Scripture in Black and White

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Scripture in Black and White is a show that examines what scripture teaches with clarity and no uncertain terms. We discuss the scriptures in black and white and bring perspectives from ministers who happen to be black and white.

  1. Israel and End Times Pt. 2 | S4 Ep. 17


    Israel and End Times Pt. 2 | S4 Ep. 17

    In this episode of 'Scripture in Black and White' Season 4, Anthony Walker and Bobby Harrington dive deep into the biblical discussion on the future of Israel as it relates to end times. Building on last week's discussion, they examine Luke 21 and Romans 11, discussing Jesus' prophecies concerning Jerusalem, the fullness of the Gentiles, and the eventual salvation of Israel. Key themes include the significance of the olive tree analogy, the nature of God's irrevocable gifts and call to Israel, and how these biblical truths align with both historical and modern understandings of prophecy. Join the hosts as they unpack complex theological concepts and their implications for believers today. Get the eBook:  Key Takeaways 00:00 Introduction and Recap01:30 Discussion on Luke 21 and End Times03:58 The Role of Gentiles and Jews in Prophecy05:48 The Fulfillment of Gentile Times08:00 Historical Context and Modern Implications18:59 Exploring Romans 1133:23 The Irrevocable Promises to the Jewish People35:37 The Call to Respond to Jesus, the Messiah36:58 The Disproportionate Influence of Jewish People39:20 Paul's Discussion on Jewish Blindness to Jesus44:31 The Olive Tree Analogy and Gentile Inclusion48:14 The Full Inclusion of Jewish People57:21 Debating Ethnicity and Salvation01:08:37 Concluding Thoughts and Future Discussions Visit to sign up for our email newsletter and be the first to know about new content, books and resources.  Be sure to like, subscribe and follow on social media!  You can find us on:Instagram: Facebook: Youtube: @therenewnetworkTikTok: Rumble:   Please comment like and subscribe to the channel! For more information about RENEW visit

  2. Satan, The Beast, and the False Prophet in Revelation 13 | S4 Ep. 14


    Satan, The Beast, and the False Prophet in Revelation 13 | S4 Ep. 14

    Understanding Revelation 13: Antichrist, False Prophets, and the Beast Check out the Ebook: Join Anthony Walker and Bobby Harrington in this episode of 'Scripture in Black and White' as they go into the intricate topics of the Antichrist, Revelation 13, and its apocalyptic language. They explore key concepts, including the historical and typological analysis of biblical prophecies, the role of political and religious powers symbolized by the beast and the false prophet, and the significance of the number 666. Through careful interpretation and reference to early Christian writings, they provide insights and perspectives on the unfolding of end-times events as envisioned in the Bible. This episode also touches upon the importance of being prepared for future trials and maintaining faith in the midst of adversity. Key Takeaways  00:00 Introduction and Recap00:58 The Antichrist in Modern Context02:46 Historical Antichrists and Biblical References06:26 Expectations and Teachings on the Antichrist11:35 Daniel's Prophecies and Revelation15:56 Interpreting Apocalyptic Language28:01 Revelation 13: The Beast and Its Symbolism33:10 The Beast and the Roman Empire34:01 Blasphemy and Authority of the Beast35:12 Worldwide Power of the Beast Empire38:06 The False Prophet and the One World Order39:44 The Second Beast and Its Deception42:14 The Mark of the Beast44:33 The Number 666 and Its Mysteries45:18 Revelation 17 and the Beast Empire50:31 The Defeat of the Beast Empire56:44 Final Thoughts and Interpretations Interested in more content from RENEW? Sign up for our newsletter: See Below for a longer description:  In this episode of "Scripture in Black and White," hosts Anthony Walker and Bobby Harrington explore the Antichrist and related eschatological themes in depth. Bobby begins by referencing 1 John 2:18, which speaks of the Antichrist and the presence of multiple antichrists throughout history. He cites figures like Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, and Mao Tse Tung as embodiments of the Antichrist spirit, arguing that these examples point to an eventual final manifestation. The conversation then transitions to an analysis of 2 Thessalonians 2, where Bobby outlines ten characteristics of the "man of lawlessness," a figure destined for destruction who sets himself up as God in the temple. As they delve deeper, Anthony and Bobby turn to the Book of Daniel, focusing on chapter 7. Bobby explains the significance of the "little horn," a king who rises after ten others, uprooting three in the process. This figure, who speaks blasphemies and wages war against the saints, is linked to the ten horns in Revelation, suggesting that the imagery in Daniel serves as a precursor to the prophecies in Revelation. The hosts emphasize the importance of understanding the symbolic language used in these texts—symbols, metaphors, and typologies like animals, colors, and numbers—to avoid misinterpretations. Next, the discussion zeroes in on Revelation 13, where Bobby describes the beast with ten horns and seven heads, a symbol of a future political and military empire with global influence. He interprets this imagery as pointing to a revived Roman Empire-like entity that will exert control over the world and persecute Christians. Bobby also introduces the "second beast," or the false prophet, who performs deceptive signs and compels people to worship the first beast, linking this figure to the "man of lawlessness" in 2 Thessalonians 2. A significant portion of the episode is dedicated to discussing the mark of the beast (666), a requirement for buying and selling goods. Bobby draws parallels to modern developments like electronic transactions and digital identities, suggesting that these could align with prophetic warnings about the future. Towards the end, the focus shifts to Revelation 17 and 19, where Bobby elaborates on the beast empire and the ten kings who receive autho

