Hug to a little one whose family can’t afford to pay for the surgery.  As God continues to provide for you, why not help provide for someone less fortunate than yourself.  Love you all, thanks for being so generous!!     PPS - If you are subscribed to our PATREON you will receive access to all our episodes a week early!  Never heard of it?  It's the ultimate L&TO insiders’ subscription, a chance to get unreleased songs, conversations, and devotionals delivered to you personally every month!  We will even do a Worship Wednesday exclusive just for Patreon members and pray for you all individually.  We are excited about going deeper with you, and we hope you’ll join us!  Check out

  5. 2021/06/25

    How To Stop Anxiety From Hi-Jacking Our Brains with Sissy Goff

    We are so excited for you to join our conversation on anxiety with the one and only Sissy Goff!  She is an expert child and adolescent counselor at Daystar Ministries here in Nashville, as well as an author and equipper.  She has helped our family so much amidst our flood trauma during COVID.  Here’s the thing - everything she says doesn’t just work for kids, but also applies to adults!  So whether you’re an adult, parent, or teen, this episode on how to stop the hamster wheel of fear and anxiety is for you.  We can find Jesus’ peace in the midst of trauma, and we hope this episode gives you the tools to find it!  You can find her here @sissygoff @raisingboysandgirls and listen to her podcast here Sending love, Chris, Jodi, Milo & Ziggy  PS - if you’ve been looking for a way to participate in being light in the world during this COVID season, check out and sponsor a life-changing surgery for a child who desperately needs one!  For one dollar a day for a year, you can send a Healing Hug to a little one whose family can’t afford to pay for the surgery.  As God continues to provide for you, why not help provide for someone less fortunate than yourself.  Love you all, thanks for being so generous!!   PPS - If you are subscribed to our PATREON you will receive access to all our episodes a week early!  Never heard of it?  It's the ultimate L&TO insiders’ subscription, a chance to get unreleased songs, conversations, and devotionals delivered to you personally every month!  We will even do a Worship Wednesday exclusive just for Patreon members and pray for you all individually.  We are excited about going deeper with you, and we hope you’ll join us!  Check out



Hey this is Jodi and Chris from Love & The Outcome, welcome to our podcast! We’re a married couple who rock out together, we're parents of Milo and Ziggy, and we're following Jesus as best as we can. This podcast will take you on our journey covering family, spirituality, wellness, and of course music. Our life is a road trip, our mess is our message... we’re happy to invite you into it!









