The Acts Community

LifeLine Church Weekly Talksポッドキャスト

How we are to be… Acts 2:42-47. At pentecost the Holy Spirit came to people; as they were touched, people were transformed – and so was the community. They shared possessions and meals. They prayed with one another and no one was in need. This is our template for today, yet so often we become tainted by the context that we live in – our individualistic culture, self-centredness, and ‘rights’ pervade our thinking. What would it look like if we were touched by God, just as the early church was in the book of Acts?

To stay up to date with podcasts from LifeLine Church, please subscribe. Shows include:

  1. LifeLine Church Sunday Services – a weekly broadcast of the message from our Sunday meeting
  2. Evolution Revolution with LifeLine Church – an exploration of how foundational values can transition across generations
  3. Reflections on Kings 1 & 2 – applying the insights and lessons from these two old testament books to our lives today
  4. Kingdom Finance – Jesus talked more about money than about anything else. Why? How do we handle money correctly?
  5. Kingdom RelationshipsRelationship is core to the character and nature of God…so what does real friendship look like for us?

To access a range of resources and supporting material, series on specific topics including Kingdom finance and Kingdom relationships please visit

If you prefer to watch, please visit our YouTube channel @LifeLineChurchDagenham where we broadcast our Sunday meeting live at 10.30am. Playlists include:

  • Reflections on Kings 1 & 2
  • Sunday morning talks
  • Testimonies