  3. The Beast Empire in Daniel 7 | S4 Ep. 13


    The Beast Empire in Daniel 7 | S4 Ep. 13

    Exploring Daniel 7: Unpacking Biblical Prophecy and End Times Check out the Ebook: Today’s episode will help us deepen our understanding of biblical prophecy in Daniel 7, exploring its connections to historical events and future expectations to better prepare for end-times challenges. In this episode of 'Scripture in Black and White,' hosts Anthony Walker and Bobby Harrington dive into Daniel Chapter 7. They examine its connections to Second Thessalonians Chapter 2 and other biblical prophecies concerning the end times. The discussion contrasts different interpretations of the four beasts and ten horns introduced in Daniel's vision, connecting them to both historical kingdoms like Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, and Rome, and future prophetic events as seen in Revelation. Their analytical yet accessible conversation aims to prepare believers for potential future challenges and deepen understanding of biblical prophecy. Key Takeaways 00:00 Introduction and Greetings00:32 Segway to Second Thessalonians and Daniel05:55 Understanding Daniel's Vision11:08 Interpretations of the Beasts22:26 Debating the Little Horn24:24 Heavenly Scene and Final Kingdom38:54 Comparing Views and Conclusion Visit to sign up for our email newsletter and be the first to know about new content, books and resources.  Be sure to like, subscribe and follow on social media!  You can find us on:Instagram: Facebook: Youtube: @therenewnetworkTikTok: Rumble: In this episode of "Scripture in Black and White," hosts Anthony Walker and Bobby Harrington dive into a discussion on biblical prophecy, focusing on Daniel 7. The episode, titled "S4 E12-MP3 for Audio Podcasting," centers on interpreting complex passages related to the end times, a topic that has long intrigued theologians and believers. Anthony begins by introducing the subject, thanking listeners for their continued support, and setting the stage for a weekly exploration of biblical teachings. The core discussion revolves around 2 Thessalonians 2, Matthew 24, and their connections to the prophetic visions in Daniel 7. Bobby Harrington, an experienced pastor, revisits the essentials of the second coming—resurrection, final judgment, and eternal destiny—highlighting an often overlooked link between 2 Thessalonians 2 and Daniel 7, which he believes clarifies certain controversial end-times teachings. Bobby offers his interpretation of Daniel 7, suggesting that the four beasts described symbolize successive empires: Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, and Rome. He sees these beasts as representations of historical events leading up to and slightly beyond the birth of Jesus, with the prophecy foreshadowing significant political and spiritual upheaval. The hosts discuss the vivid imagery of the four beasts: a lion with eagle's wings, a bear, a leopard with four heads and wings, and a terrifying beast with iron teeth and ten horns. Bobby argues that these beasts represent prominent ancient empires and predicts the emergence of a "little horn" as a persecuting force against God's people. Anthony and Bobby explore different views on the identity of this "little horn." Anthony suggests it could be Domitian, a first-century Roman emperor, while Bobby believes it points to a future persecuting power connected to a revived Roman Empire. They then discuss a passage in Daniel 7 describing a heavenly tribunal where God, "the Ancient of Days," presides, ultimately overthrowing the fourth beast and the little horn, signifying God's victory over earthly empires. The episode also goes into various scholarly interpretations of these prophecies, contrasting traditional views with more progressive ones. The discussion highlights connections between Daniel 7 and the Book of Revelation, emphasizing eight parallels, such as the ten horns representing kingdoms and the ul

