
Bestselling author Annie Grace invites you to explore the role of alcohol in our lives and culture without rules, pain, or judgement.

Ready to make a change? Join The Alcohol Experiment - a FREE 30-day challenge designed to deliver happiness, wellbeing and self-respect. Check out The Alcohol Experiment at alcoholexperiment.com

This Naked Mind Podcast Annie Grace

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Bestselling author Annie Grace invites you to explore the role of alcohol in our lives and culture without rules, pain, or judgement.

Ready to make a change? Join The Alcohol Experiment - a FREE 30-day challenge designed to deliver happiness, wellbeing and self-respect. Check out The Alcohol Experiment at alcoholexperiment.com

    EP 710: Reader’s Question - How do I teach my kids about the dangers of alcohol?

    EP 710: Reader’s Question - How do I teach my kids about the dangers of alcohol?

    How do I teach my kids about the dangers of alcohol? This is a question Annie Grace gets constantly, and according to her, it might just be the most important question you ask yourself when it comes to alcohol. In this episode of This Naked Mind, Annie shares the best ways to navigate these tricky conversations. Learn how to build trust with your kids, empower them to make healthy choices, and create a safe space where they can talk to you about anything, even if they've messed up.
    Thank you so much for listening to this episode. If you’re ready to see how This Naked Mind can help you on your personal health and wellness journey and wanna learn more. Go to ThisNakedMindpodcast.com to learn more. Again, that’s ThisNakedMindpodcast.com. We have all of our free resources, programs,  social links, and more available for you there. Plus, if you have your own Naked Life Story, you can submit it there as well. Until next week, stay curious.

    • 11分
    EP 709: Naked Life Story - Maryanne P.

    EP 709: Naked Life Story - Maryanne P.

    What do you know about the effects of red wine on health? Have you ever wondered how much of that is true and how much is just what people say? Our guest today, Maryanne, was a yoga-loving, lavender-scented health enthusiast. Yet, every day, she felt conflicted. On one hand, she embraced healthy habits, on the other, she enjoyed a glass (or two, or three) of red wine. Can you relate? Does the supposed health benefits of red wine clash with your desire to feel your best? In this episode, Maryanne shares how her upbringing, parenting, marriage, and even her job all influenced her relationship with alcohol. We'll explore how fears over her health led Maryanne down a path to alcohol freedom.
    Thank you so much for listening to this episode. If you’re ready to see how This Naked Mind can help you on your personal health and wellness journey and wanna learn more. Go to ThisNakedMindpodcast.com to learn more. Again, that’s ThisNakedMindpodcast.com. We have all of our free resources, programs,  social links, and more available for you there. Plus, if you have your own Naked Life Story, you can submit it there as well. Until next week, stay curious.

    • 47分
    EP 708: Reader’s Question - What are the signs of relapse?

    EP 708: Reader’s Question - What are the signs of relapse?

    Ever feel like you're winning the battle against alcohol, then one slip-up throws everything off track? We've all been there - you're feeling great, making progress with your relationship with alcohol, then one night... bam! You have a drink you weren't planning on. Now the shame monster is whispering in your ear, telling you you've blown it all. But what if there's a better way to look at this? In this episode, Annie Grace is going to share a powerful concept that can help you reframe those feelings of guilt and turn a potential setback into a learning experience. We'll also be talking about the sneaky signs of relapse you might miss, and how to bounce back stronger than ever. This episode is all about picking yourself up, dusting yourself off, and getting back on track with kindness and self-compassion!
    Thank you so much for listening to this episode. If you’re ready to see how This Naked Mind can help you on your personal health and wellness journey and wanna learn more. Go to ThisNakedMindpodcast.com to learn more. Again, that’s ThisNakedMindpodcast.com. We have all of our free resources, programs,  social links, and more available for you there. Plus, if you have your own Naked Life Story, you can submit it there as well. Until next week, stay curious.

    • 10分
    EP 707: Naked Life Story - Roberta R.

    EP 707: Naked Life Story - Roberta R.

    Would understanding the psychology of drinking change anything for you?  Roberta lived a life surrounded by alcohol. From her upbringing to her job in the beverage industry, alcohol and the pressure to drink were always there. Even after starting a family, alcohol remained a crutch, leaving her hungover and disconnected from her children. She never imagined that an audiobook would lead to a powerful discovery about the mind's relationship with alcohol and even lead to her husband also quitting drinking. Tune in to hear Roberta's story of overcoming addiction, the positive impact it's had on her family, and how understanding the psychology of drinking can help you take control of your relationship with alcohol!
    Thank you so much for listening to this episode. If you’re ready to see how This Naked Mind can help you on your personal health and wellness journey and wanna learn more. Go to ThisNakedMindpodcast.com to learn more. Again, that’s ThisNakedMindpodcast.com. We have all of our free resources, programs,  social links, and more available for you there. Plus, if you have your own Naked Life Story, you can submit it there as well. Until next week, stay curious.

    • 35分
    EP 706: Reader’s Question - Healing Emotional Pain Without Alcohol

    EP 706: Reader’s Question - Healing Emotional Pain Without Alcohol

    Does it feel like every hurt from the past still drives you to drink today? You try to relax, have fun, and fit in, but that glass of wine keeps calling your name, especially when anger or sadness bubble up.  Maybe you've even tried therapy, but the pain lingers, and the urge to drink persists.  In this episode, Annie Grace explores the three main reasons we drink, why traditional therapy might not be the answer, and offers a powerful message of hope for  healing emotional pain without alcohol. There's a way to break free and build a life you love, so listen in!
    Thank you so much for listening to this episode. If you’re ready to see how This Naked Mind can help you on your personal health and wellness journey and wanna learn more. Go to ThisNakedMindpodcast.com to learn more. Again, that’s ThisNakedMindpodcast.com. We have all of our free resources, programs,  social links, and more available for you there. Plus, if you have your own Naked Life Story, you can submit it there as well. Until next week, stay curious.

    • 11分
    EP 705: Naked Life Story - Colleen C.

    EP 705: Naked Life Story - Colleen C.

    What do commercial fishing and alcohol use have to do with each other? It turns out more than you ever expected! Today's guest, Colleen, spent years battling waves and hauling in catches, but her story goes way beyond tales of the sea. Colleen grappled with a complicated relationship with alcohol, fueled by the challenges of commercial fishing, personal traumas, the loss of a loved one, and unhealthy eating patterns. Astonishingly in her 60s, Colleen found the courage to confront these issues, embrace self-love, and even embark on a whole new career, all while leaving alcohol behind! Join us as Colleen shares her incredible journey and how The Path helped her find lasting change.
    Thank you so much for listening to this episode. If you’re ready to see how This Naked Mind can help you on your personal health and wellness journey and wanna learn more. Go to ThisNakedMindpodcast.com to learn more. Again, that’s ThisNakedMindpodcast.com. We have all of our free resources, programs,  social links, and more available for you there. Plus, if you have your own Naked Life Story, you can submit it there as well. Until next week, stay curious.

    • 36分





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