Rule Breaker Investing
David Gardner, co-founder of The Motley Fool, is among the most respected and trusted sources on investing. As a best-selling author, hugely successful stock picker, and financial authority, David has led The Motley Fool’s growth into a worldwide investment and financial advisory services company. Each week David shares his insights into today's most innovative and disruptive publicly traded companies -- and how to profit from them by following his signature “Rule Breaker Investing” principles.
Well worth your time
I`ve often heard it said that if you want to get good at something, you should hang around and learn from the best. This podcast is an excellent way to spend time and learn from a highly successful stock investor and businessman. Always very engaging with high quality tips and insights generously shared and gathered from a lifetime of investing, entreprenuership, successes and failures, while keeping it all a tad "foolish". I look forward to each week and often listen several times and take notes. Great investor education for free here on how to make money in the stockmarket thats enjoyable, ever interesting, and very inspiring. Thank you David for sharing so much and making the world better and richer for so many.
- チャンネル
- クリエイターThe Motley Fool
- 配信期間15年 - 24年
- エピソード524
- 制限指定不適切な内容を含まない
- 番組のWebサイト
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