  4. The Man of Lawlessness Pt. 3 (feat. Larry Pechawer) | S4 Ep. 12


    The Man of Lawlessness Pt. 3 (feat. Larry Pechawer) | S4 Ep. 12

    Exploring 2 Thessalonians 2: In-Depth Discussion with Larry Pechawer | Scripture in Black & White Season 4 Check out the Ebook: In this episode of Scripture in Black & White,  hosts Anthony Walker and Bobby Harrington welcome special guest Larry Pechawer. They dive into an in-depth discussion on 2 Thessalonians 2, exploring different interpretations and theological perspectives. Larry, a retired Bible college professor with extensive experience in Old Testament and Hebrew studies, shares his unique insights and thorough analysis on the passage. The conversation covers topics such as the doctrine of imminence, the man of lawlessness, and the destruction of Jerusalem, providing listeners a comprehensive examination of these complex theological issues. Key Takeaways 00:00 Introduction and Welcome01:44 Understanding Second Thessalonians 206:14 Diving into the Text: Second Thessalonians 2:1-1211:16 The Man of Lawlessness and the Day of the Lord13:48 Historical Context and Interpretations20:24 The Role of Imminence in Prophecy21:42 Differentiating Key Figures: Lawless One, Beast, and Antichrist28:08 Paul's Connection to the Olivet Discourse39:52 The Coming of the Man of Lawlessness43:50 Imminence and the Return of Christ45:45 Debating the Signs of the Second Coming59:24 The Role of John of Gashala01:12:08 Concluding Thoughts and Reflections Visit to sign up for our email newsletter and be the first to know about new content, books and resources.  Be sure to like, subscribe and follow on social media!  You can find us on:Instagram: Facebook: Youtube: @therenewnetworkTikTok: Rumble: See below for a longer description: In this episode hosts Anthony Walker and Bobby Harrington, along with their special guest, Larry Pechawer, embark on a detailed discussion about 2 Thessalonians Chapter 2 and its implications, particularly regarding the end times, the concept of the "man of lawlessness," and the doctrine of eminence. The show kicks off with the usual warm greetings and introduction of Larry Pechawer, a Bible college professor with extensive experience in teaching both Old and New Testament scriptures. Larry shares his academic background, including his tenure at several theological institutions and his expertise in Old Testament prophecy, which laid the foundation for his interest in the topics discussed in this episode. The central theme of this episode revolves around 2 Thessalonians Chapter 2, where Paul discusses the second coming of Christ and the events that would precede it, such as the appearance of the "man of lawlessness." The hosts and Larry dive deep into the text, analyzing verse by verse to extract meanings and interpretations. The discussion is particularly focused on the significance of the "man of lawlessness," his identity, and the timing of Christ's return. A significant part of the discussion revolves around the interpretation of verses 8 and 9. Larry offers a unique perspective that the "coming" mentioned in verse 8 may not necessarily pertain to Jesus' second coming but rather to the appearance of the "man of lawlessness." His translation hints at a timeframe of events rather than a singular divine intervention. This reinterpretation challenges conventional readings that typically associate the verses directly with Christ's return. Another focal point is the doctrine of eminence—the belief that Christ's return could happen at any moment. Larry underscores the difficulty in maintaining this doctrine if Paul indeed listed specific signs and events that have to occur before the second coming. By linking the "man of lawlessness" and the rebellion to historical events like the Jewish revolt, Larry seeks to reconcile these passages with the idea that once those early prophecies were fulfilled, the second coming could then be considered imminent fr

