
Truth Traveller Adoption Arena Podcast

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Hello and thanks for joining us today. Simon Benn today's special guest discovered a major personal truth hidden in the guise of a teddy bear and his whole life erupted. Join us on today’s trip as we are also honoured to welcome the High Commissioner of South Africa Her excellency Tembi Tambo share what a Pioneering Spirit means to her at the start of the podcast. Anyone who has been adopted or fostered or encountered any kind of childhood family change knows how a hidden truth can easily unravel and questions such as Who am I? Where was I born? Who are you? Can suddenly Jump out at you and hit you in the face. This can make 'Truth Travelling' daunting - so what should you pack for your life journey? How do you deal with discovering new truths can could be painful?
Learn some great tips on truth travelling and prepared to be challenged and inspired too.
Our special guest on today's show is adoptee and adoption advocate the wonderful Simon Benn from Thriving Adoptees. Quite frankly – this show ROCKS!
Episode Timeline
0-13 minutes
My intro. Notes here - simply grab a cuppa and enjoy. The best way to travel is in comfort - ha!
We begin with the High Commissioners words and listen to show snippets.
I share thoughts about how we all have the capacity to be pioneers by simply starting with a decision in your hearts. I discuss the importance of being open to other people’s truths, being thankful and the challenge of learning from the freedom fighters who have gone before us and whose giant shoulders we all stand on!
Tambo Lenyoka by Lindiwe Mabuza
Simon tells his adoption story, work obsession and then having it all and loosing it, his quest to find inner peace and how he started talking and sharing about his adoption story to others.
We discuss the relationship between therapy, coaching and self-validation. 
Liz Ivory and Richard Wilkins
The Ministry of Inspiration
It’s not your fault, Elizabeth Ivory
The Voice of Knowledge, Don Miguel
Podcast recommendations
The High Performance Podcast, Rupert Spira
The Primal Wound, Thriving Adoptees. Great section with Simon Benn
Summing up and some questions you can ask yourself about your own life journey to you and or your family move on.
Thank you for reading this and listening.
Next Episode: Wednesday 16th February 2022
with Shefalie Chandra
Shefalie is Dual Heritage of Scottish mother and Indian father. Placed into the care of Dr Barnardos homes as baby. Long-term fostered. Had career in Army, and worked in a FE college as a...

Hello and thanks for joining us today. Simon Benn today's special guest discovered a major personal truth hidden in the guise of a teddy bear and his whole life erupted. Join us on today’s trip as we are also honoured to welcome the High Commissioner of South Africa Her excellency Tembi Tambo share what a Pioneering Spirit means to her at the start of the podcast. Anyone who has been adopted or fostered or encountered any kind of childhood family change knows how a hidden truth can easily unravel and questions such as Who am I? Where was I born? Who are you? Can suddenly Jump out at you and hit you in the face. This can make 'Truth Travelling' daunting - so what should you pack for your life journey? How do you deal with discovering new truths can could be painful?
Learn some great tips on truth travelling and prepared to be challenged and inspired too.
Our special guest on today's show is adoptee and adoption advocate the wonderful Simon Benn from Thriving Adoptees. Quite frankly – this show ROCKS!
Episode Timeline
0-13 minutes
My intro. Notes here - simply grab a cuppa and enjoy. The best way to travel is in comfort - ha!
We begin with the High Commissioners words and listen to show snippets.
I share thoughts about how we all have the capacity to be pioneers by simply starting with a decision in your hearts. I discuss the importance of being open to other people’s truths, being thankful and the challenge of learning from the freedom fighters who have gone before us and whose giant shoulders we all stand on!
Tambo Lenyoka by Lindiwe Mabuza
Simon tells his adoption story, work obsession and then having it all and loosing it, his quest to find inner peace and how he started talking and sharing about his adoption story to others.
We discuss the relationship between therapy, coaching and self-validation. 
Liz Ivory and Richard Wilkins
The Ministry of Inspiration
It’s not your fault, Elizabeth Ivory
The Voice of Knowledge, Don Miguel
Podcast recommendations
The High Performance Podcast, Rupert Spira
The Primal Wound, Thriving Adoptees. Great section with Simon Benn
Summing up and some questions you can ask yourself about your own life journey to you and or your family move on.
Thank you for reading this and listening.
Next Episode: Wednesday 16th February 2022
with Shefalie Chandra
Shefalie is Dual Heritage of Scottish mother and Indian father. Placed into the care of Dr Barnardos homes as baby. Long-term fostered. Had career in Army, and worked in a FE college as a...



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