
The Maverick Paradox Podcast is a twice weekly show for the pathologically curious, whether they run their own business or leads within someone else's. It is popular global podcast which looks at the world from a maverick perspective.

Judith Germain explores how Maverick Leadership shows up in the world and the lessons that can be learnt from Maverick Leaders. The podcast also features replays of the popular Maverick Paradox @ KLDR Online Leadership Development Radio show.

The Maverick Paradox Podcast enjoys lively conversations between its host Judith Germain and her guests. With a few bonus episodes thrown in to delight listeners.

Mavericks and Maverick Leaders are pathologically curious, so the conversations and topics on the show are diverse to encourage that curiosity.

This podcast enjoys exploring what it’s like to be a maverick (defined by Judith to mean wilfully independent person) and discovering effective modes of leadership.


Having founded The Maverick Paradox and Maverick Paradox Media she catalyses transformation by creating clear thinking and decisive leaders in the fields of leadership, culture, change and diversity.

A renowned C-Suite Mentor, Speaker, Consultant, Trainer, Facilitator and Author she believes that anyone can enhance their leadership capability.

HER BOOK: The Maverick Paradox: The Secret Power Behind Successful Leadership.


Websites: https://www.maverickparadox.co.uk
Magazine: https://www.themaverickparadox.com

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/judithgermain/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JudithGermainFanPage

Email: Contact @ maverickparadox.com

The Maverick Paradox Podcast Judith Germain - All Rights Reserved

    • ビジネス

The Maverick Paradox Podcast is a twice weekly show for the pathologically curious, whether they run their own business or leads within someone else's. It is popular global podcast which looks at the world from a maverick perspective.

Judith Germain explores how Maverick Leadership shows up in the world and the lessons that can be learnt from Maverick Leaders. The podcast also features replays of the popular Maverick Paradox @ KLDR Online Leadership Development Radio show.

The Maverick Paradox Podcast enjoys lively conversations between its host Judith Germain and her guests. With a few bonus episodes thrown in to delight listeners.

Mavericks and Maverick Leaders are pathologically curious, so the conversations and topics on the show are diverse to encourage that curiosity.

This podcast enjoys exploring what it’s like to be a maverick (defined by Judith to mean wilfully independent person) and discovering effective modes of leadership.


Having founded The Maverick Paradox and Maverick Paradox Media she catalyses transformation by creating clear thinking and decisive leaders in the fields of leadership, culture, change and diversity.

A renowned C-Suite Mentor, Speaker, Consultant, Trainer, Facilitator and Author she believes that anyone can enhance their leadership capability.

HER BOOK: The Maverick Paradox: The Secret Power Behind Successful Leadership.


Websites: https://www.maverickparadox.co.uk
Magazine: https://www.themaverickparadox.com

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/judithgermain/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JudithGermainFanPage

Email: Contact @ maverickparadox.com

    How to lead without personal transformation?

    How to lead without personal transformation?

    In this Short Talk episode Judith Germain speaks to Aneace Haddad about whether it's possible to have success in leadership without personal transformation. Aneace shares his background, including his career transition from being a tech entrepreneur to becoming an executive coach, and his recent family trip to Italy.
    Key Takeaways Personal transformation is essential for effective leadership, especially in today's rapidly changing environment Midlife brings physiological, neurological, and parental changes that necessitate adapting one's leadership style Instead of resisting change, leaders should become aware of and lean into the transformations happening in their lives In this conversation Aneace shares his view that in today's fast-changing business environment, it is not possible for leaders to successfully guide organisational transformation without also undergoing their own personal transformation. He explains the three "winds of change" that he sees impacting leaders in midlife - physiological, neurological, and parental - and how these changes force leaders to adapt and evolve their leadership styles.
    Aneace Haddad is a seasoned C-Suite Executive Coach and Mckinsey-certified Senior Advisor with extensive experience. He is renowned for his global perspective and real-world insights.

    You can find out more about our guest and today's episode in this Maverick Paradox Magazine article here.
    Maverick leadership is all about thinking outside the box and challenging the status quo. It's about having the courage to take risks and the confidence to lead in a way that is authentic and genuine.
    But amplifying your influence as a leader isn't just about having a strong vision or a big personality. It's also about having the right leadership capability and being able to execute on your ideas and plans.
    The consequences of not having the right level of influence as a leader can be significant. Without the ability to inspire and motivate others, you may struggle to achieve your goals and make a real impact.
    How Influential Are you? Take the scorecard at amplifyyourinfluence.scoreapp.com and see. 
    Catalysing Transformation - 1 min video
    Judith's book: The Maverick Paradox: The Secret Power Behind Successful Leaders. 
    Judith's websites: 
    The Maverick Paradox Magazine - themaverickparadox.com The Maverick Paradox Website - maverickparadox.co.uk Judith's LinkedIn profile is here, her Twitter profile (MaverickMastery) is here, Facebook here and Instagram here.

    • 20分
    What is trauma informed leadership?

    What is trauma informed leadership?