  5. The Man of Lawlessness Pt. 2 |  S4 Ep. 11


    The Man of Lawlessness Pt. 2 | S4 Ep. 11

    When Will He Return?  “Today’s episode will help us deepen our understanding of 2 Thessalonians and Matthew 24, equipping us to interpret end-times prophecy with clarity and faithfulness to scripture. In this episode of 'Scripture in Black and White,' Anthony Walker and Bobby Harrington continue their examination of 2 Thessalonians, focusing on Paul's teachings about the end times, the man of lawlessness, and the role of apostasy. They tie these themes into Jesus' prophecies from Matthew 24, discussing false teachings, signs, and the importance of holding onto the truth. The hosts also announce a future guest from Ozark Christian College who will present a different perspective on these matters. Check out the Ebook: Key Takeaways  00:00 Introduction and Recap01:25 Discussion on Second Thessalonians02:09 The Man of Lawlessness03:53 The Restrainer and End Times Theories07:32 Historical Context and Interpretations20:58 False Teachings and Signs of the End Times27:07 Matthew 24 and the End of the Age33:13 Persecution and Apostasy35:11 The Gospel to All Nations36:19 Timeline of Events40:39 The Abomination of Desolation46:27 The Coming of the Son of Man57:55 God's Powerful Delusion01:04:40 Conclusion and Next Steps See below for a longer description: In this episode of "Scripture in Black and White," hosts Anthony Walker and Bobby Harrington go into the rich themes of 2 Thessalonians, focusing on Paul's teachings about the second coming of Jesus and end-times prophecy. They start with a warm welcome back for their audience, briefly recapping the previous episode's discussion to set the stage for this deep dive. Discussion on 2 Thessalonians: Introduction and Continuation: Anthony and Bobby reflect on their previous discussions about Paul's writings in 2 Thessalonians, expressing gratitude for their audience's engagement. They outline the focus for this episode: a thorough examination of 2 Thessalonians 2, with insights from Larry Pichower of Ozark Christian College promised for future episodes. They stress that while understanding end-times prophecies is important, these topics are not essential for salvation and can be open to different interpretations. Exegesis of 2 Thessalonians Chapter 2: The hosts analyze Paul's teachings about events preceding the second coming, such as apostasy, the revealing of the man of lawlessness, and the mystery of lawlessness already at work. They discuss the "restrainer," exploring various interpretations including the Roman Empire, the gospel's power, the Holy Spirit, or angelic forces under God's command. The discussion emphasizes the importance of being aware and vigilant, understanding the scripture correctly, and preparing for the return of Jesus. Link to Matthew 24: Comparison with Gospel Narratives: Bobby connects Paul's teachings with Jesus' prophecies in Matthew 24, drawing on scholarly insights from D.A. Carson. They discuss Jesus’ warnings about deception, wars, famines, earthquakes, persecution, and apostasy, linking these signs to Paul's teachings in Thessalonians. Signs of the End Times: The conversation highlights the similarities between the "birth pains" in Matthew and the signs of apostasy and the man of lawlessness in Thessalonians. They reflect on historical events, such as the destruction of the temple in 70 AD, as precursors or shadows of the final tribulation predicted in scripture. Clarifications and Exhortations: The Role of Predictions and Interpretations: Anthony and Bobby caution against specific end-times predictions, like those made by Jehovah’s Witnesses and modern televangelists, which can lead to skepticism and disillusionment. They emphasize the importance of staying firm in faith, acknowledging that the exact timing of these events remains uncertain but encouraging believers to be prepared. Audience Guidance: The hosts urge their audience to cling to biblical truths and remain wary of false teachings, expres




Scripture in Black and White is a show that examines what scripture teaches with clarity and no uncertain terms. We discuss the scriptures in black and white and bring perspectives from ministers who happen to be black and white.








