Wedding Photography Passion with Fiona Elizabeth

Focused Professional

Fiona Elizabeth joins us to share her unexpected journey into wedding photography and the challenges she's faced along the way. Discover how Fiona balances the artistic and business aspects of her work and also helps others to do so through her Wedding Photographer Mentor programme. She is passionate about helping others to create successful wedding photography businesses, providing guidance and support drawn from her years of experience. 

Hear the stories behind her impactful personal projects, including a poignant photographic essay based on the struggles of those living in a refugee camp in Calais. Her time there clearly moved her deeply and left a lasting impact on her as an artist and as a person. She then takes us on the road to her Fellowship in fine art with her "Atrophy" project. Inspired by the housing crisis and the many houses left empty and falling into disrepair, Fiona created a series of images with models on location that was to become her successful Fellowship qualification panel. 

We also touch on the difficulties of imposter syndrome - even in the face of great success winning a category award in the Icon photography competition in Vegas and working as a judge at The Society of Photographers Convention. Fiona shares openly and honestly in this exclusive interview.  

Images © Fiona Elizabeth (used here with permission)

The Wedding Photography Mentor website

Fiona's Instagram

Sponsored by The Society of Photographers