    In today's episode Judith Germain speaks to Kelly L Campbell about trauma-informed leadership. Kelly shares her personal journey, including starting a successful digital marketing agency in her 20s, but eventually feeling unfulfilled and selling the company. This led her to become a trauma-informed leadership coach, focusing on helping leaders integrate their own past trauma and lead from a place of greater self-awareness and empathy.
    Key Takeaways Trauma-informed leadership is about understanding what might be happening internally for people and leading with compassion Epigenetic research suggests some leaders may be hormonally imbalanced due to childhood trauma, impacting empathy There is hope for more conscious leadership from younger generations who are discussing emotions/trauma Becoming trauma-informed involves training to recognise trauma responses and practicing the mindset consistently

    In this conversation Kelly explains that trauma-informed leadership is about understanding how past trauma can impact people's behavior and responses, and leading with compassion, consent, and consideration for employees' and clients' humanity.
    Kelly shares new research on how intergenerational trauma can impact leaders' brain chemistry and hormonal balance, potentially making it difficult for them to feel empathy and make decisions for the greater good. She suggests this research could have implications for how we evaluate leadership capabilities.

    Kelly L Campbell speaks and writes about trauma, leadership, and consciousness - 'The new TLC'. Kelly is a Trauma Informed Leadership Coach to emerging and established leaders who know they are meant for more. 

    You can find out more about our guest and today's episode in this Maverick Paradox Magazine article here.
    Maverick leadership is all about thinking outside the box and challenging the status quo. It's about having the courage to take risks and the confidence to lead in a way that is authentic and genuine.
    But amplifying your influence as a leader isn't just about having a strong vision or a big personality. It's also about having the right leadership capability and being able to execute on your ideas and plans.
    The consequences of not having the right level of influence as a leader can be significant. Without the ability to inspire and motivate others, you may struggle to achieve your goals and make a real impact.
    How Influential Are you? Take the scorecard at amplifyyourinfluence.scoreapp.com and see. 
    Catalysing Transformation - 1 min video
    Judith's book: The Maverick Paradox: The Secret Power Behind Successful Leaders. 
    Judith's websites: 
    The Maverick Paradox Magazine - themaverickparadox.com The Maverick Paradox Website - maverickparadox.co.uk Judith's LinkedIn profile is here, her Twitter profile (MaverickMastery) is here, Facebook here and Instagram here.

    • 40分
    How to overcome mental blocks

    How to overcome mental blocks

    In today's episode Judith Germain speaks to Carlo Taormina about overcoming mental blocks and Carlo Taormina's journey as a high performance mindset coach.
    Key Takeaways Carlo overcame a severe depression and suicidal period by making one decision to take action (going on a trip) Changing your body language/physiology can shift your mental state and allow better decisions Focus on what serves you rather than negativity to become your best self Carlo offers a free coaching call via his Instagram (@carlotaormina_coach) to anyone needing help In this conversation Carlo shares his key insights on how he overcame his adversity of depression and suicide to become a renowned life coach and keynote speaker. Carlo's message helps high achieving individuals become more solution oriented, make better decisions, gain fulfillment and change your internal state to improve your professional and personal life.
    You can find out more about our guest and today's episode in this Maverick Paradox Magazine article here.
    Maverick leadership is all about thinking outside the box and challenging the status quo. It's about having the courage to take risks and the confidence to lead in a way that is authentic and genuine.
    But amplifying your influence as a leader isn't just about having a strong vision or a big personality. It's also about having the right leadership capability and being able to execute on your ideas and plans.
    The consequences of not having the right level of influence as a leader can be significant. Without the ability to inspire and motivate others, you may struggle to achieve your goals and make a real impact.
    How Influential Are you? Take the scorecard at amplifyyourinfluence.scoreapp.com and see. 
    Catalysing Transformation - 1 min video
    Judith's book: The Maverick Paradox: The Secret Power Behind Successful Leaders. 
    Judith's websites: 
    The Maverick Paradox Magazine - themaverickparadox.com The Maverick Paradox Website - maverickparadox.co.uk Judith's LinkedIn profile is here, her Twitter profile (MaverickMastery) is here, Facebook here and Instagram here.

    • 30分
    The 8 points of success

    The 8 points of success

    In today's conversation Judith Germain is speaking to Mark Shekter about how to unlock creative potential. Mark shares the story of how he initially planned to become a lawyer like his family, but ultimately found his true passion in music, comedy, and television writing. He describes the pivotal moments that led him to leave law school and pursue a creative career, despite the skepticism of those around him.
    Key Takeaways Tap into your innate purpose and what you're meant to do to unlock creativity Creativity is about fully executing ideas, not just having ideas Leaders need to make space for strategic thinking and creativity Creativity flourishes when you honor your true calling, even if it means taking risks In this conversation Mark and Judith discover they share a philosophical alignment around the importance of independent, maverick thinking and risk-taking to pursue one's true calling, rather than following a pre-determined path. They discuss how this mindset has shaped their respective careers and creative pursuits.
    You can find out more about our guest and today's episode in this Maverick Paradox Magazine article here.
    Maverick leadership is all about thinking outside the box and challenging the status quo. It's about having the courage to take risks and the confidence to lead in a way that is authentic and genuine.
    But amplifying your influence as a leader isn't just about having a strong vision or a big personality. It's also about having the right leadership capability and being able to execute on your ideas and plans.
    The consequences of not having the right level of influence as a leader can be significant. Without the ability to inspire and motivate others, you may struggle to achieve your goals and make a real impact.
    How Influential Are you? Take the scorecard at amplifyyourinfluence.scoreapp.com and see. 
    Catalysing Transformation - 1 min video
    Judith's book: The Maverick Paradox: The Secret Power Behind Successful Leaders. 
    Judith's websites: 
    The Maverick Paradox Magazine - themaverickparadox.com The Maverick Paradox Website - maverickparadox.co.uk Judith's LinkedIn profile is here, her Twitter profile (MaverickMastery) is here, Facebook here and Instagram here.

