PHLY Philadelphia Flyers Podcast
Charlie O'Connor and Bill Matz host the largest Flyers podcast in the world with guests from around the country and appearances from Broad Street Hockey's very own Kelly Hinkle.
Great content
Bill, Steph, Kelly, Charlie, and the gang really help me feel like I'm along for the ride halfway around the world. Born in Japan, bred in Philly, and now back in Japan, my heart still bleeds orange and black. Whipping out the Koho and going to the neighborhood pond to skate with guys a good foot taller than me is one of the greatest memories from my childhood. Thanks for bringing the Philly vibe online so us foreigners can get in on the action together. Go Flyers!
Can an argument be made without swearing?
Charlie O'Connor and Bill Matz host the largest Flyers podcast in the world with guests from around the country and appearances from Broad Street Hockey's very own Kelly Hinkle.
- チャンネル
- クリエイターALLCITY Network, PHLY Sports
- 配信期間16年 - 24年
- エピソード925
- 制限指定不適切な内容を含む
- Copyright2024 ALLCITY Network Inc. © All rights reserved
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