
S-Town is a podcast hosted by Brian Reed from Serial Productions, a New York Times company. The story follows a man named John who despises his Alabama town and decides to do something about it. He asks Brian to investigate the son of a wealthy family who's allegedly been bragging that he got away with murder. But when someone else ends up dead, the search for the truth leads to a nasty feud, a hunt for hidden treasure, and an unearthing of the mysteries of one man's life.

S-Town Serial

    • 社会/文化
    • 4.2 • 39件の評価

S-Town is a podcast hosted by Brian Reed from Serial Productions, a New York Times company. The story follows a man named John who despises his Alabama town and decides to do something about it. He asks Brian to investigate the son of a wealthy family who's allegedly been bragging that he got away with murder. But when someone else ends up dead, the search for the truth leads to a nasty feud, a hunt for hidden treasure, and an unearthing of the mysteries of one man's life.

    The Trojan Horse Affair - Trailer

    The Trojan Horse Affair - Trailer

    A mysterious letter detailing a supposed Islamist plot to take over schools shocked Britain in 2014. But who wrote it? From Serial Productions and The New York Times, “The Trojan Horse Affair,” an investigation that became bigger than we ever imagined. All eight parts are available now, wherever you get your podcasts.

    • 4分
    Chapter I

    Chapter I

    “If you keep your mouth shut, you’ll be surprised what you can learn.”

    • 51分
    Chapter II

    Chapter II

    “Has anybody called you?”

    • 46分
    Chapter III

    Chapter III

    “Tedious and brief.”

    • 52分
    Chapter IV

    Chapter IV

    “If anybody could find it, it would be me.”

    • 1 時間1分
    Chapter V

    Chapter V

    “Nobody’ll ever change my mind about it.”

    • 1 時間





Masterpiece of storytelling

An absolute masterpiece of storytelling. Like the narrator, I'm certain that I'll never forget John B. McLemore. I hope the maze has been saved to honor the genius behind it. If anything, I'll try to stay more cognizant of the fleeting time each of us has, and try earnestly to make more out of it.


Happened in real time

Some of the events happened in real time, and the mystery solving turned out to be a different story. It is poignant, and worth the time, in my opinion. The episodes are well edited and the characters come to life. I realize that one can argue for ever about what should have been, but it is still worth listening to, if you have the time.

Kris in Japan

Totally worth it

I tend to listen to podcasts/music in the background while doing deskwork for my gym. Yesterday I didn't get any work done, being so mesmerised by this story. It's in-depth, and full of unexpected twists and turns you can only experience in a non-fiction story.


NISSAN ARIYA presents THE BATTERY ~石橋貴明 あの人と、どらいぶ。~
Meg and Hina


The Trojan Horse Affair
Serial Productions & The New York Times
Serial Productions & The New York Times
The Kids of Rutherford County
Serial Productions & The New York Times
The Coldest Case In Laramie
Serial Productions & The New York Times
We Were Three
Serial Productions & The New York Times
The Retrievals
Serial Productions & The New York Times


This American Life
This American Life
Serial Productions & The New York Times
Sound Opinions
Sound Opinions
Reset with Sasha-Ann Simons
WBEZ Chicago
Curious City
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The Pie: An Economics Podcast
Becker Friedman Institute at UChicago