    • 43分
    Your REAL Life - make it count

    Your REAL Life - make it count

    In today's conversation Judith Germain speaks to Nathan Andres discuss his book "Your Real Life, get Authentic, be Resilient & Make it Count" and his work on thriving, well-being, and resilience in the workplace.
    Nathan shares his background, explaining that he has extensive experience in the corporate world, working for large brands and helping them with business and culture growth. He now does HR consulting, focusing on coaching individuals and teams to help them move from "survive to thrive".
    Key Takeaways Andres' book focuses on the "REAL" model for building authenticity and resilience: Reality, Energy management, Authenticity, Love Managing energy, not time, is key to well-being and resilience Workplaces need to prioritise mental health support as it impacts productivity and competitiveness Being authentic, not "faking it", allows you to truly thrive In this conversation Judith and Nathan discuss how capitalism can work against creating a well-being culture in the workplace. They acknowledge the need to rethink the old mentalities and patriarchal systems that have driven a focus on productivity over employee welfare.
    Judith raises concerns about the limited understanding and support for employees with long-term or chronic mental health issues, compared to more temporary or common mental health challenges. They explore the statistics around the impact of mental health on productivity and the growing expectations for companies to provide robust mental health resources.
    Nathan Andres hails from Washington DC after living in Asia for more than half of his career. He is a celebrated, award winning author, coach and senior HR executive with expertise in resilience and purpose driven leadership.
    You can find out more about our guest and today's episode in this Maverick Paradox Magazine article here.
    Maverick leadership is all about thinking outside the box and challenging the status quo. It's about having the courage to take risks and the confidence to lead in a way that is authentic and genuine.
    But amplifying your influence as a leader isn't just about having a strong vision or a big personality. It's also about having the right leadership capability and being able to execute on your ideas and plans.
    The consequences of not having the right level of influence as a leader can be significant. Without the ability to inspire and motivate others, you may struggle to achieve your goals and make a real impact.
    How Influential Are you? Take the scorecard at amplifyyourinfluence.scoreapp.com and see. 
    Catalysing Transformation - 1 min video
    Judith's book: The Maverick Paradox: The Secret Power Behind Successful Leaders. 
    Judith's websites: 
    The Maverick Paradox Magazine - themaverickparadox.com The Maverick Paradox Website - maverickparadox.co.uk Judith's LinkedIn profile is here, her Twitter profile (MaverickMastery) is here, Facebook here and Instagram here.

    • 31分
    Harness the power of psychology

    Harness the power of psychology

    In today's episode Judith Germain speaks to Norman Bacal about slaying the mythical two-headed Perality (Perception and Reality) beast. Norman shares with Judith the collapse of his successful Canadian Law Firm and how he felt and dealt with the feelings of failure and loss.
    He wrote three books (the Take Charge series) based from this time. 
    They discuss the differences in perceptions and how to use psychology to succeed, and how organisational culture is derived.
    In this interesting conversation Norman talks about how to harness your fear and learning how to communicate and serving others are the keys to success in business and in life. He explains why lawyers are often very brittle when dealing with their own personal conflicts.
    This podcast was originally recorded in November 22.
    Norman Bacal is a rewired lawyer, former law firm leader and one time, one of Canada's leading film finance attorneys. His TED talk has reached close to half a million viewers.
    You can find out more about our guest and today's episode in this Maverick Paradox Magazine article here.
    Maverick leadership is all about thinking outside the box and challenging the status quo. It's about having the courage to take risks and the confidence to lead in a way that is authentic and genuine.
    But amplifying your influence as a leader isn't just about having a strong vision or a big personality. It's also about having the right leadership capability and being able to execute on your ideas and plans.
    The consequences of not having the right level of influence as a leader can be significant. Without the ability to inspire and motivate others, you may struggle to achieve your goals and make a real impact.
    How Influential Are you? Take the scorecard at amplifyyourinfluence.scoreapp.com and see. 
    Catalysing Transformation - 1 min video
    Judith's book: The Maverick Paradox: The Secret Power Behind Successful Leaders. 
    Judith's websites: 
    The Maverick Paradox Magazine - themaverickparadox.com The Maverick Paradox Website - maverickparadox.co.uk Judith's LinkedIn profile is here, her Twitter profile (MaverickMastery) is here, Facebook here and Instagram here.

    • 37分


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