Surprise! Despite FIFA policy, political provocations abound at the World Cup. This week we talk about rumors of Mo Salah’s impending exit from Team Egypt, the hooligan-to-paramilitary pipeline, and what exactly is up with that Albanian double eagle. Plus, writer Supriya Nair calls in from Mumbai to talk about why she keeps watching teams that won’t win, and Godwin Enakhena checks in from Lagos, where Nigeria fans are perched between hope and despair — as Messi awaits.
- 番組
- チャンネル
- 頻度アップデート:週2回
- 配信日2018年6月26日 4:00 UTC
- 長さ25分
- シーズン2
- エピソード5
- 制限指定不適切な内容を含まない